A Good Girl Goes Bad


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'You know, you look so fucking hot when you cum,' he said.

I wanted to answer him but I felt too weak to find my voice. My body was still rocking from the intense pleasure and my breathing was ragged. I inhaled, swallowed and when I spoke it was with a voice that wasn't my own.

'I bet you do too,' I said.

'Do you want to find out?'

I didn't need to answer. In that moment I felt so desperate for his cum that it must have been written all over me.

Jason slipped his finger out of my pussy and positioned himself above me with a knee either side of my tummy. He was kneeling upright and his dick hung over my stomach, the tip pointing straight towards me. I grabbed it hungrily and started pumping, still tingling from afterglow of my own orgasm.

'Come on Jason, fucking cover me,' I encouraged him.

He didn't respond. I don't think he could even if he'd wanted to. His face was strained as if beset with agony.

I was working furiously but it didn't look like it would take long to achieve my goal. My hand was wetted by his precum as his breath came hissing through gritted teeth. Then his tone changed and he let out a guttural throaty noise. There was something animalistic about that sound. At the same time, the first spurt of his cum streaked across my chest. It landed in a line directly between my breasts and it felt so satisfying to have it there on my body.

I continued to pump. I wanted more. Jason groaned and the next jet of his spunk came more forcefully and splattered the underside of my chin.

Fuck. I felt like such a whore. I felt like a certified nymphomaniac. I'd always thought that girls who enjoyed being covered in cum must have been kind of crazy. Or just plain dirty. But then I'd never been in that position before where I wanted to be used like a slut. I'd never before wanted to feel so bad and naughty. Now that I did I realised that being covered by a man's load is the perfect tonic for such cravings.

Another burst of cum landed across my left boob. Jason was climaxing powerfully but my aim was slightly off and so he'd missed my face and instead partly splattered the bedclothes.

I tried to straighten up my technique. I wanted it on me. Not anywhere else. I was greedy for it. But it's not easy getting your aim just so when you're jerking off a guy from the position I was in - lying on your back beneath him.

The next spurt hit me in the right boob. I'd over-corrected and once again some of it went onto the bed. But I wasn't worrying. I just loved the feeling of his jizz covering my tits. And especially so when it streaked right over the top of my nipple.

Jason was still going and this next time I had him lined up. His cum blast hit me perfectly on my lips and chin. I giggled.

It was a sound I'd never normally make. I'm not the giggling type. Not during sex. Not any time. It had come out of me completely involuntarily.

His climax started subsiding and the next load of cum spilled out onto my tummy. Quickly, I readjusted my position and slid down between his legs. I had to get at least some of his semen in my mouth.

I opened my lips and continued to stroke him vigorously and was rewarded as I felt his hot fluid cover my tongue. I swallowed, tasting salt and chlorine.

My mouth hungrily enveloped him and I sucked, teasing out the last of his cum. I felt one last dribble coat my tongue. With my hand, I stroked him slowly, just seeing if there was anything left to milk out. But there wasn't. I'd drained him dry.

When I knew he was done, I let go with my mouth and his dick came out with a pop. I licked my lips, tasting some more of his cum.

It was not a pleasant taste, nor was it unpleasant. Normally, I must be honest with you and say I don't really like the taste. But I certainly didn't mind it at that moment. Right then it was less about whether or not I liked the taste of him and more about the act of swallowing his spunk to show him what a cum-hungry slut I was.

'Fuck, that was good,' Jason sighed. 'You are full of surprises, aren't you?' he said.

'I told you.'

'Just fucking look at you,' he laughed. 'You're covered.'


I put my finger in a small pool of his cum that had gathered above my sternum. It was becoming stickier and less fluctuant as it dried and it was beginning to cake to my skin.

I glanced up at Jason almost guiltily. He was looking down at me, surveying the scene before him - my slender body covered in his semen - with a sense of triumph and satisfaction.

Funnily enough, now that the climax was over and I was returning to earth from the dizzying heights of orgasm and all the intoxicating madness that goes with it, I became acutely aware of my situation. There I was, lying sprawled out and covered in the spunk of a man I'd only just met that evening. Quite abruptly I felt dirty. I felt I'd been used.

