Dex and the Twins at College Ch. 13


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June noticed that gobs of cum clung to Alex's tits and she bent down and slurped the cum off, to Alex's delight. It was clear that Alexis was a pussy first, cock second kind of girl. That was fine with me. Many of the twin's friends were that way.

Julie was just beginning to move and from her back she said, "What did I miss?" June and Alex looked at each other and burst out laughing. Julie lifted her head to look at them and said, "What?" I joined the laughter. Julie had a confused look on her face as she dropped her head back to the bed.

After several minutes of recovery, we all got out of bed and went to my shower. It was close quarters with four people. Alex did most of the lathering up with her hands and she worked my cock as she stood up tall beside me to measure herself against my height again. She was at least six-foot three. I adored her bullet boobs. They stood out from her chest, tapering to points. The points were actually her erect nipples which followed the same contour as her breasts. The twins lathered her up and paid particular attention to those boobs. Any sex was with our hands and no one got off again, although my cock was succumbing to the sensations of three pairs of hands.

As we went into my bedroom, June came up beside me and whispered, "You owe me. I gave up my blowjob to Alex, and Julie got that," as she pointed at my semi-erect cock. "I didn't get any of you."

I whispered back, "It's a deal, but weren't you surprised at Alex's skills with her blow job?"

June giggled and nodded her head and said, "I was, after I saw how tentatively she started her hand job in the hot tub. I figured this would be a total training session." I chuckled and we retrieved our clothes and got dressed.

After Alex got a few laughs as she proclaimed that she would be walking funny tomorrow and a promise from me that we could do this again sometime soon, she left. I heard her car start. The fan-belt squealed like a banshee as she backed out of the driveway. I asked what year was Alex in because she had a car. She couldn't be in the twin's class. June thought she was a sophomore but she could have been a Junior like me. She didn't look that old to me but it didn't matter.

The girls and I went out to dinner that night. The cupboards were bare. We went into town to a new restaurant that was getting rave reviews from the college kids. The décor was nice. Soft music played in the background. White linen tablecloths covered the tables and went all the way to the floor. When we were seated, the waitress came right over. To my surprise, it was Adrien from the diner who got into the spat with Reece and Sylvia. She wore a new name tag and her big tits strained against the buttons of her white shirt, the same as they did in her diner uniform. She must have been as surprised as I was. She recovered quickly and started in the same way she had with Sylvia and Reece.

She looked at June and then Julie and then me and said, "Have you got a machine at home that churns out gorgeous women all day?"

I chuckled and said, "I wish." She smiled and looked past the edge of the table to my lap to see if the twin's feet were in my crotch like Reece's and Sylvia's feet were that day in the diner. They weren't, but with the long linen table cloth, it was impossible to tell.

Adrien started in on the twins, "So, what do you two see in this guy anyway. He's not particularly handsome. As beautiful as you two are, you could do so much better."

June and Julie looked at each other. I could tell they were doing their silent communication thing and Julie deferred to June to respond. She looked up at Adrien and held her open fingers about a foot apart and said, "Huge cock. I mean huge." June's response caught Adrien by surprise and she didn't know what to say to that. Her eyes flickered back and forth from June to Julie, who were both just smiling and nodding at her. Julie lifted one hand with her fingers curled in a circle with an inch or more of open air between her thumb and fingers. She lifted her hand to her face and shoved her tongue into her cheek several times coordinated with her curled fingers moving toward and away from her lips.

Adrien's face was getting flushed. My guess is that it was from being put in her place by the twin's responses to her rude comments. It could have been from sexual arousal though. She looked to me and said, "Can I take your order."

We hadn't even had a chance to look at the menus in front of us. I picked up my menu and said, "It's our first time here. Can you give us a minute?"

She grinned at me and said, "Of course. Take your time. I'll be back in a few minutes." She left, but not before she took another look at my crotch. I revised my guess to sexual arousal being the cause of her pink, flushed face, neck and chest.

The twins followed her departure and giggled as they picked up their menus. Julie examined hers and said, "Nice tits but she needs an attitude adjustment."

June giggled and as she looked at her menu, she said, "I'll bet you ten bucks that she's back in the lady's room right now jerking herself off. She looked like she would burst into flames."

