All Comments on 'I'll Be Back'

by Harddaysknight

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JusttooldJusttooldover 13 years ago

Another one of your well thought out and cleverly written stories. I keep a look out for any more of your submissions and when I find a new one I just have to read it. Keep up the good work

Average_WriterAverage_Writerover 13 years ago
Well HDK.

As ever good to see a story written by you. And yes a good revenge story. Thanks for writing.

bobby9909bobby9909over 13 years ago
Great story...

You do have a way with words. Loved it!

incestor007incestor007over 13 years ago
As always

no complain... fun read.

Love your work

incestor007incestor007over 13 years ago

if it is so easy for one to cheat on you after so many years, then you better get rid of her, sooner the better, no therapy no, no drama, it lessens the pain, let another sucker have his turn.

dangerouslydeaddangerouslydeadover 13 years ago
Absolutely the best

Now this what we call a twist in the tail end of the story!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Heh, the "no picture-taking capabilities" sure surprised me. I thought Jr and Eve would have a blazing row in the middle of everything. This certainly was nastier than just showing Jr the pictures.

And, you know...maybe Eric WAS bad in bed, maybe he WAS an overweight, boring guy. That all can very well be true. Still doesn't excuse Eve's actions.

There's one point though, and it is not criticism as such. Lately there have been a few stories where a reference is made to Literotica. Where one of the main characters read or write stories there.

That just seems rather stilted and detracting from the story itself, unless the erotic stories themselves are a major plotpoint, like when a wife discovers her husband likes cheating wives stories and misunderstands.

I know it was meant to be humorous, but the reference to WWWM felt a little out of place to me.

Other than that, great comeuppance story.

Mousse9Mousse9over 13 years ago

Oops? The above Anon with the long comment is me. No idea why it posted me as Anon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Good read and refreshing

your writing always on my best read list. This one definitely different than your other work. I love the part you refer to WWWM. I wish you could extend this story a bit longer. Chapter 2, may be?


RehnquistRehnquistover 13 years ago

A wonderful twist that was unexpected but ultimately more satisfying than the expectations you set up. You had him catch them, leave, get all buff and muscular, participate in karate, learn to dance and become otherwise perfect and everything he wasn't before. Thus, we were expecting his revenge to be an ass kicking. Then we expected his revenge to be showing Jr. that Eve really was a tramp with him, too.

Instead, his revenge turned out to be allowing Jr. to stay ignorant so he can now be the cuckolded instead of the cuckolder.

Fucking Brilliant!

bruce22bruce22over 13 years ago
A Fun Fantasy

Truly you left me wondering after the last twist which parts were wishful thinking and which were really executed!

I am addicted to HDK!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

sets the bar a little higher for ohio. Loved the reference to the on dragging WWWM, especially the part of the newly studified (word?) ADA fucking the entire Jaguars cheerleading squad! However, you forgot to mention that he also nailed the Ravens squad when they were in Jax.

Thanks, anon tom

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Chapter 2, please!

Bravo - superbly well written and hilarious to boot.

DanielQSteele1DanielQSteele1over 13 years ago
All I can say is welcome back - and Watch It!

I thought you were joking in your post about referencing WWWM, but damned if you didn't go ahead and do it. If I hadn't been laughing so hard I probably would have been offended at your making light of my labor of love over the past six months or so. I will have you know that, despite your snide comments, I do not intend to take 14 months or longer to finish the story. Right now I anticipate sometime around the Summer of 2011 should wrap it all. And then, with my first effort at writing an epic under my belt, I'm going to launch a really LONG novel, not a quickie like WWWM!!! ......SECONDLY...words cannot describe how flattered I am to have an Old Master, a Venerable Wizened Old Sage, such as yourself actually referencing my work. Seriously know from our prior private conversations how good a writer I think you are. the only complaint i've had about you recently is that you're just not posting enough stories...i am glad to see you returning from your mini-vacation or whatever it was and beginning to post stories like the others have mentioned, it was the ending, the little scorpion sting in the tail of the story that made it. It was funny, and realistic and inevitable when you look back, but it comes as a hell of a surprise when you first read it. And finally, as others have encouraged me, have your wife or significant other handcuff you to a laptop,typewriter or word processor and not let you eat and/or take a bathroom break until you send us a new one....

