All Comments on 'Font of Fertility Ch. 07'

by BreakTheBar

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Wildman28Wildman28over 8 years ago
Loved it

I'm really glad that you're still writing the story I was getting a little nervous. Great work! A technical issue on the mobile app most of the story is not there not sure why that is.

LustKnightLustKnightover 8 years ago
Glad to see this continuing...

...hated the cliffhanger with Annalise, though! I really hoped that would be resolved before the "end of this arc" and the delay before new chapters. Aargh!

Looking forward to the next installment(s)!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I love this story! I was a bit surprised at how easily Stacey accepted that her brother was a sex mage with a magic dick!

I am also somewhat concerned for Annalise. I have a felling that Jerry will not be pleased.

I am looking forward to the next installment!

vascolovascoloover 8 years ago
Loved this chapter

While I usually don't like sex with more than 3 participants I must say I loved this chapter. I also really like how you do dirty talk, all your dialogue really, both during sex and not.

Can't wait for the next one!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Love the story...hope Jerry does something final to Annalise's dad.

Love the story so far. Like in Justin Thyme's series, I am almost reading more for the story than the sex at this point...almost. I like that you haven't gone to extremes and included Jerry's or Lauren's mothers in the harem. Even with the magical element to the story, leaving them out of it is more believable. I can, however, see having to adjust the memories of any parents who walk in on something they might, justifiably, object to.

I fervently hope that Jerry does something very final to Annalise's dad. I would love to see Jerry, in his capacity as a Seat, go all Ender Wiggin on him. Maybe not kill him final, but maybe give his magic to the younger daughter, and enslave him in an enchanted object like a genie, cursed for all time to serve only those he now sees as beneath him. I love Karma.

TJSkywindTJSkywindover 8 years ago
Nice entry

Pun intended. Or should that be entries?

Enjoying the tale. Hoping Analise gets help soon. Jeremiah may have to learn that making the edict may have to include enforcing it after the fact. Power often breeds a sense of entitlement; Analise's father has obviously gone off the deep end in that department.

Thank you for sharing! 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Just forget the story and write the sex scenes, the plot is just getting in the way of the sex.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

One of the best I have read here

Master_Of_LifeMaster_Of_Lifeover 8 years ago

I just kept waiting for Adama to notify our esteemed Seat that his proclamation has been broken... surely that cut counts as "violence," even if everything else technically wasn't....

Waiting for you to complete the entire FoF story before getting to read any more of it will surely mean many gloomy months for all of your readers; I can only hope that you will raise its priority moving forward.

Happy writing, and may the Muses smile upon you!

anonintexas1999anonintexas1999over 8 years ago
I'm very happy to see this continuing

Thank you for the warning that the next installments might be a while. Keep up the good work.

AbrazakAbrazakover 8 years ago

Excellent series so far. Looking forward to the next few chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Entrapped with anticipation!

The wait for this installment seemed like longer than it was. Much like anything greatly anticipated. I'm slightly disappointed there was no cliff hanging mention of maybe Adama's warning to Jerry about Analisse's predicament in the green house toward the end & the details of her mother buried (or what of her threatened sister, still have hope..), but excited all the more for leaving it out too. Please don't make us wait too long, I love your unique premise & storyline, it's so refreshing & the sex scenes are a definite bonus too!

asslvr80asslvr80over 8 years ago
Great story

I love how is story is progressing and how you connect each of the characters. Can't wait to read more.

garybluegaryblueover 8 years ago
Seriously, anon?

Forget the sex and just write the story. All that sex is getting in the way of the plot. ;-P

When the story line is good, as this is, avoid too much detail in the sex scenes. You've given the characters personalities, so set the scene and give enough direction for our own imaginations to create the visual.

Master_Of_LifeMaster_Of_Lifeover 8 years ago
Ignore garyblue

You're doing great; the plot and the "plot" are balanced just fine, especially since our protagonist relies on sex to power himself up. So long as you can keep the sex scenes varied and interesting, you should just keep on keeping on.

BreakTheBarBreakTheBarover 8 years agoAuthor
Couple Responses

Hey all,

Thanks so much for all thew support and comments. I really appreciate it.

@vascolo - Thanks so much. Dialogue has developed into one of my strengths, which I know a lot of writers struggle with, so it's nice to hear when people appreciate it. Hopefully I can transfer that skill to other parts of the story.

