A Good Girl Goes Bad


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And then we were embracing once more and I kissed him and he kissed me. Each successive kiss we shared seemed to get wilder and more desperate. Of course this crescendo was partly fired up by the reducing items of clothing separating our two bodies. As we made out with each other the only thing between our torsos was the cotton, lace and underwire of my bra.

We kissed like hungry animals. Tongues searched each other out. His teeth nipped at my bottom lip. Hands caressed each other's bodies. My sweaty palm took in the curve of his shoulder. His went for my hips and ass. Soon he was grabbing a bum cheek and I could feel his fingertips digging into the bare flesh that lay beyond the hem of my lace underwear.

We paused from the kiss and our breath blew hot on each other's cheeks.

'Ok, so I'm beginning to wonder,' Jason said, whispering breathlessly into my ear, 'perhaps I was wrong about you.'

'We'll see, won't we,' I panted back at him.

We kissed again. We couldn't help ourselves. I felt his hands on my bare skin and it was like an electric current coursing around my body. He clutched me around the waist and held me close and then brought both his hands up between us and grasped my breasts. I couldn't help it. I moaned desperately. Fuck it felt so good to have him grab me like that. We continued making out, his hands fondling at my breasts. I could feel his fingers over my bra. Fuck it felt good!

I don't know if other girls are the same as me about this but I find there's something incredible about feeling a guy's hands above your bra. The way the material feels under their fingers; it always makes me wet.

He was exploring my chest and I began to feel weak in his hands. It was a wonderful sensation but I knew I had to make it stop. This wasn't quite what I'd planned. After all, this was all about me proving to him what I could do, not the other way around. I wanted to be in control.

Now was the time, I thought to myself. This was it. I was going to show this man just what kind of a girl I really was.

And as I thought about what I was going to do I was aware of my pulse racing with the sheer thrill of my recklessness. Again and again during the course of that evening I'd surprised myself with my own daring. But it was worth it. Not only was I proving a point to Jason but I was also proving a point to myself. I wasn't totally incapable of indulging in wild behaviour if I felt like it. And besides, he was such a fucking hot guy.

I stepped back and dropped to my knees in front of him. My mind was decided. I was going to get to that cock of his and give him the most mind-blowing oral sex he'd ever had. Or at least that's what I hoped. If I was honest with myself I'd never been that good at giving head and I'd never been that keen on it either (the two are probably linked). So I would have been reasonably happy if I managed a half-decent blowjob.

Perhaps you're wondering why I wanted to suck his cock if I normally didn't enjoy giving oral. Well, given the situation it just seemed like the perfect way to proceed. What better way to demonstrate to a guy that you can be a crazy naughty girl than by taking his manhood in your mouth and pleasuring him? And at that moment I found I wanted nothing else, which is unusual for me. I couldn't deny it though. I had an inexplicable need to wrap my lips around his erect cock.

I was going for his jeans now. In my excitement to get at him I was hurrying ineffectively. My hands were all over the place. I managed to pop his button and my fingers scrabbled for his zip. Beneath my sweaty palms I could sense him growing. There seemed to be something monstrously large inside those trousers. I just couldn't wait to get at it.

After managing to pull down his zip I tugged on his jeans to get them down to his knees. Jason wore black Calvin Klein boxers and whatever was inside them was growing rapidly, stretching the material of his underwear further and further.

I say 'whatever was inside them' like I'm an idiot but I hope you'll appreciate that I'm trying to be descriptive here. This is my attempt at being literary. Obviously I knew what was going to be in there. A penis. And a big fat one by the looks of things. But in that moment the way his boxers were being stretched further and further it was almost like there could have been something unearthly moving and growing inside them. His underwear was ballooning as though a separate living entity must have been responsible for it.

Anyway, I didn't hang about in finding out what was in there. And I wasn't disappointed. I pulled his Calvin Klein's down and out popped his massive schlong.

I don't know what else to call it. There are many words for a man's penis, each as imperfect as the next. But in that moment it seemed to me to be behaving like a massive schlong. So that's the term I'm using just for now. Perhaps it was the way it bounced in front of me several times having been sprung from its confinement inside those boxer shorts. And now it was free. Out in the open. Ready for me to play with.

