Valentine's Day Story

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Getting even and finding love.
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I haven't written a contest story in a number of years so I thought I'd give it a try. Thank you to my wonderful editor who prefers to remain anonymous. Also thanks to all my readers.


It will soon be Valentine's Day and I decided to finally get back at my so-called girlfriend and her friends.

I'll go back a few years and tell you about myself. My name is Henry. I was an only child with busy parents who put their professional life first. Dad was a lawyer and mom an executive secretary. We were somewhat wealthy and lived in a nice neighborhood. They were good parents in the sense that I got most anything I ever wanted, but while I was young, nannies raised me. Later I spent a lot of time with my grandparents.

I was never interested in sports or any other clubs or activities so my parents didn't have to go to practices, games, or events. The only thing I joined was the band when I was in middle school in hopes of making a few friends. I stuck with that through high school and had a lot of acquaintances but not any close friends. I take that back—I had one friend who lived down the street from me. Her name was Sara. We were the same age and talked together a lot. We treated each other like sister and brother.

I will admit that I was an exceptionally smart kid and even skipped a grade in middle school. I never studied and always received A's. Some kids thought I was weird, others thought of me as a geek and wimp because I wasn't interested in pulling tricks or stunts on other kids. They pulled lots of them on me though. And in gym class, I was almost always the last one chosen.

In high school, I thought I was making some new friends. The jocks asked me to be a manager on the football team. I later found out that all they wanted me to do was be a gofer, gather equipment, and pick up after the players. They acted like my friends but laughed at me behind my back. They were just using me. I stopped being the manager before the season ended.

I believed they were also using me to get to Sara. She was a knockout. I still talked to her a lot. Plus whenever she had problems with her school assignments, she would call me and I would go over to her house and help her. She was the one who told me that the team was using me. She still went out with a few of them and they told her what a wimp they thought I was. She was a cheerleader so she spent a lot of time together with the jocks.

One thing I liked to do was cook. I started watching videos and basic food shows on the internet. It was fun and I enjoyed it. Once I knew the basics, I started watching pastry and dessert videos and classes also. I really enjoyed making cookies and candies like chocolate covered caramels and nuts. Sometimes I asked Sara if she wanted to try things I made but she always said she had to watch her weight to stay a cheerleader.

After a while, I was pretty good at it. Mostly I made meals for my grandmother who lived in a senior apartment just a few blocks away. My grandfather had passed away a little over a year ago. With my parents always working, that meant I had to fend for myself. But it wasn't any fun to cook for just one so we set it up where I would cook dinner for the two of us a few times a week. I would cook it at my house, take it over to her, and spend a couple of hours with her. She would always brag to her friends what a good grandson I was.

In my senior year, Cheri, another cheerleader, asked if I would help her with her algebra. Needless to say, I was surprised but agreed to do it. She began telling me how much she liked me and liked being with me, but at school she was always hanging out with the jocks. Of course, I was smart enough to see through her. She knew my family was well off and probably thought she could play me along. I was still a guy though and figured I'd take advantage of the situation. I knew she was only a few months younger than me because it had been all over the school about what a great party her parents had for her when she turned eighteen.

She wouldn't do anything with me at school in front of her friends but I started playing around with her at her house. After helping her with her homework, I started kissing her. We eventually got into heavier things and I'll always remember the first time I came in her. She couldn't hide it if she wanted to. She couldn't believe she came so hard. From that day forward, we had sex regularly. She made me promise not to tell anyone about it though.

At school, I heard she was having sex with just about anyone who asked her. It somewhat pissed me off that she didn't want anyone to know we were sort of a couple. So since I knew she was using me, I just returned the favor. I got regular sex from her but never had to actually pay for a date.

Near the end of the school year, I asked her to the prom, but she told me Bill had already asked her. He was one of the football players and I knew she spent a lot of time with him. She didn't keep many things secret from her girlfriends and they didn't seem to care who heard them talking.

I asked Sara but she told me Don had asked her a while ago. That made me sad because I really liked her. It was my fault I waited so long.

"Henry, if I knew you wanted to take me I would have went with you. I'm so sorry. I thought you were going to ask Cheri."

"She's going with Bill."

"I'm really sorry. You're still my friend though, Henry."

I smiled at her. I couldn't be mad at her. I hadn't ever asked her out for a date.