I'd wanted to be a dirty little slut and that's precisely how I'd behaved. And that's precisely how I'd been used. Now I wondered at it all. How had I come to be in this predicament? I wondered if this was really what I'd wanted. The wave of guilt that threatened to suddenly descend on me was alarming.

I tried to shrug these feelings off however, realising that such reflections were part of the natural sobering that comes in the aftermath of an impulsive sexual encounter such as we'd just shared. In any case, only a few moments earlier I'd been desperate for this. Just because it was over and done with now I shouldn't change my mind about it all.

Suddenly I thought about Colin. I'd cheated. Poor Colin. I'd cheated on him. I'd cheated on him and he would surely be devastated if he found out. I could never tell him about this, could I?

I decided that I would deal with such thoughts at a later time. Instead I reminded myself why this had happened. I reminded myself of the events of the evening - Shirley and Aunt Camelia's badgering, the incessant fawning over my relationship with Colin, the excited congratulating over my supposedly impending nuptials. Then when I'd met Jason and he'd teased me cruelly. He'd known just where to dig his knife in. And it didn't help that he was so fucking gorgeous.

I'd done this to prove something to him. I'd done it to prove something to Shirley and Aunt Camelia. They shouldn't have been so smugly confident that I was going to be the good little girl and settle down into married life without so much as a whimper.

More than that though I'd done this to prove something to myself. I'd done it to prove I was capable of anything I felt like. I'd certainly managed that.

I pictured Shirley's face if she could have seen me just then, lying on her bed having engaged in such hedonism behind her darling son's back. The idea of it made me chuckle mischievously to myself and I no longer felt so bad about everything. Then I imagined how Sammy would react when she heard about this. If I was going to tell anybody what had happened it would be her. She'd be shocked, impressed and somehow proud of me all at once. It would be a great chat that's for sure.

Jason was looking at me in a peculiar manner.

'You alright?' he asked. I realised I was wearing a strangely dreamlike smile.

'Lost in my own thoughts,' I said.

Jason got up from the bed. I propped myself up onto my elbows to look at him.

'Not regretting your misdemeanours I hope?' he remarked, possibly guessing at some of the doubts that had passed through my mind. But I wasn't going to let him think I was having any misgivings. I still needed Jason to think of me as the bad girl he'd just witnessed.

'Actually, I was just imagining Shirley's face if she could see inside her bedroom right now,' I said.

Jason laughed.

'She'd have a surprise, that's for sure,' he said. He looked at me. 'Colin's perfect girlfriend - turns out she isn't quite such a good little girl after all.'

I laughed joyously at that. Jason had put into words exactly why all this had happened. I wasn't going to be the perfect girlfriend any more. I wasn't going to be the good girl all the time. What would happen next, I wasn't so sure about. But it didn't matter at this point.

Hearing Jason say this in such concrete terms served to reaffirm my sense of confidence in what had transpired. I'd been in control of everything. It'd happened because I'd wanted it to happen. It wasn't because I'd been taken advantage of. In fact I was taking advantage of Jason as much as he was of me. We were both availing ourselves of the pleasure we each could bring to the other. And what's more I'd fucking loved every moment of it.

'So then,' said Jason and there was a strange glint in his eyes, 'you've had the warm up act. Now do you want the real thing?'

I looked at Jason. My eyes travelled up and down his wonderful body. He was half soft but still massive. My mind started conjuring pictures.

'But of course,' I answered. I glanced across at the clock that was on the bedside table. It was 11:30pm. Jason seemed to read my mind.

'Perhaps it would be best to get ourselves out of here first' he said. 'We should go somewhere safe.'

'Best not to try our luck much longer,' I agreed.

And so we decided between us to leave the party and continue our escapades elsewhere. Jason suggested his apartment and this was fine by me.

Of course we weren't going to leave the Thompson's at the same time. Neither of us was keen to arouse suspicions. We decided Jason would go first after saying a quick goodbye to Simon. Then I would leave about ten minutes later once I'd said some rather awkward goodbyes to Shirley, Simon, Aunt Camelia and the like. I'd wait outside just around the corner where Jason could swing by and pick me up in his car.

I got up from the bed and gathered up my underwear as Jason also started putting his clothes back on. It felt somehow glamorous getting back into my lingerie, knowing that in a short while it would be stripped from my body once again. My pants, already wet from before, became wetter still from the cum juice of my pussy. And it felt especially sexy putting my bra on over breasts that were cum-stained from Jason's copious ejaculation. I felt like such a sensuous lady.