At first he was hard in a rubbery sort of way but he continued to swell and firm up in front of me. It was an amazing sight to be honest. I hadn't seen all that many erections in my time really - certainly not as many as most girls my age I don't think - and I could hardly believe what I was seeing. He already seemed enormous but he was just getting bigger and bigger all the time as the blood pumped into his erection.

Now I know what you might be thinking at this point. You might be thinking 'oh how stereotypical - it's a black man and so obviously he's got a huge dick.' Well, you're right. It is a stereotype. But some stereotypes are born out of factual reality. I'm pretty sure it's genuinely known that on average black guys tend to have bigger dicks. In fact I know it to be true. I googled it once. People actually do research on this stuff. In any case, I certainly wasn't complaining when Jason lived up to the stereotype.

If I'm being honest, I think I'd always wanted to experience a guy who was well-endowed. I suppose knowing that black men often have the biggest tools in their locker must at least in part have explained why I had a soft spot for them. Perhaps it was because I'd previously been with guys who were at best average in size (Colin was certainly on the smaller side). Not that it always matters. Size isn't everything, as many girls will tell you. But I think I just wanted to experience a big fat cock once in my life, to know what it would feel like inside me, at least once anyway.

Now I'm going to try to convey my amazement at Jason's size but I'm not sure I can do it justice. You see you'll have to bear in mind that I hadn't any prior experience of a guy who was remotely this big. Also, I'm pretty sure that Jason must have been enormous even for a black man. I mean he was completely massive. I wasn't just amazed at him. I was overwhelmed. In fact, I wasn't just overwhelmed. I was intimidated.

Yes. That's the word. He was intimidating. I just remember seeing his outrageously sized dick hanging there in front of me and thinking 'fuck... now how on earth are we going to do this?'

Jason's erection was long. Very long. But that wasn't the thing that struck me most. What struck me the most was how fat he was. The girth of the thing was extraordinary. I didn't realise they made penises like that.

I guess I must have been staring at him in stunned silence for some time. I was on my knees and his gigantic erection was hovering in front of my face. I can remember mouthing the word 'fuck' to myself several times over under my breath.

When I came to my senses I glanced up at Jason's face and saw he was smirking at me. He obviously knew he was doing well for himself in this department. It was clear I was impressed. Jason was, without doubt, very pleased with himself. However, I don't think even with all his arrogance he could have realised quite how impressed I was by his size and his girth. I tried not to look scared. But he was scary. Quite frankly, I wasn't sure how he'd fit inside any part of me.

But I knew I was going to try. I knew damn well I would try.

'Impressed?' he said.

Fuck me that guy was cocky. At first I'd found his confidence attractive then as the evening wore on I'd found him increasingly aggravating. But we'd come full circle. Right now, I found his arrogance undeniably arousing. Jason had a massive penis and he knew it. There wasn't anything wrong with that. He had every right to be feeling cocky.

'What do you think?' I answered.

'You sure look impressed,' he said.

'Hmm, I've seen bigger,' I remarked.

'Is that so?' Jason didn't even need the sarcastic tone to show me he'd seen through my lie. The way he raised one eyebrow and smirked down at me told me everything.

He seemed to see through me so easily. It wasn't fair. There aren't many guys who can read a girl that well but when they do it takes away any advantage you might have.

There was one point on which he'd misread me though. I wasn't such a good little girl after all. He was about to find that out.

I began by taking his shaft in my right hand and I heard with some degree of satisfaction the sharp intake of breath as my warm fingers enclosed him. Slowly, back and forth, I stroked him and I was rewarded with a soft groan that came rumbling from somewhere deep inside of him. Feeling encouraged, I held him still and approached his cock with my face.

My pulse rate must have been through the roof with the anticipation of what I was about to attempt. It had been ages since I'd given a blowjob. In fact you could probably have counted the number of blowjobs I'd given on the fingers of one hand (and that's a roundabout way of me saying I've given five blowjobs in the past - I told you I wasn't very experienced.) Besides, I'd never before attempted one on a guy so big. I didn't think I was very good at it even with normal sized guys. How was I going to be able to do this when I already felt so breathless?

