Falling Into Faerie

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She fell into his world and into his heart.
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Sarah felt the brush of fingertips against her forehead, cool and soothing, just before she opened her eyes. Leaf green eyes stared back into her dark blue ones. She saw creases form at the edge of the eyes then her gaze refocused to include the rest of his face as he drew back a little, smiling down at her.

"Ah, at last she awakes. Welcome back to the land of the living, oh visitor to our realm. It is many a day since a human has graced this kingdom with a visit."

Sarah stared up at the gorgeous male sitting beside her bed, regarding her warmly. Try as she might, she could not make sense of what he said or what she saw. This man looked like elves were described in books she'd read. Good Lord! His ears were even pointed, peaking out from the thick straight silver strands of hair that swept back from his high forehead and flowed down over his shoulders.

"What? Where am I?"

"You are in the realm of Faerie, in the kingdom of Nayum, and I am Nayum, at your service. What is your name?"

"My name is Sarah. How... how did I get here?"

A frown creased Nayum's brow. "Unfortunately, that I cannot tell you. You were found in a forest not far from the castle by my hunting party. We took you up and brought you here for healing. You have slept for two days straight. I had a party go back and search, but no sign was found of how you came to be here."

Nayum looked sheepish. "Forgive me for asking but... you are human, are you not?"

"Yes," Sarah replied.

"Ah, I thought so, but it has been so long since there was discourse between our worlds that many have begun to doubt that humans truly exist."

Sarah started to smile at the thought of humans being no more than a legend but winced instead. Her head still hurt abominably.

Nayum set a cool soothing hand over her forehead and the pain receded a little.

"We did not dare do much in the way of healing since we knew not what would be beneficial or detrimental to your kind."

"Well, I feel pretty much alright." She started to sit up but Nayum quickly put his hands on her shoulders.

"I do not think that would be wise."

The door opened and a feminine version of Nayum peeked into the room. "How is she doing?"

Nayum turned. "Ahhh, Lirael, come in. Come meetSarah. She will be staying with us for a while."

The pretty Elven maid walked in and Sarah saw she wore clothes much like her brothers; trousers and tunic in forest colors. Her hair was the same long silver and her eyes the same green but there was something more carefree about her face.

"Welcome, Sarah! We are so glad to have you with us! I just know it is going to be fascinating getting to know about your world."

Nayum smiled at the two women. He knew he could leave Sarah in good hands with his sister, others might be suspicious of a human but Lirael would take care of her, in any way necessary. He frowned. He really needed to put more time in practicing with the knife fighting at close quarters. Lirael was far better than he.

"I am afraid I should deal with some matters of state. I will leave you two ladies to get acquainted." He bowed slightly to each of the women and smiled warmly at Sarah. "I will come back later to check on you, Sarah."

As soon as he had left, Sarah attempted to sit up again. Smiling indulgently, Lirael helped her. "I will not stay long, you need your rest to recover. Whatever happened, you took a nasty bump to the head."

Sarah took a deep breath and leaned back against the pillows. She was just beginning to piece everything that had just been said into a cohesive narrative. "So, Nayum said this was his kingdom so that means he's the..."

Lirael nodded. "My brother is the king, and a good one too. Fair and kind but he does not back down when pressed for something unreasonable."

Sarah looked around a little apprehensively at the stone walls around her. "So, is this a castle?"

Lirael nodded but noted her companions odd look. "Have you never been in one before?"

"No, people don't really live in castles where I'm from. The people with a lot of money live in big houses that might seem a little bit like a castle, but no one has built a castle, that I know of, in a very long time."

Lirael grinned. "How marvelous! This is just the kind of thing I want to know about. Tell me all about your world!"


The two girls became almost inseparable over the next two weeks. Sarah told Lirael all about her home in the state of New York, in the land of the United States, and Lirael took Sarah farther and farther afield, showing her the land as Sarah felt more able.

Nayum joined them whenever he could, saying little but basking in the chatter of the two women. He found himself becoming very attached to Sarah. Her warmth and kindness spoke to his heart.

One day, toward the end of the second week, the three took a picnic out to a meadow. They lounged companionably and consumed the feast the cook had prepared for them to carry along. Lirael got up to look for a flower she wanted to show Sarah, leaving her alone with Nayum. The king looked down at Sarah lying on her back on the blanket they had brought with them.



"Stay with us until we can find a way to send you back to your world," he said. "In the castle. Let us make it your home."

"How long do you think it will take before they can send me home?"

He looked at her quickly then away. He was torn. He wanted her to be happy but he prayed she'd never leave. He'd simply have to find a way to make her happy here.

"Elves have been working on it for centuries and none have succeeded that I know of."

"I see, then I guess I should accept your offer." Sarah smiled up at him.

Nayum smiled and reached out a hand to lift a curl resting on her shoulder. "Your hair is so different, so deep and rich. There are strands of black and gold and brown." He saw Sarah shiver.

"Are you cold?" He jumped up and held out his hands to pull her to her feet. They were facing each other.

"No," she said.

At that moment, Lirael came bounding back. "I found it!"

The couple turned and exclaimed together over the flower Lirael had brought back as she looked from one to the other. She had a feeling she had just interrupted something significant. She resisted the urge to smirk or crow out loud. Things were going beautifully.


The days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months. The three spent a great deal of time together, but more and more, Lirael found excuses to leave Nayum alone with Sarah, watching the ember she had witnessed catch flame. She was perplexed though, neither seemed to realize the feelings the other held. Then, one night, things came to a head.

Lirael was walking with Sarah toward their bed chambers from the library late in the evening when they ran into Nayum, almost literally.

