
Stories by voluptuary_manque

A Christmas Party to end all Christmas parties.

4.37 38.3k 25 3 32

What happened on Sylvan stays on Sylvan.

H 4.51 13.2k 7 12
by voluptuary_manque
First Time& more 09/22/2022
80.3k 14 9 22

Civic Duty.

4.29 24.9k 4 5 7

What did happen on Sylvan?

4.48 14.9k 9 1 16

In the memory of Vincent Price.

4.22 32.5k 5 10 6

She found herself an object of desire.

by voluptuary_manque
Anal 08/31/2013
4.46 70.2k 28 2 36

Clothed Parents, Naked Offspring.

4.31 74.2k 19 2 31

Kids showing off . . . reluctantly!

by voluptuary_manque
BDSM 11/13/2012
4.18 41.2k 13 6 16

Is one life enough or do you need a secret one, too?

3.98 14.9k 3 2 5

An Apprenticeship Program.

by voluptuary_manque
BDSM 07/12/2012
4.25 32.5k 3 1 10

What does it take to climb the company ladder?

4.46 37.1k 7 4 17
by voluptuary_manque
BDSM& more 10/24/2022
190.1k 41 11 45

Nature can be a Muthuh at times.

4.32 16.4k 8 6 10

Sauciness for the geese and a goosing for the ganders.

by voluptuary_manque
Anal 11/23/2010
4.13 58.1k 13 17

You never know when you've been Naughty!

3.95 20.6k 2 2

What do you do at a deer camp when you can't go anywhere?

4.3 93.1k 18 4 27

Such a delicious species . . .

4.3 39.5k 7 4 12

Things aren't always what they seem.

4.49 90.9k 12 11 21

How does a garden grow?

4.21 74.6k 12 11 20

There are stranger things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio . . .

4.49 26.6k 8 19 12

Kinky meets creepy.

3.94 73.7k 13 8 24

A silly little stroker.

4.34 70.5k 17 19 25

We get by with a little help from our friends.

4.49 24.3k 9 8 9

The gathering's novices advance.

3.97 40k 6 1 6

Consent requires everyone's.

4.36 90k 41 70 60

Tantric gathering gains a novice.

H 4.52 33.8k 9 7 15
by voluptuary_manque
Anal& more 09/22/2022
287.9k 41 8 53