Out of curiosity, I inspected the bed. There had been some damp patches - one from me and my dripping pussy and a couple from Jason's jizz - but these were largely dried up and not too noticeably. I looked around and helpfully found a bottle of Shirley's perfume on the side. A few puffs sprayed over the bedclothes mostly covered up the smell of the sordid sex scene that had taken place there. Then I carefully straightened out the quilt. Jason, putting his shirt back on, surveyed the scene with approval.

'No one would ever know,' he said.

I certainly hoped not.

I threw my dress back on over my head and straightened out my hair and when we were both ready, Jason put an ear to the bedroom door.

'Can't hear anything,' he said.

He carefully moved the armchair back to its original position and slipped outside onto the hall landing.

'All clear,' he declared, poking his head back through the door. 'I'll go ahead first.' Then he disappeared.

I took one last look around the bedroom that had been the scene of my indulgences with Jason. Satisfied that there were no obvious signs of our activities, I slipped out and closed the door and went down the stairs.

On the hallway downstairs I saw Jason up ahead shaking hands with Simon. But my passage was temporarily blocked.

'Oh, there you are!'

My heart sank. It was Aunt Camelia.

'I was wondering where you'd got to,' she declared.

Now Aunt Camelia is quite an obstacle to have to negotiate, both in terms of her physical presence (she is very fat) and her persistent chatter. But I was determined to avoid getting tied up in too much conversation.

'Oh,' I stammered, 'I ... er ... I'd just gone out into the garden to get some air.'

'But we've just come from there,' Aunt Camelia replied.

'Oh, have you? I ... er ... I guess that was a little while ago then,' I said rather awkwardly.

There was something tickling at my neck. I put my fingers there and realised the crustiness I could feel was Jason's semen drying to my skin and I hoped desperately that it was not too obvious. The idea that Aunt Camelia would spot something and start asking questions was just unbearable. I'm not a great liar at the best of times.

'Never mind,' said Aunt Camelia. 'Shirley and I wanted to talk to you. It's about Colin.'

'I'm sorry, Aunt Camelia, but I've got to go,' I said. 'I'm just far too tired.'

'Oh dear, that is a shame,' she said and her face fell.

'Work was tough,' I said, using the first excuse that came to mind.

'They work you too hard in that job of yours,' said Aunt Camelia sympathetically. But she wasn't giving in that easily. 'Now, are you sure you can't spare a few more minutes, dear girl?'

'Sorry, Aunt Camelia. It's time I got going.'

'But Shirley has a great idea to get things moving along regarding Colin. You know, he can be a little bit slow that dear boy. We've got just the idea to prompt him into action, if you catch my meaning,' she gave me an exaggerated wink. 'We really wanted to tell you about it.'

I wondered if it would ever end. Part of me just wanted to put two fingers up to Aunt Camelia and tell her to piss off because I needed to go so I could fuck a big strapping black man. It would almost have been worth it to see her face. But I was content keeping this information secret.

It took me nearly twenty minutes in total to be free of the clutches of Aunt Camelia and Shirley, who inevitably appeared on the scene shortly afterwards. But I managed it eventually. I got to the front door where I said a much briefer goodbye to Colin's Dad and then slipped into my shoes and grabbed my coat and escaped.

Outside, the evening was becoming cooler. I knew I'd been longer than I promised Jason so I hurried on foot around the corner to the side street where we'd agreed to rendezvous.

An engine roared to life and from the end of the street a red sports car pulled out and raced towards me. The roof was down and Jason was in the driving seat.

'I thought you might never come,' he said, as he pulled to a stop in between the parked cars that lined the street.

'Yeah, sorry,' I said. 'I had a hard time getting away.'

'No worries.'

'Nice car,' I remarked.


He smiled, clearly pleased with himself. Jason was doing well in life and he knew it. He had the job, the lifestyle, the car and the girls. And right now, I was his girl.

Soon we were racing through the streets, surrounded by the city lights and the hustle and bustle of a Friday night in town. I couldn't help but laugh.

