Life of Mick Ch. 03


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Samantha said, "I'm sure you'll get your chances. Here, let me. You've missed some."

Kay giggled and said, "I should probably take a shower. I'm going to reek of cum when I go back to my office. The other girls will want to know what I've been doing." I heard a long, loud sniff. "You should consider a shower too. You reek of sex if you don't mind me saying so."

There was a long pause in their conversation and then Kay said, "I don't want to ruin your chances with Mick. I just want to get in on some action once in a while. His cock makes my husband's look like a little finger."

Samantha laughed and said, "I know what you mean. I'm sure you'll get your chances but you'll have to be the aggressor. He's kind of nervous around women until things get going and then he is the best."

Kay laughed and said, "I'm anxious to find out. Thanks for the tip... There, I guess that's the best I can do for the moment without my makeup."

I stepped back to my desk and sat in my chair as I got myself in order. Kay appeared first and came over and kissed me without a word and went to the door. Samantha was coming out of the bathroom as Kay turned and said, "Good luck to you Sam." The door closed behind her.

Sam came over and sat down in my lap and threw her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately. She said, "Did you hear our conversation?" I lied and shook my head. She looked at me for a moment and I don't think she believed my lie at all. She said, "I'll see you on the plane tomorrow morning. The next couple of days are going to be interesting." She kissed me again and pushed herself out of my lap. She checked the time on the wall clock by the door and said, "I had better get back. Jason will be wondering what happened to me." She threw me an air-kiss as she left.

I leaned back in my chair with my hands behind my head and put my feet up on the desk and thought about what had just happened. I found myself looking forward to my date with Samantha in Washington. The plans had initially been for a fly-in, present, and fly back. The meeting in Washington had changed to late in the day and to finish up on Wednesday morning. Rooms were reserved at the Trump International Hotel. I had stayed there before. It's a beautiful Hotel. It should be at $600 per night.

I had planned to take a shower so Misty wouldn't call me out on the way home for reeking of sex. There would-be no-good excuse for that. I dozed off instead and when I was startled awake, Misty was looking at me from the same chair that I had doggy-fucked Sam in earlier. Misty giggled when my feet flew off my desk and I pitched forward in my chair. She said, "Looks like you had a rough day." I couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic about what she assumed was my normal easy day with a nap to finish it off, or she could smell the sex. I didn't ask what she meant by that.

I checked my watch to determine how long she had been sitting there. It was four-forty-five. She had likely come up to my office after her office hours ended at four-thirty. I excused myself and went to the bathroom to spray a little cologne on in hopes that she wouldn't smell the sex in the confined space of the car. I gathered up my stuff and we headed for the elevator.

We talked about her first day on the way home. She talked about meeting Claire. She liked Gloria. It always helps when you start a new job and like your boss. I fired one question after another so that she couldn't start quizzing me. Monique was home when we got there and had dinner started. I went straight to my bedroom and took a shower. I couldn't smell the sex on me but I wasn't taking any chances. Over dinner, I explained to them that I was going to Washington DC tomorrow and that I would be staying overnight. I was firm in my expectations that there would be no parties or other shenanigans while I was gone. They acted like they were crushed that I would even think of such a thing. I gave them both wary looks.

We watched TV until it was time for bed. Misty was tired and offered no push-back. Monique wanted to stay up longer but it was a school night and I insisted, even if she was just going to goof-off all day. I could hear the rain beating against my bedroom windows as I got ready for bed. I had no sooner pulled the covers up to my neck when a huge 'BOOM' rocked the house at the same instant as a blinding flash of lightning. I flinched at the assault on my senses. 'That was close,' I thought.

Before the rumbling thunder was gone, I heard two loud thumps on the floor. I had heard those thumps before. Both of my girls were terrified of thunderstorms and when we had one, which wasn't often, both girls always launched themselves from their beds to the floor to plead with their mother and me to let them sleep in our bed. This had been the case since they were little. Miranda had always given in and they would pile into our king size bed on the other side of Miranda. The tradition had been continued after Miranda's was gone, but they only stayed until the storm had passed.