So I didn't go to the prom. I just stayed home and made a big dinner for my grandmother and me. Graduation wasn't a big deal for me except that I could finally get away from all the jocks and their friends. And my parents were traveling, so only my grandmother was there to see me get my diploma.

Instead of going to college, I told my parents that I was going to become a chef. Needless to say, they weren't very happy and did their best to talk me out of it but I stuck to my guns. I had already applied to a cooking school. I guess they didn't think being a chef was a good enough job. They thought I should do something that made a lot of money like they did.

I talked with Sara and she said she was going to the local college to become a nurse. She would be going for two years to start. Cheri and most of her friends were all attending the local college as well. A lot of the football players ended up playing on the same team.

While I was attending cooking school, I got a job at one of the local restaurants helping in the kitchen. It was near the college. Most of the kids from my high school went there on weekends. Of course, if they saw me they would always throw a few digs my way. So I tried to avoid them whenever I could.

Cheri came in one day and wanted to start dating again. I went out with her a few times, mainly to get laid. I had no intention of starting a relationship with her. I played along with her for a few weeks until one day Sara stopped in to talk to me.

"Henry, I came in to tell you that Cheri's using you. She told some of her friends she went to the hospital to have a pregnancy test done. I think she wants to blame it on you. I guess her test came out negative but I want you to know what she's up to. She knows your family is wealthy and you're an only child. Please, just be careful."

She left before I could say anything. I'd had enough of Cheri's cheating anyway. I knew I couldn't keep seeing her just for sex. So I decided I wanted to get some kind of revenge on Cheri and her friends. It was funny, wasting all my time on Cheri for a piece of ass when I really cared for Sara.

One of the restaurants in town was throwing a large seafood bash on the Saturday before Valentine's Day. It was where I knew Cheri and her friends hung out. I was hoping I could surprise her and just show up when she was there with them. They still loved to embarrass me whenever they got the chance but I had a plan I hoped would change that.

The night before the dinner, I made a large batch of my chocolate covered candy. The only thing I added different was lots and lots of laxatives. I had bought whatever brands the store had. I knew the woman at the checkout was curious about why I needed so much of it but I just grinned. I also bought the largest heart shaped box they had and took all the candy out and replaced it with my homemade candy. Then I put a big red bow on it. I knew the candy looked great but I wasn't about to taste it.

I put on my best suit and headed for the restaurant. Cheri was sitting in a big round booth with four guys. She laughed at me when I came to the table. Two guys had their arms over her shoulders. I just looked at her sadly. Sara was there too but she didn't say anything.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Cheri."

One of the guys with her looked at me in a way like he thought I should be afraid of him. "What are you doing here, loser? Can't you see she's with us?"

"I just wanted Cheri to have this. I know she chose her friends over me."

Then I set the heart shaped box of candy on the table and left without saying another word. They were all laughing at me as I walked away. I stopped at the door and glanced back. They were helping Cheri open the box of chocolates. That made me smile. As I left the restaurant, Sara came running after me.

"Henry, please wait up."

"It was wrong for them to treat you like that. I heard them planning to make fun of you and you don't deserve it. I didn't tell you before because I know you've been having sex with Cheri and I guess it pissed me off."

"You were dating—"

"I know. I was sort of mixed up in high school. All the cheerleaders hung out with the jocks. They told me if I wanted to keep my cheering position I had to stick with them. After a while, I didn't question any of it."

"Sara, would you like to go out for dinner with me for Valentine's Day? We can find somewhere else. If you prefer you can stay here with your friends but I would suggest you don't eat any of those chocolates I gave Cheri. Don't ask why. Just take my word for it."

"I would love to go with you. I'm really sick of how they all act anyway. It's like they're still in high school and picking on anyone they think isn't good enough for them," Sara said.

"To be honest with you I knew Cheri was just playing with me. You're the only woman I ever cared for but I was afraid if I told you, you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore."

"Henry, you've always been my friend and I would love to celebrate Valentine's Day with you. I've waited for so long for you to ask me out, but you never did."

"By the way, I got you a box of candy also. It's not as big as Cheri's but I think you'll like them. I made them just for you."

When I handed it to her, she leaned over and kissed me for the first time ever. It was light and sweet and made us both smile. We found a small restaurant that wasn't busy and had a wonderful dinner. Sara told me about her job at the hospital and I told her about becoming a chef. I told her it was harder than I thought and there was more to learn than I ever imagined. But I had one goal and that was to become a chef.