@Master_of_Life - You won't have to wait for the WHOLE thing to be finished, just the next story arc of approx. seven chapters. I have plenty of ideas for FoF moving forward.

On Sex and Plot: When I first began writing FoF Chapter 1, it was intended to be a vehicle for sex. I wanted to strike a balance between the 'stroke stories' on Lit and the plot-heavy ones that tended to be very sexy, but breezed through the sex a bit. Well, Jerry and Lauren quickly grew into more than that, but it's still my intent to deliver fun, hot sex scenes regularly, though maybe a little less dominantly as some of the past chapters. Good sex, the kind that really gets you going, is tied to the plot because that way you care about the characters. Random sex scenes that aren't "important" (such as in this chapter with Lauren in the car) will probably get a similar treatment so that I can focus on Plot and more intense and interesting sex in other places.

Thanks again all, and if you want to hear more of me waxing philosophic (about writing and erotica) every once in a while shoot me some private feedback with your email and a note saying you'd like to be on the mailing list. Outside of updates on my Lit work I occasionally update on my mainstream projects, what/why I write and other little tidbits.


AurimazAurimazover 8 years ago
Too much sex

Seriously, you made a very good start in a plot department, so naturally, now we're all waiting for a new enemy/chalenge/game or something else, but NOT SEX all over the place. Sex is already good, thank you. Just cut it in a half, add some more PLOT and we will be the happiest readers in a world.

AurimazAurimazover 8 years ago
The main problem in chapter 6 and 7

As I said, sex scenes are good, but when I keep in mind poor suffering fire-girl, as a reader, I just can't relax and enjoy everything else to the fullest. Basically, when I read about those fucking incestuous bunnies, I'm keeping in mind that EVERY SECOND they spend in a bed is the same time the poor fire-girl is suffering. In those moments I just keep thinking "okay, now stop fucking, figure somehow the problem and go fight an asshole daddy".

Basically, chapters 6 and 7 are too slow on a real action (not the sex-action though...). That and the lingering feeling of somebody's suffering is a nasty combination. I really hope you won't become a second George R.R. Martin. Really hate that bastard...

Master_Of_LifeMaster_Of_Lifeover 8 years ago

That dissonance is pretty off-putting, Aurimaz, but keeping in mind that our "bunnies" are completely unaware eliminates *most* of that mental problem while reading. After all, every second of every day, someone somewhere is hurting and/or dying -- and that has little impact on our happy moments because we simply don't know about it. Same basic principle here. So, until they know about it, our bunnies can have something of a pass for living their lives as if that problem doesn't exist.

-- Adama, though, probably deserves some blame for not informing her Seat that his proclamation has been broken.

AurimazAurimazover 8 years ago
* * *

Master of Life, I'm not blaming story characters for what they're doing. I'm just saying, the author has created a situation, where bad stuff is disturbing (cock-blocking?) the good stuff. Even if the disturbance is a minor one.

When I read a book of a really good author, usually I forget about author and live with story characters. When a story characters start acting out of their way or the development takes strange turn, I think about author - why he or she did it this way?

For example - this story is told from a first person (Jeremiah) perspective. There are no way Jeremiah himself could know about situation of Annalise. So HOW ON EARTH I, the reader, know about that?

I know, because the author made a mistake - he changed the first person perspective to look at Annalise's situation. The next logical question - why he did that? The brake from the first person perspective is already a big mistake - no sane publisher would allow that. There are some common rules about writing style - if you start with POW of someone, you finish with it. Now, I know some of Literotica writers who mix first person perspective with everything they can imagine, but that is an amateur level. There are some different storytelling styles who allow that, but it's not the case here.

I believe, BreakTheBar thought about making some suspense by showing us Annalise's situation. Well, he achieved that, along with negative side effects I mentioned before. If you look at the points every chapter received, you can see how the readers reacted at the story BEFORE the brake of POW and after it. So far the points telling me the story is still good, but the readers found something unpleasant. I just pinpointed the 'unpleasant' part.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Read this tree times, still waiting for the next chapter, hope its not its not to long in coming.

iknowwhatiknowwhatover 8 years ago

Don't mix tension and sex please. Throwing in a segment about a daughter getting tortured by her father in the middle of such a sexy story really kills the mood.