With recent events, I suspected that this time would be different. My bedroom door crashed open just as another flash and 'BOOM' rattled the bedroom windows. Both girls screamed . I love thunderstorms and it was comical to see their terrified faces as they scrambled in under the covers, one on each side of me. I wasn't surprised to discover that they were both naked.

The storm was right on top of us and the flash-booms continued for another couple of minutes before I could tell that the storm was moving away. Monique had a death grip on my neck as she pulled herself as close to me as was possible. Misty pulled in close on the other side. Both of them were crying and they screamed with each peel of thunder. I was always mystified that it was the thunder that frightened them more while it was the lightning that offered the danger. I wrapped my arms around both of them and held them close until the storm could only be heard in the distance. Finally, they relaxed and rolled away from me. Misty giggled. She was embarrassed by her fear. This was always the point that they would return to their rooms. I wondered if tonight would be different.

Other than the distant rumbling, all was quiet for more than a minute. I didn't say a word as I had decided to let this play out however it went. I had guessed that Misty would be the decider and return to her room or not and Monique would follow her big sister's lead. As it turned out, Monique rolled back against me and curled her fingers around my cock. By the time she started jerking me off, I was as hard as granite. She squeezed hard, trying to get her fingers to touch. Misty scooched down the bed and pushed her lips over the knob as she rested her big tits on my hip.

The decision had been made and the tingling in my groin was back. Monique swung her right leg across my chest and slid her way down my torso to displace Misty's lips. Misty objected for a moment until I took her arm and pulled her up to straddle my face. She groaned hard when I drove my tongue deep in her sex and began squirming her hips around.

Monique had several orgasms before she relinquished her position to Misty and then she took up position on my tongue. Misty had several orgasms riding my cock cowgirl style and then I announce that I was going to cum. Monique took up positions on either side of me and shared my cock back and forth as I gushed cum-shot after cum-shot down their throats. They both got giggling and lost a shot or two. I laid back and enjoyed the slice of heaven I was in at the moment. They both took turns cleaning any taste of cum off my cock and then they giggled as they kissed me goodnight and slid off the bed and went back to their rooms.

I pulled the covers over me and found myself hoping another big lightning cell would come around. I ran my hand down the length of my softening cock. It was still wet from the girl's cleaning job. I was thinking about the demo in Washington. Everything was as ready as it could be. I drifted off thinking of Sam.

I woke to the soft music on my clock radio. It was dark. The ceiling display read 5:40. The flight left at 8:00 and it was a half-hour drive to the airport. I showered and picked my way through my closet. It was a suit day and I owned some very nice, very expensive suits. I picked one out and fumbled around with the ties.

Miranda had been a wizard with men's fashion and I had learned a lot from her, but ties? I still couldn't figure them out. I took five and figured Alexis would help with the decision.

A couple of cups of coffee and a quick breakfast later, I was ready to go. I left a note on the bar to remind my girls that I would be home tomorrow.

I arrived at the airport by 7:30. There was no Bentley in the parking lot outside the nondescript building with the lighted sign reading, 'Signature'. Samantha was the only person I saw as I walked in with my bag in tow. She turned and grinned at me, "Thank God. I wasn't certain that I was in the right place. It's a ghost town around here." I walked her to the bank of windows on the other side of the room and pointed at the sleek white jet sitting on the tarmac under a bank of bright lights. Sam smiled and said, "Wow. She's a beauty." I nodded.

Moments later, it seemed the room was buzzing with activity. The lights behind the counter came on and a woman asked for our names. We gave her our driver's licenses and she typed our names into her computer. The woman said, "Mr. West just called and he will be a few minutes late. We'll be ready to depart as soon as they are on board.