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
HDK is back!

The rust is coming off. You are back! While this story doesn't need another chapter, how about writing from Eve's perspective explaining why she did it and her regrets. We need to keep your creative juices flowing. No one mixes pain and humor so well. Thanks for your work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Great story read

I'm here to offer proof that anon comments aren't by nature nasty, they're only nasty when the story is bad. This story has nothing to fear at all from anon, it was fun and clever.

The phone trick was good, I didn't see it coming. The final act of letting asshole have the slut was very.well played as well.

I don't know if there's a chapter two in this tale, it seems pretty self contained. Don't let that stop you from writing more like this. It's very refreshing to see the hero win.

MissouriUSAMissouriUSAover 13 years ago

Very good! It was enjoyable and funny and first rate! Thanks!!

Blue88Blue88over 13 years ago

Doesn't this guy ever write any clunkers? Do they all have to be so damn good? I'm feeling warm and fuzzy; I think I'll go kick the cat.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Good allusion!

Always been a fan. Loved the allusion to "When I was Married." I nearly peed myself over chapter 24D ... I am 53 and hope to live long enough to see it completed too.

iapiiapiover 13 years ago

and I'm sure it wont be a Chapter 2 but can we hope to a Chapter 1B ?

size14shoesize14shoeover 13 years ago
24D, eh?

Fast paced, well written and entertaining. What more could one ask for? Thanks for coming back.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 13 years ago
Well written and a smooth reading story

Edited to make reading a pleasure, but it seemed to have a lot more of the story untold.

I would like to know what happened to the woman he met when he went back to his old home town?

Did his ex-wife ever get caught cheating on her new man?

Altogether a very good story, presented very nicely. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
so what,you still the man

give us 1a.

curious2ccurious2cover 13 years ago
Good story with the right mix of humor and action

I enjoyed this one, as I do the other HDK works too. I liked the pace, the humor was great and some references were spot on.

That a man could change so much in such good ways shows that the human being is capable of so much more than some sometimes think.

Thank you for sharing your wit and intelligence with us again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Great ending

You just gotta love revenge that slaps you in the face for a while before you figure out whats hitting you.

Jr got what he deserved

jkneusjkneusover 13 years ago
The best revenge to to live well

And if you can stick it to the guy that did it to you, how much better! I can imagine the thought going through Eric's mind at the moment he sees Eve, "When ever she's late, every moment of doubt, I hope Jr. remembers how he got her."

KirkelKirkelover 13 years ago
Laughing my ass off!

Loved your reference to wwwm and then a ch. 27. Lol.

Great story but I'm afraid that other story is the reason I feel disappointed. There was so much you could have filled in to give it depth. I know, a lot of the authors (JPB, even Ohio sometimes and others) say it's better when the reader has to 'fill in the blanks'. Sometimes that's true, but there is such an opportunity for greatness here and you are one of those people I've seen do it.

My thought is you'll say, "well get off your own ass and show us what you're made of." I'm working on it and that's why I get it how talented you and a few other are.

Just my opinion and not much value so I'll leave it at, "Keep up the great stories," as I look forward to yours!

Thanks for it.


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
good story

The revenge part was disappointingly very very weak . Chapter 2 could tie up all the loose ends , answer a few more questions and make for a better read . If this is an example of your work , you write good and dont need to be in a hurry to wrap things up .

KirkelKirkelover 13 years ago

I meant 24, not 27. How did I hit that? Lol

brujaybrujayover 13 years ago
Ending Seems Truncated

Nice story, but the ending just wasn't complete. Did it get cut off?

I truly love most of your stories. Please keep writing.