Aside from that, amazing work! Looking forward to next installment.

J_Reader_ComicsJ_Reader_Comicsover 8 years ago
Break of PoV to Multiple

Lots of authors do it actually. Especially in the fantasy genre. Tolkien with LotR, R.A. Salvatore with his Legends of Drizzt series, Christopher Poalini in his Eragon series, heck George Lucas did it in Star Wars. Yes, it breaks the sexual side of things, but I honestly think this series and more specifically this chapter had too much sex not enough development. Granted that is expected from an erotica site. However the changing of point of views is not a new technique for drawing tension, mystery, and ambiguity.

qwikguyqwikguyover 8 years ago
Good Work

I have enjoyed the story and look forward to the future chapters. I personally enjoy the story more than sex (well you know what I mean), but sex is the glue and how you put it all together is why I enjoy reading it.

I agree with the other commenter, there is a problem with the mobile reader version, it stopped in my case with chapter 7 at the point when Lauren had texted. "Coming over - Jay and Benji want to show us something. 15min." I would recommend asking our good webmaster to look into that glitch.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
The Storyline has become better than the sex

I agree, the yarn has taken a life of it's own with the sex as secondary to the plot.

Great twists with endless possibilities for the future with the imagination you have.

Looking forward to more, hopefully the plot continues to grow and continue for more than just what you have planned

Great Job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Just sigh.

I have been following this story from the beginning and have really enjoyed it so far. However I found this chapter to be very disappointing. The sex was wonderfully written but the cliffhanger from the last chapter and the fact that it's almost completely ignored in this one is frustrating. The author has created an awesome world filled with magic and a lore of its own but spends the entire chapter going on about the main character trying to bang his sister. The main character is supposed to be a magical judge of some sort with his own magic assistant who does not appear at all in this chapter. I spent the last third of this chapter waiting for her to show up and inform him of his proclamation having been broken and him to rush to the aid of the fire girl from the previous chapter but she doesn't. Instead we are given what I would call in any other circumstances filler. Nothing really happens in this chapter, one girl is added to the harem but it was obvious from the first chapter she would. Six pages to cover what could have been easily done in one while the plot is left untouched. Despite the fact this is on literotica, I really hope the next chapter focuses less on sex and more on world building.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Aren't you continuing this series?

It's fantastic! Please continue!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

i've binged through this series this last week, and I think it's my favorite. It's... I dunno. It's got that it factor. I like the story, cheesy as it is, and I like the sex scenes. nuff said

dr_legodr_legoover 8 years ago
Pleasantly surprised

For a story about a "magic dick" (wat), this sure does have a lot of detail and thought put into it. Several of the characters and their interactions feel realistic. The description of the "first time" in chapter 1 did an amazing job of roping me in early, because I could identify a lot with the awkwardness of it, and the change in relationship dynamic going from friends to lovers.

I really hope this story isn't abandoned (it has been idle a few months, but that's not enough to make me lose hope), and I look forward to reading more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
more plot please

Agreed with the sentiments of most of the comments. Less sex more plot with the Seats. I honestly don't love the Stacey angle. She's just not as strong as Lauren or Lindsay to me in terms of love interest and I found myself just hoping they'd get it over with. Part of me is hoping that Stacey will get with Lindsay and they'd be like a couple and Stacey would be casual with her brother. I like Annalise a lot more and I hope she gets out ok. Sad about her family though and I hope she gets saved soon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Great story

Very good story with interesting storyline. Please continue it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Usually I avoid stories with many chapters but I got involved with and love this story. PLEASE!! PLEASE!! Don't wait till you have several chapters but realease each chapter as soon as reasonablely possable!

I liked the idea of Annalise being given full control of her father and hence all his powers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Can't Wait

Omg I love this story series can't wait for more

BreakTheBarBreakTheBarabout 8 years agoAuthor
Author Update

Hey all,

Thank you so much for all of your comments on this and the previous chapters of FoF. I have been away for a few months working on other projects and busy with life. At this time my desire to continue FoF is on a far back burner for the simple reason that I've created a bit of a monster in it. The story I have set up so far is very big and is going to require a lot of work to pull into something I am happy with - and that amount of work takes away from my non-Lit writing and other Lit ideas.

