Norse Myth Models


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From the corner of my eye I catch glimpses of Loke sitting down and hear the instructions to move his arm thus or tilt his head so. Silence for a minute or so and then low classical music starts to play, Mozart or maybe Strauss. Sounds of footsteps and rustling announce the arrival of the students, but no one speaks or asks questions. They've apparently been briefed of the assignment beforehand.

I wonder momentarily if the set-up is done in order to prevent me freaking out, but I recall Loke telling me once about music being played sometimes to create an atmosphere. I decide I don't care. Ignoring the students seems to be an excellent strategy. Some of my calm also comes from the fact my intimate parts are hidden from view, at least at first glance. The soft green cloth bunched slightly between my legs as I shuffled into position and the folds more or less enclose my balls and limp manhood.

Before I know it the first half hour is done, the students get up and start to circulate. They look at and sometimes comment on other drawings. None of them pay any attention to Loke and me. We might as well be a couple of statues. Loke comes over and sits next to me. He rolls his shoulders and shakes his arms. In a low voice he advises me to get the kinks out of my back and legs, as the next pose will be a lot more demanding.

It certainly is and not just because we're standing up in full view of everyone. We have to portray anger, our bodies tense and our faces grim. Loke's body pose is that of a warrior and he curls his fingers around a short wooden baton obviously meant to be the shaft of Thor's hammer. In contrast my arms are thrown wide as if Loki the trickster is cursing the whole world. Again the teacher has me focus on the far wall, telling me to imagine my worst enemy hiding behind a tree.

Having to maintain the pose and pretend hate and anger is so demanding I've no time to spare for worrying about my crotch being exposed. By the time the next break is announced, I'm almost shaking with fatigue. Loke is fine of course. Not only is he fitter than me, but he's used to posing.

The students leave the room and the teacher informs us the break will be twenty minutes. We don our robes and drink some water. Walking to the small changing room at the back helps me relax, and I'm glad we can use the toilet there rather than go out amongst the students. Five minutes before the break ends, the teacher calls us back.

I'm grateful the next pose involves reclining on the couch and pretending to sleep. Even more when she gently drops a scarf across my loins. The students start to gather as she's getting Loke ready, and this time they talk in low voices. I catch a phrase now and then, but it's all technical about which pencil softness to use to get the best shading or how to make Thor seem fierce even at rest. Most of them appear to do the Loki combination, which is a relief until I realize my body goes with his face.

Strangely the thought doesn't distress me, it's like I'm in a trance, detached from the fact my nude body is on display. Soon the voices fade to a murmur and the next thing I know a hand touches my shoulder and Loke tells me to wake up. "Man, you're surprisingly cool about this model job if you're able to doze off half way through."

I keep my eyes closed. "Did anyone notice?"

"Nah, I'm sure no one except me heard the snores. And you're hardly drooling at all."

"What?!" I sit up and met Loke's greenish grey eyes with the hazel specks. The sparkle in them tells me he's joking, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, you never moved or made a sound. I only realized you were half asleep when I got over here."

"Jerk. So what's next?"

"They want us to pretend Loki has been subdued by Thor after causing the death of Balder. We'll have to change places half way through. First you get to kneel in front of me, while they sketch our bodies. When they're done, I take your place and they fill in our heads. The difficult part is I have to change from sorrow and vengeance to defiance tinged with regret, and the reverse for you."

"I can do defiance and regret easily, I just have to recall how I felt when you talked me into this. I'm sure I can think of something to prompt revenge and sadness too."

"Bla, bla, bla, stop whining and do your job."

Crouching down in front of my friend portraying the reviled trickster Loki is the easy part. His hand grips my shoulder and I let my whole body slump in defeat. It seems to take ages before the teacher tells us to shift. She uses a thin rope with regularly spaced knots to ensure our heads are in the correct relative positions, and our shoulders the right distance from the ground.

She also spends a couple of minutes evoking the facial expressions she requires, before letting the students begin. Most of them beg us to stay in position for an extra five minutes, which is OK with me, since I know their attention is from the neck up.