We put down our menus and waited for Adrien to return. In the meantime, I explained the details of my previous encounter with Adrien. I cut off the story when Adrien walked up to our table with a big smile on her face. Her nipples were on high-beam pushing against her tight shirt. Julie looked at me and whispered, "Attitude adjustment." I laughed as Julie giggled. Adrien didn't get the joke and she set herself to take our order.

We ordered and then Julie ordered a bottle of Pino Grigio. It was kind of a joke because none of us were of age. Adrien smiled at Julie and wrote the wine order down. I was shocked when a guy showed up at the table with a bottle of wine and he made a big show of presenting the bottle to me for my inspection. I confirmed the name on the bottle. It meant nothing to me, but I nodded. He pulled the cork and poured a small amount in my glass and pulled the bottle back. I'd seen this ritual on TV and in movies. I lifted the glass and swirled it around, sniffed the aroma and took a small sip. I had no idea what I was doing and I was a little embarrassed as the twins just grinned at me. I nodded and set my glass down on the table. The guy poured three half-full glasses and set the wine on the table and disappeared with a bow.

I watched him go and when I realized that the twins were gawking at me, I shrugged my shoulders and said, "What?" They burst out laughing which brought attention from others seated across the room. The tables closest to us were all vacant. I assumed we were too early for the rush hour.

The twins started talking about Alexis. Julie was saying how Alex had told her as she was leaving, how much she liked me and how gently you had treated her. She hopes that you call her sometime to hookup. June just smiled as she analyzed my reaction. I liked Alex and her height was intriguing as were her bullet boobs, but I was trying not to get encumbered in a relationship. Reece would be coming back in a couple of months and I was wrestling with what to do with her. If she wanted to continue our brief relationship from the end of last summer, I had to figure out what my reaction would be. I was on the opposite edges of complete sexual freedom and a full-time relationship. There might be something in the middle though.

June sat across from me with Julie beside me. As we waited for our food, June kicked off a shoe and she had her bare foot in my crotch. She giggled at my efforts to remain unaffected by her foot. She was trying to duplicate the story I had just told them about the first time I had encountered Adrien. I could feel the heat building in my face as my erection grew. With the long linen tablecloths, it was easy to make adjustments in my pants and my final adjustment was to unzip my pants and let my hard cock out. June really went to work when she realized that her bare foot was rubbing on bare cock.

Adrien delivered our food and asked if we would like ground parmesan cheese on our pasta. We all nodded and Adrien went around the table with her cheese grater. When she got to me, she glanced down past the edge of the table. She couldn't miss the tent in the tablecloth with the movement of June's toes under the tent. She looked at June, who was grinning like a Cheshire cat at Adrien.

Adrien went on and on with the cheese grinder and I had to tell her, "that's enough". She stopped but just stood there, staring down at my lap. June made sure that Adrien was seeing her foot movements and I let out a soft groan and so did Adrien. She had sucked her lower lip to her teeth. I looked up at her and said, "Can we have three glasses of water, please." That broke her spell and she stepped back from the table and hurried away. Julie was sure she was heading back to the lady's room and we all laughed about that thought.

We ate our meals and mine was delicious. This was my new favorite restaurant. It was pricey, which would keep most of the college kids away. We finished the bottle of wine. It was obvious that the twins were a little more than buzzed and I was getting there. Adrien cleared the table and left dessert menus for each of us. When Adrien departed with a final load of dishes, June started looking around the restaurant. I wasn't totally surprised as she slid out of her chair and lifted the long tablecloth over her head and disappeared under the table. I knew exactly where she was going and Julie grinned at me with the same knowledge.

I felt June grab my cock and a moment later she pushed her lips over the crown and I let out a groan as I involuntarily pitched forward in my chair. Julie giggled at my reaction. June lashed my cock with her tongue and worked my 'spot' until I was so hard it hurt. Adrien returned in the middle of June's blow job and asked if we would like dessert. To waste some time, Julie and I ordered tiramisu. Adrien noted June's empty chair and said to Julie, "Would your sister like some something?"