In short, FoF is not abandoned, but I do not have any semblance of an idea when I might be posting new chapters for it. I would suggest checking out some of my other stories in the meantime, and Chapter 6 of FoF is currently up for voting in the 2015 Lit Awards. The peer pressure if it won something like that would lean heavy for me to work on it again, I think.

Thanks again,


BreakTheBarBreakTheBarabout 8 years agoAuthor

Also, to the anonymous writer who petitioned me to cameo Molly and Onyx from Angels, Demons and Alex (now known as Good Intentions). I appreciate the fact that you would relate the two stories, as that is one of my favourite works put out on Lit, but if I do make a cameo it won't be as explicit as you suggested.

Now you'll need to watch for the cameos though ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
continue plz

BtB I know how hard it can be to keep writing a monster size story. I've found that writing the first sentence in any chapter to be the hardest, but once that first sentence is on the page the story just starts to flow. so plz continue FoF even if the chapters are shorter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
It's been a while since the last chapter and 2 months since the last update.. 😭

The characters you've written must be as anxious as the readers to find out what happens to them. Come back to us. 😁

anonintexas1999anonintexas1999almost 8 years ago
I love all your stories and cannot wait for more

The pushing series is awesome but I really wish you would give us more in the FoF world. Don't lose hope! Cheers.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
so frustrated

at unfinished stories... Especially when their good. I guess i had to check thoroughly next time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Great story

I have read this series twice and I can't wait to see how you finish this.

cymrobachcymrobachalmost 8 years ago
Great series

I'm late finding this series, but like your other stories the characters are brilliantly portrayed. This is a real page turner. Let me know when you're publishing the next few chapters.

pubebarberpubebarberalmost 8 years ago
What happened to the Fire mage who was being abused???

I read your story to the end of Chapter-07 page 6.....loved your characters and everything about this story but for one problem, You left one girl tied up by her abusive father in a terrible situation. I hope you don't leave it at that, please tell me your going to fix that issue for her.

rightbankrightbankalmost 8 years ago
in school, if you don't complete the assignment

You get an incomplete.

But after a while the incomplete is removed and the grade changes to an F

By now the Fire Mage has bled out. Her father has put Jerry in the pit with the rest of his family and the 3rd Seat is again vacant.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Cannot wait for the next chapter!!!

This is an amazing story line and I'm excited to see what becomes the fire Mage

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Can't wait

Looking forward to the next in this series.

wankr65wankr65over 7 years ago
cant wait

what a cliff hanger, cant wait for the rest.

BPDDSG84BPDDSG84over 7 years ago
Love the series

I cannot wait to see more of this series I have read FoF from Ch 01 - 07 and have rated all as 5/5 stars. Cannot wait to read the next installment.

techreadertechreaderover 7 years ago
Definitely REQUIRES a Continuation!

You left several story arcs hanging, especially with Annalise left chained and at the mercy of her insane mage father. At least bail her out of THAT dilemma!

Tor_Cha_1Tor_Cha_1over 7 years ago
FOF 8??

When is FOF 8 coming out?? You know that there are Many things coming to a Point that Will Put the Boy/Man/Seat In the Spotlight. Some Dangerous Some Kinky And Some rather Sticky.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Fiesty microbiome

I utterly hate it when he pulls his dick from a rectum and puts it in a pussy. Without magically cleaning it first. Like there is no such thing as nasty bacteria and whatnot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Lovin every word

I have enjoyed every chapter.

SpiriTEagle20478SpiriTEagle20478over 7 years ago
Would love More

I would really like to see more of this story. I have some interesting ideas that I think others would like.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Please continue

I love this genre and I'm digging your version of the romantic incest harem. We've all been there before with block and getting sidetracked. Here's hoping that you get new inspiration and energy to continue the series.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
great story

I love this serie I hope you wil keep it going!

DreadlokDreadlokover 7 years ago
Are you continuing the story-line

Enjoyed your story-line however do not see the promised follow-up chapters. You really need to focus on his retribution with the firemage's father and her rescue. Do you have a time-line here for us? If you are taking suggestions about continuation I would be happy to contribute. Just let me know. While not a dedicated editor saw several minor syntax mistakes I can point you to if you wanted to clean up the published chapters. In the meantime nice idea - keep up the good works.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great story, but lack of "fertility"

Absolutely a five star story! No question about it.