Somehow having to face up to what felt like a particularly enormous task was exciting me. I had that sort of tingling of fear that you get at the start of a rollercoaster ride. If I pulled this off I wasn't only demonstrating to Jason that I could be bad, I was also proving something to myself. So in spite of my nerves, this wasn't the time for hesitation.

My lips parted slightly and I kissed the bulging tip of his erection. (I've always thought that a man's dick tastes a bit like the sea - just thought I'd mention that here.) I gave him a few more strokes with my hand and then held him steady again and took the first few centimetres into my mouth, sucking gently. Jason groaned. I swirled my tongue around and he groaned again. He seemed to like that particular sensation.

'You know, I'm beginning to think I misjudged you,' he said and it pleased me to hear his voice strained with pleasure. Even more pleasing were the words he uttered. It wasn't much of a concession but the implication that he was beginning to think he could have been wrong about me meant the world to me. I tried not to let it show but I was smiling inside. Positively beaming in fact. I could hardly remember having ever before felt so chuffed with myself.

He'd thought I was well behaved. In fact he'd thought I was cherubic. But I wasn't. I was a saucy little minx.

Looking up at Jason with devilish eyes, I licked along the base of his shaft and swirled my tongue once more around his head. For a moment we'd caught each other's eyes and he'd seen the gleam of triumph in my expression but he soon looked away. I don't think he had it in him to hold my gaze for long. I'd shown him up. He'd called me a good little girl and now I was sucking his cock like any old slut. There was something helpless about his position, almost as if I'd embarrassed him. But it wasn't so bad being embarrassed if the consolation was a pretty young brunette on her knees in front of you giving you head. I didn't think that was such a bad deal anyway and I don't think Jason minded either.

I loved looking up to see how he was reacting to me. During those brief moments when he glanced down at me there was wonder in his eyes, as if he was still getting over the astonishment of what was occurring. But most of the time he looked away distractedly, his eyes turned up at the ceiling or perhaps gazing blankly into empty space, and there was this sort of pained grimace that he wore and I knew I was responsible for creating that expression on his face.

Then something happened that almost ruined everything. We both heard it: There were footsteps on the landing, just outside the door.

I almost choked on his dick. With an effort I had to stifle the urge to cough and splutter. I released him from my mouth and let go of him with my hand. We both held our breath in silence. We knew the door wasn't locked but I saw now that it was much worse than that. To my horror, I saw that the door wasn't even properly closed. I felt chilled to the core.

It must have been when Jason kicked the door shut that it hadn't properly fastened. To be honest we weren't paying much attention at that moment. It must have swung ajar just an inch or so. From my position I could see a slither of the hallway through the gap where the door was fractionally open. Thankfully we hadn't bothered turning the bedroom light on otherwise we'd have been discovered for sure. Nonetheless I knew that if whoever was out there happened to look the right way they would surely see us.

And what would they see? They'd see me squatting back on my knees clad only in my lingerie. They'd see Jason stripped of his shirt, with his jeans and his boxers around his knees and his huge manhood going soft in front of me. The thought of it was too much. My life might as well be over.

The sigh of relief I breathed when I saw that whoever had come up the stairs had proceeded straight into the bathroom was beyond anything I can express.

Jason was the first to regain composure. He tiptoed over to the door and carefully fastened it shut. Then he pulled a nearby armchair slightly across so that it was barring any would-be intruders. If anyone should try the door they would be immediately suspicious that it had been blocked from within but I suppose it would at the very least give us some potential warning.

Jason might have been able to recover his poise but I remained in a panic-stricken state. He must have seen the look on my face.

'Not lost your nerve, have you?' he said, smirking.

At first I didn't know how to respond. I was still trying to pull myself together. I'd just seen my whole life flash before my eyes. But his provocative remark only forced me to steel myself.

'Well, that [I]was[/I] a close one,' I breathed.

'Yeah, it was,' he agreed.

'But it looks like you're the one who's gone soft,' I observed.