As soon as we're done, I help Loke stand up, and we put on the robes and make our way to the changing room. I assume we'll get paid and go as soon as we're dressed. To my surprise Loke hurries back to the room and mingles with the students, who're still milling around.

Their drawings are now displayed on boards along the side of the room and the teacher goes from one set to another to offer praise and critique in turn. Most students attend the small lectures but a couple are still busy with their last drawing and stay seated until she calls them over.

I hover at the back of the room, dithering between wanting to see the drawings and thinking I'd rather not know. I watch Loke move confidently amongst the art students who're suddenly talking to him as if they're friends or at least close acquaintances. But I guess he's like this even with a bunch of strangers. Wish I had his easy manners.

"Thor. Would you like to see the drawings?" I almost jump and squeak at the unexpected question interrupting my musings, but control myself. I turn to find a tall brunette with warm brown eyes next to me. She smiles and speaks again, when I fail to respond. "Thoris your name, right? Or was your friend joking with us? I know Loke is his nick name, and I thought you might want to use a pseudonym too." Her voice is nice, deep and almost sultry, unlike the high pitched squealing of teenage girls which annoys me completely.

"No, my name really is Thor. And Loke is more than a nick name, in fact I've no doubt he'll change his first name officially at some point."

"OK, good to know. So do you want to see the drawings?"

For some reason I find myself being honest with her. "I'm not sure. The whole idea of seeing my face with Loke's body is rather weird. Especially in the nude." I keep quiet about being even more freaked out about knowing she's drawn my naked body at least twice.

She doesn't scoff at my reluctance, but treats it seriously. "Try to pretend the portraits are of someone else. Which they in fact are. They're pictures of two mythical beings that have nothing to do with you as a person."

As we're speaking, she takes me by the arm and leads me gently to the first set of drawings. Nobody else is looking at them, since the students are with the teacher at the other end of the exhibition. I almost gasp as I catch sight of the largest drawing, the one of Loki cursing the world. It's magnificent, the anger and defiance and loneliness jumps at the spectator even though it's a sketch, clearly not finished.

I look at the other drawings and even the one with my face and Loke's reclining body doesn't feel like me. The relief is so great I turn and smile happily at the girl next to me. "These are brilliant, and you're absolutely right. They're not drawings of me or Loke, but of the Norse God Thor and his companion Loki."

Her brown eyes widen in surprise at my enthusiasm, but she soon regains her composure and leads me down the row of displays, offering a comment about the different styles now and then. I suddenly realize I don't know her name or which set of drawings is hers.

"I'm impressed at how complex most of the sketches are, considering you only had half an hour for each session. But which ones are yours, ehm...?" I pause and look at her expectantly, clearly waiting for her to supply a name.

To my surprise she blushes slightly and hesitates. "Please don't laugh. I know it's silly." I just keep staring at her. If there's one thing I know how to do, it's waiting patiently for the other shoe to drop. Being friends with Loke for more than ten years has honed my ability to face the unexpected with a calm face. "My name's Freja."

I bite my lip, but when she starts giggling, I can't help myself and laugh at the absurd coincidence of her also being named for a Norse God. Especially Freya, the Goddess of Love. My chuckles end abruptly at the thought, and at the same time, Freja shakes her head with a mock pout: "At least it's better than Sif. Otherwise the jokes would go on forever."

If I didn't know better, I'd assume she was flirting with me. My mouth calmly asks "So where are your drawings, Freja?" I look towards the displays we've yet to see, expecting her to point them out or lead me there. When I turn back to the girl at my side, my perception shifts as if a veil is ripped away.

I'm struck dumb by three major revelations at the same time, as my subconscious mind (and my cock) finally gets my attention.

1. Freja is absolutely stunning, with the kind of curves which normally has me drooling with lust.

2. I'm done with the role as model and therefore no longer out of bounds.

3. In Norse mythology Sif is the name of Thor's wife.

I can't help it, but turn bright red as I recall how she's been looking at my naked body for the past two hours. Luckily Loke arrives at our side, his ability to sense when I'm in trouble or needs help, is uncanny but at least my best friend never lets me down.