If I may make a suggestion though: Live up to the title and let's see some "fertility" in the next chapters. That teacher who dreamed of Jerry? She always wanted a(nother) child! That bitch Emily? Being a single mother sure will get her off her high horse. When Jerry gets Annalise out of slavery and her family falls apart because of it, she will want to build a new family! And of course, Stacey simply needs to have a daughter-niece or two.

Anyway: Really great story. Brilliant writing. The sex scenes are awesome! There is a real chemistry between the characters, it's so cute. Keep up the good work, you're very talented. I can't wait to read the next chapters. I'm seriously considering buying your ebook.

Sw1984Sw1984over 7 years ago
Loved it!

So I just found this story went through all the chapters in a day only to realize it's going to be awhile before I find out what happens..... totally worth it loved the story and great writing can't wait to see where you go with this whenever you get back to it!

ju8streadingju8streadingover 7 years ago

loved reading this, more please

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I completely agree with Dreadlok. This is some really great stuff. I can tell by reading this last chapter that you already have a good idea where you want to go in the next Chapter with regards to your characters. More learning time for Jerr and some serious retribution, maybe a face to face all out battle with Annalise's dad. Seems like you realize, something many others don't, that the way to keep us coming back is with a good story line. Keep it up!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
One simple word.


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

please wright more, its a great story, and i cant wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Amazing stories! This has been an enticing series to read!

I started reading and did not want to stop. You've done great keep it up!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Big Loose End

You can NOT leave this hanging with Annalise in such danger! For God's sake, rescue her!

No1holywoodNo1holywoodover 7 years ago
Please finish

This is good. Please finish the story.

Lobosolo51Lobosolo51about 7 years ago
Second time through . . .

OK. This is my second time reading this series, and I love it. But when are you going to continue? You have done some very good character development and started some good plot development - I want more - please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Very impressive

I firmly believe you should put all this into a novel. You are an awesome writer. You spend time developing each character and their relationships. This is good writing. I have thoroughly enjoyed the series and look forward to more. It would be awesome if one day a producer would be brave enough to make this into a movie. Can you imagine?

Pmc75Pmc75about 7 years ago

Ok so great story plot and more

The audience loves it

But what happened

Hope your well

Over_StimOver_Stimabout 7 years ago
Sorry to see this story orphaned

Really enjoyed my time in this world with these characters.

Sorry to see that it appears to be orphaned.

If you ever get the chance to extend.

Then I will be back to visit.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
One of my favorites

This is one of the most well written stories on this site. I beg you to return to these characters! It would be a true shame if this story remains unfinished forever.

MikeB58MikeB58about 7 years ago
Please Write MORE!!

C'mon dude, this is a great series, don't let it die!

ThelvynerThelvynerabout 7 years ago
Brokethebar? More like failed to even see the bar.

Another asshole author who abandoned his work. On a side note, what kind of sick fuck goes from torture and death straight to a sex scene and back.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

You havent updated via this site or email in months. I wish you'd improve that as well as continuing your stories. In the past you said youd complete this story. I hope you keep that promise.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
please please please finish the story

Please please please finish the story I want to know what happens after the first judgement the aftermath of it you have left the story at the most intense cliffhanger..... 😭😭😭😭😭😞😞😞😞

JoelTorridJoelTorridabout 7 years ago
Left hanging...

Well that was an amazing story but you left it hanging. I'm guessing that since you haven't added a chapter since 2015, you have no intention of doing so. Maybe someone else could pick up where you left off...

bigbearz9bigbearz9about 7 years ago
You are a quitter


Story interrupts.

SBarak1SBarak1about 7 years ago
It's a real shame

It's a real shame you haven't finished the story. I have really enjoyed it up to this point and would really like to see you finish it please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Please finish the story

I have been reading this series and love how you have worked in the whole magic thing and Sisters, but it still leave both mothers and he still need to save Annalise and make her Father pay for breaking the Proclamation and then he has access to Annalise family as well, so you have so many options not to mention that Stacey has already talks about a whole rowing team :)

so please continue with the story

ErrantZebraErrantZebraalmost 7 years ago

Let me add to the chorus of people heaping praise on this incredible series. It's been years and years since I've read anything approaching this quality, and I can't wait to read the rest of the stuff you have posted. Not enough can be said about how nuanced and believable all of your characters are. Despite all the supernatural elements of the story, everything feels absolutely plausible and just so real.