I was rather pleased with this comeback. Jason looked down at himself and saw what I was referring to. He managed a slightly awkward sounding chuckle. It was true though. I'd only just got started with him and now all my good work was undone.

'Nice one, Rachael,' he said, apparently conceding me that point. 'Although you're the one who's broken out in a cold sweat.'

I touched my forehead. He was right. Beads of sweat had collected there.

'Alright, we're equal then,' I said. Jason shrugged.

'Ok, equal,' he agreed. 'I'm sure we can soon sort it out though,' he remarked, once again glancing down at his semi-hard penis.

'I'm sure we can,' I agreed and surprised even myself with the flirtatious note that had come into my voice. Not for the first time I had the sensation that I was speaking with the voice of another person.

'If you haven't lost your nerve that is,' said Jason.

'Or you, yours,' I responded.

He raised an eyebrow at me as if to say [I]do you really think that's likely[/I]?

Taking advantage of the slight break in activities Jason proceeded to take off his shoes and socks and pull his trousers and boxers off his legs. When he stood up straight he was completely naked and the sight of him was wonderful. It almost made me forget the previous horrifying predicament. In any case, it looked as if we'd escaped because just then we heard the bathroom door close and the offending footsteps passed by and descended the stairs.

All was quiet again. We'd got away with it. I breathed another sigh of relief.

Funnily enough, once the threat of discovery had passed, I realised almost instantly that the danger only added to the eroticism of the whole situation. Just imagine if that unknown person who'd gone upstairs to use the bathroom had noticed something on the way? What if they'd pushed open the door to Simon and Shirley's bedroom and found us inside in our various states of undress with me on my knees and Jason's cock in my mouth? I would have looked a right slut. Yet the thought of it was no longer quite so horrifying. In fact it was arousing. The threat of being caught in the act - had I discovered a new sexual kink?

'Imagine what we'd have looked like if they'd walked in on us,' I said feeling the need to share what had passed through my head. Jason let out a sort of whistle.

'Yeah, it would have been a fucking eye full alright.'

'Kinda hot, if you think about it,' I remarked.

Jason laughed. 'You didn't look like you felt so hot about it a few moments ago,' he said.

'Don't get me wrong,' I said. 'I'm glad we weren't seen.'


I paused thoughtfully and licked my lips. 'It's just the idea of it,' I said.

'Hmm,' Jason murmured. 'I underestimated you, I think.'

I loved hearing him say things like this. Every time he admitted that he'd got me wrong I just felt more and more spurred on to make the point even more resoundingly. Without even realising what he was doing he was encouraging me to become naughtier and naughtier. He was unleashing my wild side.

Or perhaps he did know what he was doing. Perhaps this was all a calculated ruse to get me to let down my defences. And it was working. I didn't think it likely but the thought had occurred to me that this might have been what Jason had in mind all along.

But I believed him when he told me he'd underestimated me. And I intended to show him just how great an underestimation that had been.

Feeling empowered, I fixed Jason's gaze with mine and reached one hand behind my back and unclipped my bra.

'You have no idea,' I said.

I spoke these words very slowly and very suggestively. At the same time I slipped the straps off my shoulders, holding my bra against myself for a moment, teasing him before the big reveal. He was rapt. I let go and the insignificant item of clothing fell to the floor by my knees. But my eyes hadn't left Jason's. I was watching for his reaction. He was mesmerised.

'Come on then, Jason,' I said. 'I want to get my lips around that big juicy cock of yours again.'

I almost laughed at myself. These words sounded like nothing I'd ever said before and yet I loved the fact that it was me who was saying them. I was behaving like a right little tart and I was having the time of my life doing so.

'Fuck yeah,' said Jason. 'Now we're talking.'

Now I know what some of you might be thinking at this point, especially the male readers. You're thinking, hang on a minute - you haven't told us anything about your tits.

I think I'm correct in guessing that most guys expect a detailed description at this point. I've read enough male-authored erotica to appreciate this. Although I try to please my readers in most things I'm afraid I'm not going to comply on this point. You'll just have to fill in the blanks with your imagination. You see, I already feel self-conscious enough as it is writing about this experience of mine and there are some things that I find simply lie beyond my capacity to share.