Even better, he's brought one of the other students who apparently knows Freja and engages her in a rapid discussion about the critical comments the teacher gave his efforts. He grabs the tall brunette by the arm and tries to tow her towards the display. The effort is comical since he's a head shorter and definitely several kilos lighter. But she indulges him with a smile and a quick apologetic glance in my direction. As I watch two magnificent asses move away, I hear Loke's voice.

"You know, it's my last day of modelling, too."

"Indeed." For once I manage just the right sarcastic tone to make him cringe.

"With this group of students anyway. They're graduating from Ann's course next week." Right, the teacher's name is Ann. No surname given as being on first names with your teachers in college is normal for Denmark. I flick my eyes towards Loke and sure enough his gaze is locked on the pert butt of the guy walking next to Freja, talking and gesticulating heatedly.

I simply wait, knowing he'll cave eventually. I can tell he's hot for Freja's friend, who's so obviously gay he even pinges on my non-existing gaydar. Or can straight people have gaydar too? Anyway, the boy isn't flaming or limp-wristed, nor quite deserving of the epithet twink, despite being relatively short, slim and definitely excitable. But he could be a poster boy for out, proud, and confidently gay.

He has a head full of blond curls, and together with the vibrant blue eyes and the general good looks I got a glimpse of, I know he presses every button Loke has. For my friend's sake I hope the cutie takes it up the ass. For my sake I pray Freja does too.

I try not to get my hopes up, but the thought of plunging my cock into every hole of my own love goddess certainly pushes my buttons in a major way. Please let her be into my little fetish. Strange how the wordsmine andlove aren't scaring me, although I've no idea whether this girl is more than a sudden infatuation. Right now I don't care, and finally Loke says the magic words.

"We could ask them out on a double date." Hmm, sounds serious, maybe be even relationship potential. Neither of us have done the whole girlfriend / boyfriend routine, only one night stands and friends with benefits. But I'm willing to be persuaded.

"I guess we could. But please tell me his name isn't Balder or Frey."

"What? Why on earth are you worrying about his name? But it's Alexander."

"Fine. Her name is Freja. Do you want to suggest pizza at our place?" I can't see our targets anymore and turn to smirk at Loke. I enjoy seeing him hover between a fit of laughter over names and horror at the idea of letting the blond hottie see his bedroom without preparation. We aren't slobs and due to the smallness of the apartment we have to keep it tidy and clean. Nevertheless neither of us is in the habit of bringing partners home to fuck.

He rallies beautifully. "The reason I came over is to tell you the whole group is going out for a meal to celebrate completing the course. They want us to come with them." I nod and agree and Loke's eyes light up. Without hesitation he heads back to the main group of students and announce our intent to join the party. Wait a minute he never mentioned a party. Oh well I've no classes before lunch tomorrow.

I turn to the display of drawings intending to find Freja's artwork but suddenly she's next to me. Behind her the other students are getting ready to go and I'm not surprised to see Loke next to a certain blond guy. Suits me fine, as I want to get closer to my companion too.

Soon we're at the pizza place. Freja and I blithely let our gay friends maneuver matters so the four of us end up sharing a table. We talk for hours and surprisingly I have a lot in common with Xander as Freja calls him. We're both essentially trusting, positive, nerdy, bookish, and not good with strangers. The bright personae in the art room was caused by Xander feeling safe, appreciated and possibly a tiny bit infatuated with my friend.

At least some of Freja's slightly sardonic comments pointed to her friend being unusually bubbly tonight. In a weird sort of symmetry Loke and she are kindred spirits, sharing the same cynical outlook on life, yet being protective of their friends and clever enough to understand how our attitude prevents them from becoming world weary and hard hearted.

The other students leave for the party, but we go to a coffee bar and indulge in ice cream and more talk. Before we part Loke and Xander have arranged for all four of us to get together over the weekend. Freja and I exchange indulgent smiles and agree, trying to be casual. I know I'm as excited over the prospect as our exuberant friends, and I have the feeling she is too. She lets me kiss her cheek and I get hugs from both her and Xander.