And that's all ignoring your endlessly creative and hot sex scenes. I was worried that the foursome that ended this chapter would end up feeling rote and repetitive, but I couldn't been more wrong. Each of your scenes feels so unique and involving. It's almost like watching all of this actually happen.

I hope you're not discouraged by the negative comments complaining about the story being unfinished. Did they not read the end of your author's note? I know from experience how long writing a story like this can take to get right. Even if it's years from now, I'm choosing to hold out hope that we'll eventually see the conclusion to this amazing epic. When it does finally come out, I'll be there, ready to read it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Just wish you would have finished it

auhunter04auhunter04almost 7 years ago

What about the little fire mage. Loose end you need to tie up

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Absolutely the best.

By far my favorite story on here. I would love to read more!

DrewauDrewauover 6 years ago
Adding to the chorus asking for more!

Really enjoyed them so far, but need completion!

gcs66gcs66over 6 years ago
Please finish

don't leave us hanging

anonintexas1999anonintexas1999over 6 years ago
love this series

please continue

VikingQueen19VikingQueen19over 6 years ago
Talk about blue balls...

I neeeeeed more, I got all the foreplay and no orgasm

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

More please..... I read something somewhere of him baling with the gardener?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
great story

.. Are there going to be anymore?

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceover 6 years ago
Hmmm... thought I posted to this before...

So I would like to see some more chapters...

I suspect that though the "proclamation" didn't stop our fire mage's father from killing his wife (technically, she could be considered as NOT being part of his "family"), there SHOULD be some effect given for his having hurt Annalise... maybe at the least there should have been the equivalent of a page to Jeremiah kind of thing...

After all, can't have people going around thumbing their noses at proclamations, can we now...?

Course, it's been more than a year since you last posted a story... not looking good for the likelihood of another chapter...

I'll just have to let myself know the murdersome father dies soon, and Annalise and her sister end up OK... likely the sister ends up with one of the older brothers and Annalise some how ends up with Jeremiah.

Timtom12Timtom12over 6 years ago
Just one more hit

That's all we ask, just a little bit, maybe a chapter a year? That's all we're asking for, it's not much, right?

Malkav907Malkav907over 6 years ago
like everyone else already said

more please

banditobanebanditobaneover 6 years ago
When will get more?

This is a great series. And I'm bummed there hasn't been a new chapter in years. When will get the new chapters you mentioned, it's really sad when a great series like this doesn't end but keeps fans wanting more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Like everyone else said, more chapters! This is just leaving us hanging.....

diablo8xdiablo8xover 6 years ago
Love your characterizations

I really enjoy the characters you set up for your stories, from My eyes are closed, through Technically we are estranged to now the Font.

I am really hoping we can get more of this, as I am really looking to know more of how the story goes. Especially once Jeremiah finds out about the result of his Judgement.

WretchedMonkeyWretchedMonkeyabout 6 years ago

I read all 7 chapters you have up here..... Fuuuuck! I need to know what happens next!! I know you said you weren't going to post any more until you had the entire thing finished but it's been nearly two and a half years! That's a hell of a cliff hanger.

Anyway, I liked the story so far. Like a Harry Potter for grown up Perverts. There are simple mistakes peppered here and there, duplicate words, wrong words, words missing and the odd misspelling but it's not too bad and again could be solved with a good proof reader before publishing.

I hope you're still carrying on with this story and it gets published at some point because the story deserves to be continued.

IantonaiIantonaiabout 6 years ago
Cool story, bro

I'd buy a completed version for 7.99 or so if it was released on amazon or some other format. I bet many other fans would do.

cantgetenough2cantgetenough2almost 6 years ago
Great Start

Thanks for the fun story.

Hope you have some time to publish more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
more ... need more!

Cant wait for the next chapter. Really want to know how he handles Annalise's evil Dad.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Time’s a wasting, bro!!!!

Let’s go!!!! That last chapter was fucking hot!!! Made me wish I had a magic dick! Well done, I’m waiting for more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Almost 3 years. Have you quit writing altogether or gone on to a different site? Your story lines are great and I would very much like to see more. Please continue.


akus42akus42over 5 years ago
Please complete this

Did you really quit writing

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