Thank you.

jasonnhjasonnhover 13 years ago
What a fun read

The best revenge is living well. He was married to a nasty out of shape woman who dumped on him. He was unprepared for what she did but recovered quickly and remade himself with a little help. After about a year he finds out he was far more successful than he realized. He really didn't do much in terms of revenge. He told off Eve and the asshole. That wasn't revenge, just delayed truth telling. The bit with the TracPhone was great. That really yanked Eve's chain. And not telling the asshole that she was cheating and thereby allowing him to go into a bad marriage was genius, a true and delicious revenge. There was also no extreme, unbelievable stunts; no Kung Fu fights. The best thing was his happy attitude, a cheerful warrior. Great job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Every middle-aged divorced guy's day dream. Sure. In 14 months he went from a pathetic, fat, balding wimp to buff, studly, body-builder/dance instructor on a harly. You left out joining the navy and becoming a seal. If this was supposed to be funny, it failed. Some of your stories are good, but this one was a waste of time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Still the Best

I always enjoy reading your stories. This one is good as any you have ever written.


cageyteecageyteeover 13 years ago
I have said repeatedly . . . .

that we need some new approaches in LW!!!! It is no surprise that one of the "masters" does it regularly, this story "I'll Be Back", being a prime example. Thanks for the dozens of hours of wonderful entertainment you have provided for those of us proud to be your devoted fans.

ohioohioover 13 years ago
What's a bill ball?

I guess this just proves I don't have the knowledge and wide experience of the one and only HDK, but I have no idea what such an item might be! (Is a "bill ball of shit" different from, say, a bill ball of vanilla ice cream? If I served one and not the other for dessert, would my guests be able to tell the difference?)

This story certainly could have been called "Living Well is the Best Revenge"--except that the Beatles never recorded that title. Eric got just about every sort of revenge a dumped husband could get, and the tale is told with HDK's usual and inimitable brand of humor and style. Would that we could prescribe such a remedy for every cuckolded husband.

Our hats are off to the master, as always! Thanks for giving us yet another delightful tale. I will aspire to emulate him, as soon as I finish reading a certain author's Chapter 22FF, in which the prosecuting attorney covers Myra's enormous tits with whipped cream (they're so huge he had to buy three cans of the stuff) and spends 11 hours licking it all off--by which time she's had so many orgasms the bedsheets are drenched and he has to call the paramedics to revive her.

Thanks, ohio

vietvetvietvetover 13 years ago

Laughed so hard my button on my jeans popped off and wounded the neighbor next door, (about a quarter mile away), or was that just because of my fat belly? Oh well it was a good read and as far as the cruise with the Jaguar cheer leaders, "SIGN ME UP FOR THAT CRUISE IMMEDIATELY".

Now for the serious stuff: Welcome back and keep up the good work as we have missed your writing terribly. Authors like you, Ohio, Et All, and even some of JPB'S stuff are the only thing that makes the wait between DQS1'S postings bearable. (Just kidding), but this is really a good story and I really have missed your posting new stories.

Thanks for your contributions.


LakesLakesover 13 years ago
Outstanding story

As always from you...

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Totally Enjoyable and Redeeming

When is Marcie coming to stay?

RHinSCRHinSCover 13 years ago

I think I smiled the whole time. The good guy wins in the end, in every way. Damn, I feel all warm and fuzzy. You did exaggerate though, Mr. Bill has only slept with half the cheerleading team. And one of them had normal sized tits! But I believe we all know that she was a freak of nature. Good one.

RHinSCRHinSCover 13 years ago

I did not read the comments first. It seems that Blue88 feels all warm and fuzzy too. Warm and fuzzy is good!

OldHidekiOldHidekiover 13 years ago
I loved the revenge angle!

Everything was set up to make Eve drool at what she had lost, and then he gets the goods on her. The revenge on

Jr. was better than him beating the crap out of him!

SELSTIMSELSTIMover 13 years ago
Good Story

The plot was a little obvious and I didn't care for the cheap shot you took at DQS1's story but for all I know you two are good friends and it was just a little friendly ribbing. However, I'm a little confused. When Eric got to the wedding was Marcie already sitting next to Eric's assigned seat or was he already sitting alone when he felt her slide in next to him as you stated in the previous paragraph. Or were you just having a senior moment? The story and the writing were good but were just OK from what I've come to expect from you. Maybe, you're in a lot more pain these days and everybody knows the first things to go are your wit and funny bone. I noticed your last story was a little flat, too. Well, don't sweat it. That's what happens when you have a rep. for writing great stories. Thanks for the effort

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Dang he is back!