A guy came through and scooped up our bags and carried them out to the plane. Sam and I were escorted to the plane and we found a couple of plush seats together so we could talk. At 8:15, we were in the air. Alexis selected a swivel seat that turned around to face Sam and me. She threw her hair in the air and smiled before saying, "Sorry we were late. We just could seem to get out of the shower this morning." She gave a sultry smile to Sam, who turned and smiled at me. I got the reference.

Hunter was on the flight deck sitting in the co-pilot seat for the first forty minutes of the flight and then he came back and sat down beside Alexis and goosed her as he settled in. She jumped at the assault and then giggled as she said, "They do have a shower in the back of the plane, you know." Hunter looked confused but Sam and I got Alexis's point. Sam's face reddened under her makeup. Sam was stunning with her makeup on. Her eye makeup made her emerald eyes intoxicating. She was dressed professionally, as was Alexis. Hunter had a nice suit with an open white shirt. A tie hung around his neck. I pulled out my five ties and laid them on the table. Sam and Alexis both laughed and then they seemed to come together on a decision. It was good enough for me.

Alexis wanted to know how the 'help' session had gone on Saturday afternoon. She had an impish look on her face as she searched first my face and then Sam's for any tell-tale signs. My lips gave an ever so subtle smile. Sam's face offered nothing.

Alexis stood up and offered her hand to Sam, who took it. Alexis led Sam to the next cabin forward, which was a sitting room. Sam smiled back at me as they disappeared around the bulkhead. Hunter grinned and said, "She'll have all the details in thirty minutes." He checked his watch.

While the girls were gone, Hunter explained that the dinner, planned for Friday night would have to be rescheduled. He didn't explain why and I didn't ask. It actually would be a good thing considering the Saturday pool party that I was certain the girls had not abandoned. If Alexis and Hunter had decided to stay overnight on Friday instead of driving home late, I had no clue how they would react to a house full of scantily clad teenagers on Saturday morning. I was still wrestling with how I was going to handle it. I kept mostly to myself in public but I was a known quantity in town. I was the local kid, who made it big and I was the second largest employer in the area. Even if people didn't know me personally, they knew the name.

Hunter smiled at me as Alexis and Samantha came back into the cabin. He lifted his wrist and tapped his watch. It had been thirty minutes. I grinned at him and then smiled at Sam who had a new glow on her face. She whispered, "Later," and I nodded. Alexis had a knowing smirk on her face and she just nodded at me and then snuggled up next to Hunter and they kissed rather passionately without regard for the public display of affection.

The first day's meeting went well as I ran the demo. Sam sat behind me with her ever-watchful eyes examining everyone and everything. Alexis didn't say a word and sat there under the gaze of the other men in the room. Hunter said little except to introduce me and answer a few questions. The meeting broke up for the day and we checked into our hotel. Alexis and Hunter were on the sixth floor. I had a room on the seventh with Sam several doors down the hall.

I stripped out of my suit and hung it up. I dropped my boxer shorts to the floor and was for the shower when there was a soft knock on the door. It was a female knock and it could be Sam or Alexis. My cock flopped down over my balls pointing at the floor. I ran my hand down the length of the shaft and gripped the glans for a moment. I opened the door and stood behind it to block the view.

It was Sam. She had her bag in tow and said, "My room smells like cigarettes. Can I bunk in here with you tonight?" I laughed out loud and her face went red with embarrassment. "Pretty pathetic excuse isn't it? I just nodded as I pulled the door open so she could come through with her bag. My cock was already on the rise as I had stepped back to give her passage. She was inside the room before she noticed that I was standing partially behind the door with my cock pointing straight at her face. I closed the door and pushed my naked body against hers in a passionate embrace. She wrapped her arms around my back and pushed her hips forward to feel my hardness.

I broke the embrace and said, "I was just about to take a shower. Would you like to join me?"

She smirked at me and said, "I'd love to."