It was late when we finally left the restaurant. Sara had her own apartment and she invited me in. We went in and she kissed me for the second time. I kissed her back with passion.

"Henry, do you want to make love to me?"

"Sara, I've wanted you my whole life."

We headed into the bedroom and I slowly undressed her. She took off my shirt as I slipped off my pants. I put on a condom as she got in the middle of the bed. I kissed her from head to toe. I gently sucked on her breasts and then moved down to her belly button. I kissed the fuzz below her belly button and went down her shaved mound to her pussy. I kissed and sucked it and used my tongue until she climaxed.

I then rubbed my condom-covered cock on her vaginal lips until she asked me to put it in. It was the best feeling in the world. I felt not just the sex but the love that comes with it. I used two condoms that night and we had breakfast in the morning. I made us both an omelet. After we ate, I left for the restaurant and she headed to the hospital. As soon as she got there, she called me.

"Henry, there are eight people from the college here being tested for food poisoning. They all ate at the seafood buffet last night. Cheri was one of them. I talked to her and she said everyone was eating the seafood and after about an hour, they began getting sick. She said they literally started shitting themselves. Most couldn't make it to the restroom."

"The restaurant closed down the buffet trying to figure out why everyone was getting sick. It seemed only the college kids and a couple of waiters were affected. The head waiter came out and asked about the box of chocolates you bought Cheri but they were all gone."

"I just bought the chocolates at the drug store."

"The doctor kept them overnight and most of them have been calling people to come and pick them up and to bring them more clothes. Most of them threw their clothes away. I'm glad we left there. By the way, Henry, will you be my boyfriend?"

Of course I said yes. We started dating regularly and Sara dropped her friends. Both of our lives greatly improved. Sara now comes with me to my grandma's for dinner whenever she can. Grandma loves her and asks me when I'm going to ask her to marry me.

One day I went to the hospital to have lunch with Sara. She was sitting there with the other nurses when I got there. I had planned to make this sweet speech about how much I loved her and wanted to be with her. Somehow, though, once I saw her, I forgot it all. She was sitting so I knelt in front of her with the ring in my hand.

"Sara, will you marry me?"

She looked stunned at first then shrieked. "Yes, Henry, I'll marry you."

We talked to her parents after she got done working that day and then my parents. Sara said she wanted to get married on Valentine's Day the following year. I smiled and just nodded my head.

My parents actually bought me the restaurant I was working in for a wedding present. It really surprised me since they had been against it when I had told them I wanted to be a chef. Maybe they saw how much I loved my job.

Sara's parents gave us tickets for a cruise for our honeymoon. She and our mom's spent a lot of time planning our wedding. I was happy with whatever Sara wanted to do. I just wanted her as my wife.

And for those wondering. No one was ever blamed for the disaster in the restaurant. As far as Cheri and her friends knew, the chocolates I gave her came from a store. And since they ate them all, no one could test them.

It's great when life comes together and you can be with your true love.

Happy Valentine's Day!

DG Hear

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

He cummed in Cheri but wore rubber for Sara?!?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Glad they ended up together, but I was still disappointed with Sarah's behavior. Being with the jocks in order to stay a cheerleader was really no excuse.

redboat7redboat7over 1 year ago

Great Story.. Loved it!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Sara is a very weak link and a total disappointment in this story. She prefers to give in to the threats from the other cheerleaders than stick with her real friend. That sure is VERY promising attitude for a solid relationship in her own family in the future!!!

Henry isn't much better; thank God he has a dick to think for him, first with Cheri and then with Sara. The two main characters are VERY weak and the main feature is the rush of shitting patients all coming to the hospital at the same time. Thank God there are lots of loose end in this story and there is no epilogue to stretch it even more.



francemanfrancemanabout 2 years ago

good story.

I am reading all your writings, and this one changes a lot compared to your previous stories.

You very often have the habit of making the guy a serial fucker and the best lover in the world, and the girl an almost holy virgin with no experience.

Here, there are only 2 young adults who love and find each other.

There is no guy in heat, no super lover, no holy slut, in short, real realism.

Sara and Henry look a lot like real people, seem a lot more authentic.

And it's refreshing.

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