HDK you are one sick and twisted puppy, which must say something about me because I love your stories and the humor that resides in them. The other thing I enjoy is the comments of many of my other favorite authors. Somehow the idea that other good authors read each others work, seems cool to me. DQS, Ohio, Blue88, Curious2c, average_writer, etc. Fun two pager as usual

jrj777jrj777over 13 years ago
The good guy wins

I expected the good guy to win but I did not see the ending comming. The story was "Great" as aways. I am a fan but I guess you could not tell that could you. Yea Right! . Thanks for the posting.

Average_WriterAverage_Writerover 13 years ago
Sorry HDK. My Bad.

But for some stupid reason I didn't have you in my list of favourite writers? That was very remiss of me. I have now corrected that mistake.

As to the comment naming me as one of thier 'favourite' writers? Well let me just say that about two or three years ago a certain writer that wrote this story encouraged me to write one of my first ever stories and he has been very encouraging eversince. Even if I am sure I drive him to dispair with how bad I truly am at writing.

But anyway I am trying to learn from the best and HDK, DGhear and Papatoad are the writers that I look for. The Wanderer and the Celt were also writers that inspired me. However due to unforseen circumstances The Celt and The Wanderer Sadly don't post here anymore. Currently DQS1 and HDK are setting the standard for any wannabe writers like myself.

So HDK? As I said earlier in a private email keep writiing for as long as you can. This wannbe writer will always read your work. And who knows maybe one day I will learn something from you.:)

Mongo837Mongo837over 13 years ago
Hey Average

No need to be humble , you are a good writer and your stories are part of this category . I wish you would reach over and strangle the crap out of a lot of your countrymen that keep writing all that wimp/cuck crap . You know and mentioned the greats of this category , and your there with them .

OldStormyOldStormyover 13 years ago
Fun read

It was almost as much fun reading the comments as the actual story; but first things first.

The story was great. It doesn't need another chapter. Let the reader use his imagination to fill in any bits he or she feels is missing. Absolutely love the final twist in the tail - yeah, fuck them both in their future 'happy' true love life!

I find it hard to believe that some of the comments are derogatory. These anonymous 'writers' are so full of shit. What a pity they don't lead us to some of their stories as examples of good, even if not great, writing!

HDK, you are on my list of favorites and I look forward to seeing more of your work SOON.


vietvetvietvetover 13 years ago

First the wedding, him first, then the reception, her first.

Two different events in two different places, two separate paragraphs.

Thanks, Tom

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I loved it :)

zed0zed0over 13 years ago
What is that term they used when form and function come together?

I believe it is EXQUISITE! Which perfectly describes this story with the O'Henry-esq happy ending. Gawd! I Love a Happy Ending, and enjoyed the hell outta this story. I can only hope that your creative and current trend towards non-wimps, non-ball busting, positive endings will serve as an inspiration to other non-men/wimp writers who may from time to time find themselves cranking out insipid male bashing drivel. As always I look forward to your stories, keep'em coming.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpeteover 13 years ago
Didn't you once explain the difference....

...between "Revenge" and "Sweet Revenge"?-this guy definitely got the latter.Good story with twist but never forget, you set the bar! Maybe if you get much better you can rent yourself out to private parties like Elton John or Taylor Swift.Thanks for a few good minutes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Another Great One

The only problem with this is that we wait too long for more from you. Thank you for this.

Zeb40Zeb40over 13 years ago
I keep waiting.

Someday you're likely to write a second class story, and I want to be there. I'm guessing that you've got about 30 years of writing left, so I'll keep reading.

Maybe WWWM will be finished by then. I'm guessing that Bill will die in the sack while screwing a 46DD who's 50 years his junior.

Sorry for the reference to another story, but, hey, you started it.

Actually, I liked the twist in your tale. Coming out of left field as it did, it was a pleasant surprise. I can just see Eve trying to tell dipwad, (oops! I mean Gerald Jr.) that it wasn't what it looked like or some such thing before she finds out there were no pictures. The two creeps deserve each other.

I'd like to be the fly on the wall when he realizes that a slut is a slut. Good story, as usual. Paul

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I hope you are going to give us at least a Chapter 2 of this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Laughed extra hard at the reference to....

"When We Were Married."

deadonedeadoneover 13 years ago
Thank you.

Let me say simply and truthfully, Thank you.

You writing is refreshing and engaging.