The sex in the shower was amazing and I drove her to another orgasm as I dried her with the towel. We made it to the bed and enjoyed several positions before we each had another orgasm. The timing was perfect and we laid there gasping for air. She said, "Jesus Mick. I'm not sure I can keep up with you."

I laughed and said, "I was just thinking the same about you." We kissed around our gasping breathes. "I have reservations for later but if you'd rather stay in and order room service, that would be fine with me. Your choice,"

Sam lifted herself off my softening cock and let it flop down on my stomach before setting herself back down on it. She grabbed the room service menu off the table by the bed and scanned it. I dragged my fingertips across her hard nipples and then traced the contours of her meaty tits. She giggled and wiggled around on my cock and said, "That tickles." She held the menu in one hand and fended off my hands with the other. When she felt my cock hardening between her thighs, she dropped the menu on the bed and leaned forward so her hands were on my shoulder, and rolled her hips to drag her sex along my cock. "I guess we are staying in." I laughed and pulled my cock back and then lifted her with my hips and my cock slipped inside. We both groaned hard and then we were off again.

It took a while before blowing my load. Sam had three orgasms. We retreated to the shower and continued where we left off. We both just collapsed on the bed in each other's arms and kissed until we had the energy to do anything else.

We ordered from the menu and had a wonderful meal sitting at the coffee table on the floor in the nude. After that, we got down to talking about ourselves. There were things she couldn't talk about and there were other things she probably shouldn't have talked about. She seemed to know all about me and my life and unless she asked a specific question, I just listened to her. I smiled because it was obvious that she didn't like talking about herself but she knew I wanted to know something.

We wrapped ourselves up in each other and turned out the lights. Her head rested on my left shoulder with her left breast laying on my chest. She cradled her fingers under my soft cock and I fell asleep just like that thinking, 'Best date ever.'

We overslept and there was no time for sex. Hunter and Alexis were waiting in the lobby as Sam and I checked out at the desk. As we went out the front door, Alexis and Sam were secretly communicating between themselves. I had a pretty good idea what their giggling was all about.

The second meeting was a hit and Hunter took up the negotiations with the head CIA guy. Afterward, Hunter came over to me and shook my hand. He had a huge grin on his face. The flight home was a constant pour of champagne and we were all pretty well loaded when we landed. Two Uber cars were waiting right on the tarmac as we came down the stairs from the plane. Hunter came over to me and said, "Your cars have been delivered to your homes. Enjoy the ride home. I figured you wouldn't mind escorting Samantha right to her front door." I smiled and nodded.

Sam invited me to come in but I declined. I was mostly sober and I wanted to get home. We kissed at the front door and then I got back in the Uber car. The adrenaline from the highs of the day had dissipated and I was sound asleep when the car pulled down my driveway.

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laughdruidlaughdruidabout 3 years ago
Thank you

I am enjoying this story and hoping that we do not hear any more about your ungrateful sons.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Given how your protagonists usually handle things, my guess is Mick will have sex with his daughters-in-law with his son or sons in the room, possibly with his stepdaughters in the room eventually, but I suspect we are several chapters away from that given how a good story tends to develop and how you tend to write.

BigZeke13BigZeke13over 3 years agoAuthor
T:o: Ramaza and others

Just remember that Mick had no idea that his sons were fucking their stepmother. Yes. His sons are being very disrespectful of their father but I can't imagine many teenage boys turning down the advances of an ultra-sexy stepmother. Mick is doing everything he can to not lose his second wife the same way he lost the first. He finds out there are many ways a marriage can go south. Don't be too hard on Mick. He didn't know until after Miranda died. By then his sons are gone. I think there could be ways for him to get back at them without appearing to be vindictive. Without them even knowing, just like Mick didn't know. We'll see.

DevilbobyDevilbobyover 3 years ago

Loved it , brilliant continuation, do I detect romance in the air. I guess I'll just have to wait and see .

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