Now I've never cared much for cars but I have to admit that the drive back was a fuck load of fun. When we stopped at traffic lights Jason would rev the car impatiently and the engine would scream to be able to get back to work and have us on our way. Then the red would change through amber to green and off we'd go like a firework. It was the sort of sensation you get when taking off in an airplane - that sudden lurch through your back.

Jason drove a high speed. The wind kicked up into my face, whipping gloriously through my hair. I looked across at him in his sharp blazer and his white shirt. He was very much at home behind the wheel. There was a concentrated expression on his face but I could still detect the faint smile he wore. He obviously loved driving his car. And why not?

I'm going to mention something unusual at this point. Stories like this don't normally comment upon contraception. It's almost as if sex is a thing completely unrelated to pregnancy. Well, I'm a girl who knows that she doesn't want to get pregnant and since you can probably guess where things are heading you might as well know that I have the coil fitted. At least then the more sensible readers amongst you (probably the ladies, lets be honest) can rest easy that I'm not going to be getting knocked up if things proceed how we're all hoping they will.

In any case, the journey was over far too soon. It turned out Jason didn't live far away. He manoeuvred off the road and into an underground garage and parked up. Then we made our way over to the lift that would bring us up to his floor.

Jason's apartment was high up in a modern tower block. Huge windows offered an incredible view over the city. The interior was spacious and minimalist. It was swanky. There was no other way of putting it.

When we got inside we both kicked off our shoes and I slipped out of my coat. Jason offered me a drink. I asked for something stiff and he poured me an ice cold vodka.

'This is the real deal,' he said. 'Siberian.'

It went down smoother than I expected. I don't drink a great deal and I got a satisfying buzz from the hit. Jason poured me another one and we clinked our shot glasses together and drained them dry.

'Whew,' I said, feeling pleasantly fuzzy in the head.

'It's good, eh?'

'Not bad at all,' I agreed.

'A perfect aperitif to what I'm about to do to you,' Jason said.

I looked at him. I loved seeing that mischievous twinkle in his eye. For that night, I was his little indulgence. He wanted to have me. It made me feel so naughty to think about. He wanted me and I was the object of his desire. He wanted to take me and conquer me. I felt naughty, but I also felt kind of special.

I recalled all the unwanted attention I'd had to put up with from Shirley and Aunt Camelia as I'd tried to get away from the anniversary party and marvelled at the glorious escape I'd made into the arms of this handsome black man.

'You know, as I was trying to escape from Aunt Camelia earlier,' I said, 'I suddenly realised I still had your cum on my face and down my neck.'

Jason laughed.

'I hope she didn't notice,' I said. 'It's dry in any case so I don't think it was too obvious.'

'Don't worry,' said Jason. 'I doubt she'd have been able to tell what it was even if she did notice.'

I guffawed.

'Yeah, she probably just saw something on me but was too polite to comment,' I said.

The thought of Shirley or Aunt Camelia wondering what it was they could see on my face and not having a clue about it was somewhat intoxicating.

'I'd imagine so,' said Jason. 'It's an amusing thought really, isn't it?'

'Yes, it is.'

I touched the slightly itchy patch of skin on my neck where a particularly thick globule of sperm had dried to me.

'I think the two of them might have misjudged you.'

'Just like you did,' I pointed out.

'Perhaps,' he conceded.

'Anyway, you did completely cover me in it,' I said, recalling the scene to mind of Jason looming over me, his face contorted and his body jerking slightly to the rhythm of his penis as it pumped out its spunk all over me.

'Mmm, and you looked so good with it all over your body.'

I liked hearing him tell me that. I fucking loved it.

'I'm going to need to take a shower soon,' I said, 'I'm sweaty and covered in dry cum.'

'You can use mine,' Jason offered. 'As long as you don't mind sharing it with me.'

'Sounds good to me,' I said. 'In fact I was hoping you might say that.'

We caught each other's eye and we both knew we were not going to hold back any longer. We'd had enough of the small talk and it was time we were kissing and embracing.

Jason's hands ran smoothly over my dress as he caught hold of me. I loved the hungry way he explored my body. Again he went quickly to my ass and I felt him squeeze. Our lips searched each other out. We became lost in each other's arms, lost in each other's mouths.

Soon we were both undressing. I pulled my dress up over my head and stood in my underwear, watching him unbutton his shirt. He pulled it off himself and saw me looking at him and he looked back at me and we stood like that for a short while admiring each other's bodies.