The first thing I do on Lit is check to see if there is a new HDK story. (Fingers crossed!) Hopefully this is just a warm up for a full winter of writing!

RePhilRePhilover 13 years ago

You've got feed back and comments from some of the very

Best writers on this site. Anything I could add would be redundant to those positive

comments already made. So all I will say is KEEP WRITING

junesmatejunesmateover 13 years ago
Loved it...

One of the best!

size14shoesize14shoeover 13 years ago
This line is worth reading the story

"God, did I feel like the fucking "Angel of Death" from that story, except he was getting laid by big titted women in every chapter! In the most recent chapter, 24D, he actually fucked the entire Jacksonville Jaguar cheerleading squad while on an overnight gambling cruise."

The ending was killer as well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

A great read.

oldwayneoldwayneover 13 years ago
I know you were just having fun with DQS1, but you sure as hell hit that target right in the ten zone!

Well, anyway, it was good to see a story from you again. I thought it was really good. Thanks for another fine tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Very good!

A really fine story Mr. Knight as always. R.T.

GualterioGualterioabout 13 years ago
Fun Story!

I took a look at some of the comments. I loved your tongue-in-cheek reference to DQS1's serial. It looks like many of the others here are also familiar with his serial.

You, JPB, Ohio, Rehnquist, DQS1 are all favorites of mine. Coaster2 also has some very interesting stories.

She writes in different categories, but PepperPace (Pep) also writes some great stories. Her characters have to be some of the most unique on all of Lit.

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 13 years ago
Great and funny too

Ohio...I would love for your to finish WWWM as it left off with the Angel of Death about to meet Myra! I will suppy the whipped cream.

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
I liked the story.

His name calling and trying to pick a fight was uncalled for so I downgraded the rating from 5 to 4 stars.

rvwsrvwsalmost 13 years ago
You got a 5 from me

Great story. The name calling and the threats were totally called for. If more cheating OM got this maybe they would get the hint as to what kind of scumbag they totally are. Again, great story! "Keep your stick on the ice."

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
DWmoroncuk is a butthurt pedo

from getting double ended day and night

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 12 years ago
More good plain fun -

This one was priceless fun -

Great work simple sleek and funny as hell

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

DrMoron ever like a story ?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Divorce made him a better man.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 12 years ago
Oh Yeah

Betrayed husband gets some revenge. I like it.

And fucks a new girl in the end.


tazz317tazz317about 12 years ago

and come on down to the other level. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
I don't understand

why the children of the marriage think they have to keep in touch with the offending party in the divorce.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Damn!!! Double Damn!!

Every time I read a story of yours I laugh and I marvel at how well you do it. The DAMN is caused by the fact that you don't write too much any longer. You are one of the masters on this sight.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Another of HDK's great ones!

I know HDK is still around because I've read some of his recent comments. No one can write like him. He can do a complete story with humor and pathos in 2 pages. He is the master. I wish he'd start writing again but thank him for his work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

"I don't understandwhy the children of the marriage think they have to keep in touch with the offending party in the divorce.


To reply to calibeachgirl, I was the "offending"party and left and divorced my wife after 25 years of her gaining about 200 pounds, spending everything I could earn which was considerable for those years, and telling me in no uncertain terms when I asked her to sit with me and discuss problems we were having in our marriage. i had gained about 10 lbs from my high school weight and worked in construction where work was hard. Her statement? "You have a problem, I don't. I am doing just fine." My reply? "OK. You're right and I am going to do something about it." I packed my shit and left.. Cost me about $100,000 dollars and 7 years of my life, but happiness has no top price.

My kids ,all adults over 21, were unhappy for a couple of years, but came to mention what a witch their mom was... ( I think they said witch)

javmor79javmor79almost 11 years ago
Great story

This was a great story, and completely believable. This is the kind of revenge that is more likely going to happen in any case like this. I hate stories where the kids never speak to the parent that cheats, because that doesn't happen. Any parent who would put their kid in the middle of their shit isn't much of one. Even if the kid doesn't like the fact that the parent cheated, they won't take sides unless the parent poisons their mind against the other parent. Take note authors. Make your stories believable!!! Great job!

theanalisttheanalistalmost 11 years ago

wish it were a bit longer and described the aftermath. at least could have added the aftermath and life of both parties involved.....

theanalisttheanalistalmost 11 years ago

I mean could have added an epilogue and described the life of both parties involved...

auhunter04auhunter04over 10 years ago
While I really like your work

I would like to see some good old fashioned butt kickin ever now again

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Just freakin' awesome!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

HDK humor at its best. Few if any can match you when it comes to blending humor and real life.