"I beg your pardon, ladies. I am afraid I have overindulged." He wobbled. Sarah reached out a hand to steady him. His eyes closed and he sucked in his breath as if in pain.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"I am... just embarrassed," he replied, pulling away and tottering down the hall to his room. He went through it and it closed then she heard a thud as if he'd fallen. She started forward but Lirael put a hand on her arm.

"Best to let him alone."

"Does he do this often?"

"Never." Lirael laughed. "You have frustrated him!"

"What? What do you mean?"

"Do you not understand? He is in love with you."

"Don't be silly. He's... a king."

"He is also a male and you are a female." Lirael rolled her eyes and started down the hall, shaking her head.

"Then I should leave, find somewhere else to live."

Lirael stopped and turned to face her. "Why? You love him too. Why not just admit it and get on with things?"

"But... he's a king. Surely he has to marry a princess. I'm not even a commoner in Faerie, I'm just a... human."

Lirael stared at her for a minute then burst out laughing.

"We do not do things that way here. He is a full grown king. He can do as he pleases when it comes to choosing a mate. His mother was a scullery maid. His father's mother was a queen and she married her head huntsman. You take love where you find it."

"But he never said a word to me."

"Of course not, king though he may be he is still a male one. He is afraid of being hurt. He thinks you want to leave and go home."

"So what do I do? I can't just walk up to him and say I love you, do you love me?

"Why not?"

Sarah's eyes got wide and her mouth opened but no sound came out.

"Okay, fine, then just start staring back at him when he looks your way and smile. Stare at him until hedoes look at you."


Sarah thought hard on what Lirael had told her and met Nayum at the breakfast table the next morning with a smile.

Nayum sighed internally. She was laughing at him. He had made a fool of himself the night before.

"Nayum, would you walk with me in the garden?"

Nayum looked up in surprise but nodded. He stood and offered her his arm as they walked out into the elaborate gardens. It was one of his favorite places, he had always been able to escape his troubles here.

"Lirael explained a few things to me last night," Sarah began.

"My sister? What did she have to say?" Nayum looked slightly alarmed. He felt the hair on the back of his neck raising. God! What mortifying things a sister could tell. He might just have to have her beheaded. At least bound and gagged.

Sarah turned stepped closer to him so they were face to face. He took a step back and she took a bigger step forward.

"Do you have a problem with me?" she challenged him, smiling.

"What? No! I... I must... go talk to someone." He turned away and she stepped around him, planting herself in front of him.

"I thought you were talking to me?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude." What was going on? She was acting so strange and standing much too close for his sanity. He could feel his blood rising up. One step and he'd be up against her.

They way she was looking at him made him.... hungry. He wanted to press his body to hers and kiss her.

She reached out and took his hand.

"I don't think I've told you how grateful I am for everything you've done for me."

Gratitude. He felt like spitting the word out. How he hated that word! God, he didn't want her gratitude. He wanted her!

She leaned in and kissed his cheek, brushing her lips slowly and gently against his cheek.

He just couldn't seem to help himself. Nayum turned and caught her lips with his. He was shocked at what he was doing but more shocked when he realized she wasn't pulling away. She was kissing him back. He heard her make a sound low in her throat. It was a sound of animal pleasure and it made him feel heavy and light at the same time. It was like his feet had weights pulling him down and he wanted to put his arms around her and sink. But the rest of his body was flying. Energy pulsed through his veins and his brain exploded.

"Mmph," she felt him dragging her down onto the ground. She landed with a bit of a thump in a tangle of limbs with him on top but she didn't mind.

From somewhere far away she heard laughter intruding then he pulled back and she realized it wasn't far away. Lirael was standing over them.

"Come now, you two. You have two perfectly good bedrooms, and you, my dear brother, are the king," she aimed a kick at her brother's leg.

He scrambled up and pulled Sarah up with him.

"My thanks, Lirael." He blushed and pulled Sarah down the path but as soon as they were around the next pillar he pushed her up against it with his body and kissed her again.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked, studying her face. "This is not just some misplaced attempt to thank me for your... gratitude?"

She reached up to press her lips to his then pulled back and looked into his eyes. "Doesn't feel like it to me," she said breathlessly. "I don't generally go rolling around on the ground with people out of gratitude. Wastes a lot of time. I've been grateful to a lot of people."

"Yes... yes I suppose it would." He pulled her down the path again and into the archway, up the stairs closest to his room. Thankfully, they didn't meet anyone else on the way.

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orion2bear2orion2bear2about 2 years ago

World building needs work.all 3 people existed in world without guards servants or common people

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Great start!

so far its a great start. The story line is solid but there are a lot of unanswered questions. there is really no relationship between any of the characters, no scenes describing how the King came to fall in love with Sarah. What does he like about Sarah, maybe the way she smiles or how when she is nervous she bites her lip...depth, description, and dialog is what makes a great story. If you remember the the D's you can never fail. Your dialog is great, very believable but the depth and description or lacking. Hope to read your next instalment soon, can't wait to see what happens next.

LunaEroticaMysticaLunaEroticaMysticaover 13 years ago
Noo, not a cliffhanger.

Magica, you MUST finish the story. Please? I want to know what delicious pleasures this fae-king has in store for his mortal love(r).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
love this story

you should make this story a very LONG story i love it so much it's so sweet as everyone else says and so different it has an air of innocence that is very refreshing..I think you might want to rethink it and add more LOTS more to it.. would love to read it as I am sure lots of people would..

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
YOU SO can not stop!

Its rare to find something so sweet! I like how this guy sounds and how there world sounds. Where rank really doesn't matter much. And love is a key component!

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