Bob and Salley

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A story about a couple of nice people.
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My thanks to Randi for the invite.

Sally and Bob

I met Sally in my senior year in college. I was at a frat/sorority mixer when she walked in on the arm of Seth Miller. She was stunning and I promised myself I would meet her before the night was over.

I didn't care for Seth at all and he did not deserve the beauty that was on his arm. I kept my eye on the pair knowing something about Seth that maybe his date didn't know. If she had known she would never have come with him to a frat party.

He did just what I expected him to do and headed straight for the beer keg. Seth would pound down at least five beers in his first forty-five minutes and by the end of his fifth he would be shit faced. At that point I would ride to the stunning young lady's rescue.

About a half hour later the girl walked over to me and asked "Something funny about me?"


"The way you keep looking at me I can't help but think that there is something about me that might be funny. Spot on the back of my dress maybe?"

My philosophy is that when you are caught you own it so I said "Just trying to judge the point where I need to come to your rescue."

"I'm going to need rescuing?"

"Seth will be completely out of it within the next half hour or so and at that point some of my frat brothers will try and move in on you and I just want to be sure I beat them to the prize."

"No need to wait. Seth is my cousin and he brought me here tonight because I was curious to see what a frat house was like. Even though I'm a college graduate I've never been in a fraternity house. We can leave now if you would like. One thing though. My momma warned me about getting in a car with a strange man."

"Oh right; I'm Bob, Bob Dalton."

"And I'm Sally Weston. Now that we are no longer strangers we can go."

I drove us over to the Village Inn and over pie and coffee we got to know each other. She was twenty-one and had a degree in Business Management and had been job hunting when her father got promoted and had moved to this town. She wasn't having much luck trying to find something she wanted in the way of employment back home and so she had decided to move here with her parents and Seth had been showing her around.

She found out I was a twenty and a senior and was working on a degree in Business Management. That I had a job and was working part time and would be moving to full time when I had my degree. She also learned I had an apartment located midway between my job and the college. When she asked how I could afford an apartment being a student and only working part time. I told her that my parents had died in a plane crash and it was their life insurance that was paying for the apartment and my schooling.

Then she asked "So how long have you had this thing for older women?"


"Well you are younger than I am."

"Well then I'd guess I've had a thing for older women since I saw you walk into the frat house."

"Is your girlfriend going to be upset when she finds out that you are chasing after me?"

"Don't have a girlfriend."

"Why not?"

"Had one, but she dumped me."


"It is a little personal."

"All the more reason for me to know. Why should I start something with you if I'm going to have to dump you when I find out whatever it is that caused your girlfriend to dump you?"

"She left me for Sam Moore. Said he had a bigger dick than I did."

"Does he?"

"I saw him in the showers in high school and while he is fatter than me I'm longer than him."

"What are we talking here?"

"He is as big around as a twelve ounce Red Bull can, but he's only maybe six inches long."

"And you?"

"About as big around as a Ball Park frank, but I'm seven and a half inches long."

"So she went for girth instead of length?"

"I guess so."

"Silly girl. As far as I'm concerned length is always better."

"Is that an invitation?"

"Of course not. We are just getting to know each other. We may get to that level, but it won't be anytime soon."

"Okay. So I have a goal to strive for."


It took fourteen dates to reach that goal, but even before I got there I'd already decided that Sally was the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Our fourteenth date was dinner at my place and after we finished eating I took a knee and asked Sally to marry me and she accepted. Then she said:

"I think it is time" and she stood up and headed for my bedroom shedding clothes as she went. That caught me by surprise and by the time I got up and followed her into the bedroom she was already pushing her panties down and she said:

"I'll let you unfasten my bra."

I did it and then set a land speed record in getting out of my clothes. Neither of us were virgins so we both knew the mechanics of it pretty well.

Her's was the first shaven pussy I had ever seen so naturally the first thing I did was go down on her. She must have liked it because less than a minute into it she had her hands on my head and was trying to pull me inside her. I got her off and then I moved up and slid my cock into her snug pussy. She got off twice more before I got mine and when I fell to the bed beside her she rolled up on an elbow and looked at me as she said:

"If I had known how good you were at eating pussy we would have been doing this some time ago."

"Your fault. You could have asked."

"Will you do it now that I'm full of you?"

I just smiled, got up and went after it. She pulled me into a sixty-nine and it didn't take her all that long to get me ready to go again.

When it was over and we were snuggled up to each other I asked "Full blown wedding or a quickie at the court house?"

"I'll skip the full blown and go with a modified quickie."

"A modified quickie?"

"Wait until you graduate and then we will make a trip to the court house."

I wanted to get married right away, but Sally said no.

"By the time you graduate we will have been together long enough to be sure that marriage is really what we want. It is only two months and it won't kill you to wait that long."

The next day Sally moved in with me. She had a job working for her uncle (Seth's father) and we settled in to practice being a married couple.

A week after I graduated we got the "I do" part out of the way and then headed for Cabo for a ten day honeymoon. When we got home I started fulltime for the company I'd worked for part time all the way through school and we started saving money for the down payment on a house.


Three wonderful years went by (wonderful meaning we made love four and five times a week) and we finally had enough saved for a down payment on a house. We found a four bedroom we liked (we were planning on kids) bought it and moved in. We met the neighbors and pretty soon we were being invited to backyard barbeques and we started throwing a few of our own.

Frank, our neighbor to the south and Pete, our neighbor to the north invited me to join the neighborhood poker game. It was every Thursday and rotated between the players homes. It was strictly nickel, dime, quarter and no one was ever going to get wealthy playing and no one was ever going to lose big. All it was was a fun evening with the guys in the neighborhood.