June chose that moment to start slurping on my wet cock and intentionally bang her head on the table. Adrien had a horrified look on her face and Julie picked that moment to say, "My sister is already having her dessert, thank you." She grinned at Adrien who had recovered from her shock and decided to insert herself in the fray. She reached down to my lap and lifted the tablecloth to see June deep throating my cock. As June looked up at Adrien she slowly pulled back and Adrien's eyes went wider and wider as she saw the full dimensions of my cock emerging from June's lips. June spit saliva on my cock and grinned at Adrien as she pushed her lips back down to my pubic hair. Adrien groaned hard as she watched June drop down the length of my shaft. She was biting her lower lip again. Adrien looked at a grinning Julie with a look that could only be described as pleading. She didn't even glance at my face. She wasn't looking for my permission, she was pleading for permission from Julie and June.

June pulled back off my cock and grinned at Adrien as she continued to hold up the tablecloth. June aimed my cock at Adrien as if to offer it to her. Julie just grinned at her and nodded once.

Adrien dropped the tablecloth back in place and in a deep, guttural voice, said, "Lady's room, handicap stall, two minutes?" Now she was talking to me. I understood. She wasn't about to suggest a hookup without getting permission from the girls I came in with. She got the permission and now her whole demeaner changed.

I smiled up at Adrien and said, "Give me five minutes to finish up here. Okay?"

Her eyes flitted between Julie and me and she whimpered out, "But?"

Julie grinned at her knowing her concern that if I came in June's mouth, I wouldn't be able to get it back up to satisfy Adrien in the lady's room. Julie said, "Don't worry. There will be plenty left for you. He takes care of our needs back to back all the time." Adrien grinned and started to leave. Julie stopped her and said, "He really loves big tits. Have your shirt and bra off when he gets there." Adrien grinned and looked down at her erect nipples pushing on her shirt. She nodded and left.

Julie spoke down to the table and said, "Finish him off June. He has an appointment in five minutes." We heard June giggle and then she started a vigorous blow job. I glanced around us to see if anyone was watching although at that moment, I couldn't have cared less. June modified her attack from knob-gobbling to throat fucking until I groaned out, UUNNGGG," and slid my hips forward on my chair to launch my load. June pulled back to the ridgeline and took all of my load as she swallowed loudly. Julie was laughing at our terrible attempts to keep quiet.

When June decided that I was done, she slurped out the post-cum from the 'eye' and then lashed my cock to clean it. She pulled back with a loud smack and struggled to get my hard cock into my pants. She started to zip me up but I fended her hands away and carefully did it myself.

June moved back up into her chair and Julie tapped her watch indicating it was time to go. I pushed my chair back and stood up just as a young lady delivered two tiramisus. I pulled out my belt and let my cock push up under it. June grinned and said, "I'll eat your dessert." I smiled and nodded as I headed for the rest rooms.

I passed by the men's room and listened at the lady's room door. It was quiet, so I pushed open the door and scanned the room. There were several stalls with walls down to the floor. The last stall was bigger and had a sign on it that read 'Handicapped'. The door was closed but not latched. I pushed it open and Adrien was sitting on the toilet completely naked. My cock pulsed in reaction to her nude body. Her boobs were even bigger than I imagined when unencumbered by her bra. Her nipples were slightly darker than her tits and were small compared to the size of her tits. She was fondling them when I pushed the door open.

I unzipped my pants and unbuckled my belt and let my cock flop out at her. Her eyes went wide and she mumbled, "Fuck." She pulled her eyes up to mine as if asking for permission from me this time. I nodded and let my pants fall to the floor. I kicked off my shoes and stepped out of my pants and kicked them off to the side. I closed the door and locked it before stepping up to her. She gripped my cock hard and I flexed my cock at her hand. Again, she mumbled, "Fuck."

Adrien looked up at my eyes and pushed her lips over the knob and started jerking me off with both hands. She pushed her lips on and off my knob as her two-fisted hand job changed to a one fisted hand job as she cupped my balls in her free hand. I didn't take my eyes off hers, as she looked up at me, until she steadily pushed her lips down my shaft, displacing her hand. I broke eye contact as my head fell back as I groaned hard at the ceiling. Adrien's skills were apparent. She gagged about three-quarters of the way down. She tried again and gagged again. She pulled off and hawked a wad of saliva into her hand and then ran that hand down my shaft.