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 10 years ago
I love happy endings.

I, too, would like to see vengeance wreaked, Like DeWitt attacking him and getting his ass beat. He will be stuck with that no good Eve, serves him right.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

We all wanna come back and show the cunt how well we're doing without her.

sugnasugnaabout 10 years ago

Love the ending!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Loved it!

5 Stars. Love the ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Came back to read it for the umpteenth time...

...and enjoyed it just as much as I always do! *****

laptopwriterlaptopwriterover 9 years ago
HDK never disappoints...

I loved it.

Seeker1107Seeker1107about 9 years ago
don't remember commenting on this one

If I did then I apologize. That said, very good story, well put, no Hercules or terminator needed. But he got what needed to be done done!

Gave it a five.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Fantastic story!

I enjoyed it a lot.

Probably because I caught my own girlfriend with her tits out, a guy sucking on them, with his hand down her pants when I showed up to a party I thought I'd miss out on, due to work schedules. Putting in an appearance late, I wasn't too late to see the girl I had planned to marry, have an orgasm on another guys fingers. One punch to his left kidney and I left my girlfriend outside where I found them, crying her eyes out.

She found me just as I was backing my truck out. Running along side me for a few moments, I accelerated away and saw her in the mirror, tumbling down the street. I thought it was fitting, she would let just about anyone give her a tumble, or so it seemed.

I moved away and didn't see her for years. When I eventually returned about 15 years later, it was to show my wife and children around my hometown. We were going through a Walmart checkout and not paying much attention, our kids were dinging us for money. Imagine my shock, and hers, when the cashier turned out to be my ex! Man, she looked rough, like she'd spent that past 17 years being rode hard and put up wet. We both smiled and said hello and I introduced her to my family as an old classmate.

My wife was just beginning to start the kids toward the door and was pushing the cart when my ex came out from behind the counter and put a hand on my shoulder and put her mouth to my ear. Three words and then she went back to work, but I saw tears on her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry."

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceabout 9 years ago
I loved the bit he did with the phone...

Psyching out his ex... and letting his "replacement" have to deal with ALL parts of his ex - especially what it feels like to be married to her and find out (Duh!) she cheats...

tazz317tazz317almost 9 years ago

is worser that the phobia itself. TK U MLJ LV NV

sugnasugnaalmost 9 years ago

"Eric, I understand you were rude, as well as crude to Eve and Gerald Jr. Word has it that you pretty much threw it in his face and dared him to do something about it. Do you feel any better after that sort of inappropriate behavior?" concluded Grace.

Are you kidding me? They invited an adulteress and her fuckee to their daughter's wedding? That is like cursing the union at it's inception! What stupid people! Sickening! What is his daughter doing hanging out with her slut mother? Doesn't she know her mother fucked the whole family over HER included? WTF!

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 9 years ago
Loved it

this one was great, especially the ending. A good twist. Five stars.

Seeker1107Seeker1107almost 9 years ago

As a wise man once said, family your stuck with, thank G-D you can choose your friends. I have a feeling that Eve was invited due to being the brides godmother. I also feel that the brides family all knew about his changes and invited her and her +1 to stick it to her a bit. The daughter was in a catch 22 when it came to her mother and made her feelings known but as said didn't want to alienate her too badly.

My favorite part of the story was the ending. Eve will now live in fear and I can't wait till the other shoe drops on her when she gets caught. Once a cheater always a cheater!

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago
His Past

One problem I have with these cheating sluts, is that whatever you may want to say about how he may have gone to seed, nowhere is it said that she ever tried to get him to change before cheating on him nd running off.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 8 years ago

Great revenge against the ex-wife and the prick she's with now.

xtchrxtchrover 8 years ago

The last paragraph took the story from a 3 to 5. I'm still chuckling about it. Thank you for a great ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
poor benighted betrayed....

That sad loser has thousands of comments here now, and of course, no life.


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