The girls also had a card night, but it was on a Wednesday. They didn't play poker, but instead played canasta, gin rummy and hearts.

Sally and I occasionally stopped for drinks after work with coworkers. All in all we were your typical middle class couple moving through life.


Six months after moving into our house Sally told me she was pregnant. She had an easy pregnancy and presented me with an eight pound baby boy who we named Dexter after my grandfather who was my only living relative.

One year later Marvin joined us and then two years later she gave me twin daughters, Mavis and Maria, and at that point we decided that four was enough and I got the snip job.

Sally decided to be a stay at home mom and the loss of her income tightened things up for us some, but I was making enough to cover the bills, but it didn't leave us much in the way of disposable income.

The kids took spontaneous sex off the table, but sex in the bedroom at night after the kids were put to bed was still as good as always. Even after ten years and four kids we were still making love three and four times a week. Her period didn't even slow us down. Sally told me that was what anal sex was for.

Over all I would have to say that I had it made. A job that I liked and that paid well, a loving wife and four great kids. Who could ask for more?


I don't care how good your life is something bad is usually going to happen. In our case it was Sally's parents being killed when a semi driver had a heart attack, lost control of his rig and it crossed lanes and hit their car head on at sixty-five miles an hour. Their funeral was closed casket.

Sally, as their only child, was the beneficiary on their life insurance. The two policies were for 75 thousand, but both had double indemnity clauses so she received 150 thousand. She also inherited their four bedroom house on five acres just outside the city limits and it was paid for.

That led to some interesting talks. Do we take the free and clear house, sell our house and move out to the country or sell her parent's house and use some of the money to pay off our house? Either way the kids would still go to the same school. The only difference would be if we stayed where we were they could walk to school, but if they moved they would have to ride the school bus.

When Sally asked what I wanted to do I told her the decision was hers and hers alone. There wasn't any way I was going to be the one to decide what to do with HER inheritance. Sally finally based her decision on what would be the best for the kids. If we stayed in our neighborhood there were plenty of kids their own age to play with, but a move to the country would put them where the nearest playmates would be a mile or so away.

When she put her parent's house up for sale it started a bidding war. Several developers wanted to buy the place and turn it into a small sub-division. The developers started lobbying the county to rezone the property and while they were doing that they kept trying to get the property.

When the bidding reached eighty thousand above the original asking price I told Sally to take the bid and put an end to things.

"The county commissioners may decide not to rezone the property and then all the bids will be pulled. Grab what you can get while you can get it and get out."

She took my advice and two weeks later she closed on the property and a million and a half went into the kitty. We paid off our house and put a hundred thousand into a trust fund for each of the kids.

The next four years flew by and were perfect as far as I was concerned. Our love life was off the charts. We were still getting it on three and four times a week. Financially we had no worries although it did cause something weird where my job was concerned. Before Sally's family's misfortune set us up financially I busted my ass at work trying to earn promotions and the raises that went with them. I worked long hours, sometimes staying as late as seven or eight in the evening.

Once the house was paid off and we had a sizeable bank balance I slacked off and just went to work, put in my eight and went home. A month later I was promoted, but again all I did was put in my eight and go home and a year later I was promoted again. Makes you wonder some.


Then misfortune reared its ugly head again although it wasn't all that unexpected. My grandfather passed away. He was eighty-eight and had been having health problems for the last few years.

The kids took his loss hard. He had been the only grandfatherly figure they had for most of their lives and he had doted on them. A fact that was clearly shown in his will. Besides his house in town he owned a cabin on Lake Frederick and he took the kids out there every chance he got and they loved the place so he left it to them. Not to me, but specifically to them. He placed the cabin in a trust with the four of them as beneficiaries.

Everything else he left to me. Everything else being his life insurance, his house in town and two vintage Mustangs. One a 1965 rag top and the other a 1971 Boss 351. We had no use for his house so we put it on the market and it sold for 486 thousand. We put another 100 thousand in each of the kid's trust funds and bought money market certificates with the rest.

I wasn't a car guy so to me the Mustangs were just vehicles, but to some folks they were valuable so I had no trouble selling them and I was really surprised at how much I got for them.


One night as I was watching Monday Night Football (Denver Broncos and the Kansas City Chiefs if I remember right) I would occasionally glance over at Sally who was scrapbooking on the dining room table and think, for maybe the millionth time, how lucky I was to have been the one she decided to spend the rest of her life with.

She gave me four wonderful kids, she spoiled me rotten, and after twenty years we were still making love three or four times a week and at least half the time she was the one to start things. I could not imagine life without her and I hoped like hell I would never have to find out.

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26thNC26thNC22 days ago

Bob wrote this? It’s almost a Hallmark story, and I really enjoyed it.

green117green11723 days ago

A little bit meta, I think. Thought it was a bit about a journey, and so the misspelling in the title.

Hacking at the comments a bit -

Not autobiographical, if earlier writings are to be believed.

Four children is correct - please check such things before writing comments.

Fairly rough around the edges for Romantic - but then again, if Loving Wives is a meta comment about the story content, then this one could be a meta story about loving wives and families.



Storm113Storm11323 days ago

Nice! I really liked it! Are we sure JPB wrote this? It's up to his quality standards, but not his usual style. More like this, please and thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Really refreshing to see a 'feel good' story on LW. Nice job JPB, keep on writing!

Happily_Married87Happily_Married873 months ago

Great story of a long and great marriage! I really enjoyed reading it!

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