She stroked my cock with both hands again and said, "Fuck me. Oh my ggawwdd, I want that monster in me now." Her words were a statement but there was a hint of a question in her delivery. She just stroked my cock with both hands until I nodded. She stood up and pressed her big tits to my shirt clad stomach with both hands gripping my cock. She maneuvered me around to sit down on the toilet. I went where she directed me. The moment my ass found the toilet seat, she was climbing her legs past my knees and sat down on my thighs. She pulled my cock down and let me pull her on to it. She shoved one hand to her mouth to squelch a loud groan and the words, "Oh my fucking gggawwwdddd."

Adrien began slamming her pussy on my cock. I did what I could to add to the action but it wasn't much, so I concentrated on flexing my cock as she pushed herself on. She began twisting her hips and tilting them from side to side as she threw her arms around my neck to give herself more leverage. I fondled her big tits and tweaked her nipples as she rode my cock.

After cumming in June's mouth only minutes ago, I wasn't close to a climax. Adrien was giving every indication that she was about to blow. Adrien loosened her grip on my neck and leaned back to face me, only to pull in again. She locked her lips on mine as she continued driving her sex on mine. When she broke our embrace, the look on her face told me she was moments away.

In anticipation of her orgasm, Adrien shoved a hand to her mouth again and her body tensed and she emitted another stifled scream as her body released and her pussy was clenching hard on my cock. Her face dove into my neck as she clung to me as she tried to keep her fucking motion going but she had turned spastic and any coordinated effort was gone. She was just bouncing around on my cock. I searched to see if my orgasm was anywhere on the horizon, with no luck.

When she started to recover, Adrien groaned out, "Oh fuck. I haven't had an orgasm like that in a while. Shit. What a glorious fuck that was." I smiled at her and she mashed her lips on mine again and searched for my tongue with hers.

The door to the lady's room opened and Julie walked down the bank of stalls and stood outside ours and said, "You guys have to finish up soon. Management is buzzing around because we're just sitting there taking up a table. They asked if we had seen our waitress. We played it dumb."

I said, "We'll be out in a minute." We listened for Julie to leave and the door to close. I said, "You'll have to come up with an excuse for being gone so long."

Adrien laughed and said, "No problem. I've got it covered. I'll just blow the manager after hours." She giggled and said, "I'm just kidding." I wasn't so sure.

Adrien pulled off a wad of toilet paper and wiped her pussy dry and then bent down and sucked my cock deep in her mouth and lashed her tongue around my semi-erection. She pulled off and said, "You didn't cum."

I said, "Don't worry about it. I've got two insatiable gorgeous ladies to take care of me." She grinned with a slight hint of jealousy and pulled her work clothes back on. I helped her with her bra and then grabbed my pants off the floor and pulled them on, being careful to zip up. I put on my shoes and we headed for the door.

Adrien checked herself in the mirror and then pulled open the door to see if anyone was around and then told me I could come. Adrien went to the kitchen and I went back to my table. June and Julie were staring at my crotch as I came in and sat down. Adrien brought the check and looked a bit sheepish as she handed it to me in a leather booklet. I handed her my credit card and moments later we were heading for the car.

I tossed the keys to June and climbed into the back seat with Julie. June said, "Did you give her a good tip?"

I said, "I gave her the whole thing." June giggled as she started the car. Julie was busily getting my pants down and as soon as she did, she climbed over my thighs and held up her skirt so I could see that she had discarded her panties at some point. She didn't waste any time sliding her sex onto mine. I pushed my hands up under her sweater and under her bra and tweaked her nipples. Julie groaned from the two-pronged attack. She lifted herself up with her thighs and let herself fall back down. When we started, my cock was semi-erect, but by the time Julie made one pass down my shaft, I was hard as a steel pipe.

Julie whispered, "Fuck. You're hard. Was she a good fuck?" I nodded and she went to work on me as if to prove that no one was as good a fuck as she was. I released her tits and grabbed her ass cheeks and drove her on and off my cock. In a short while, I could feel my balls churning. Julie was gasping for air and I could tell her thighs were getting tired as she started to slow down. Then she put her head down on my shoulder and groaned deeply as her orgasm crushed her. Her pussy clenched on my cock and that sensation pulled me over the top of my climax and I poured several powerful streams of cum into Julie's pussy. She groaned with each one as she tried to continue her fuck, but her movements were spastic and she couldn't muster a coordinated effort.