On the way home I get a hug from Loke too, when I happen to mention Xander's obvious interest. "Fuck, Thor, you honestly think he's attracted to me? Not just sexually, but more?" Of course Loke knows they're hot for each other physically, but apparently he wants Xander as a boyfriend. I try to reassure him and in return he tries to sell me the idea of getting a girlfriend.

"I think she likes you, Thor."


"Idiot. Admit you like her too. She's good looking and intelligent and observant. Brilliant sense of humor too. Which she'll need to deal with you as her boyfriend."

"Very funny."

"Go on, deny you find her sexy." My silence is all he needs to start teasing.

"You know as different as she is from Xander they do have something in common. Something rather important."

"Apart from being twenty two, art students, and attractive?"

"So you do admit she's attractive."

"Get to the point, Loke."

"Well when we walked to the coffee bar, Xander and I had a little private talk." I roll my eyes knowing exactly the sort of information Loke is after.

"Luckily Xander and I are compatible sexually, as far as he knows." It takes me a second to get the implication. Fuck, I'd never have pegged Loke's blond hottie as a virgin.

"Turns out he's even discussed the issue with Freja a couple of times. She told him not to fuss, because anal intercourse takes a lot of trust. Xander hasn't had enough confidence in any guy so far." As much as I don't want to be told private stuff which I'm sure my new gay friend doesn't want me to know either, I listen avidly. Why would Freja have an opinion about anal sex unless she...?

"Apparently, Freja had a boyfriend a couple of years ago who wanted to go there. She refused and broke up with him." My hopes are dashed. Fuck.

"No, listen Thor. She said, and Xander swore it was a direct quote, 'I'm actually keen to try it, but not unless I love and trust the man.' He thinks she used the butt sex issue to dump the guy."

Oh. We walk along in silence as I try to absorb the information and how to deal with it. I end up deciding to ignore it for now. After all, I'm nowhere near getting Freja into bed or even becoming her boyfriend. Or so I think.

Most of Friday is spent in a frenzy of preparing for our double date, including cleaning our rooms and putting on new bed linen. Just in case. When we get home from uni, Loke hands me a small plastic bag and I notice he has one himself too. I look into mine and nearly choke over the contents. I'd never have been able to buy this stuff without dying from embarrassment. Condoms and lube are easily accepted but the box of ten disposable enemas and the sex toy labelled butt plug are scary. I didn't even know special anal dildos existed.

"We're the ones with experience. Even if the receiving part is only theory." I can't even look at my best friend as he attempts to explain.

"You can do what you like, Thor, but I'm going to try things out. Then I can help Xander with advice when we get to this part. I want him to be mine."

I go into my room and put the bag away. Loke is standing in the same place when I get back. I give him a hug and his body loses the rigidity which tells me how upset he was.

"I'm going for a walk. I need a new shirt for tomorrow anyway. And the book store is open late. I'll be back in an hour or two." He nods and I leave with a parting tease: "Have fun."

When I get back around seven, he's shaken but composed and dressed for a trip to the gym, which will last two hours or so he informs me. I'm not telling you any details, but when Loke returns home, I'm sure we're both adequately familiar with the mechanics of anal sex. In addition I've gained new respect for Marie and the few other girls who've gone to the trouble of letting me indulge my obsession. Never again will I take anal sex for granted or assume it can happen 'spontaneously' just like in porn.

The double date is a huge success and I advance from a peck on the cheek to holding hands and kisses. Lots of kisses and hugs and they evoke funny feelings in my gut. Within two weeks Xander and Freja are calling us boyfriends and people comment on our silly grins and distracted behavior.

The summer holidays begin and we've managed to borrow a vacation house on the west coast. A friend of our parents rents out two cottages and one of them is free for a week just after the junior schools go back in mid-August. Xander and Freja are happy to join us, even if it means meeting the parents for the first time. Loke and I have managed to avoid the ordeal so far, but I know we'll have to soon.

The cottage is ideal for two couples with two master bedroom situated at either end of the building. Both are equipped with a luxurious bath room with showers large enough for two. I have the feeling Loke and I will go all the way with our sweethearts here. I've had sex with Freja and it is wonderful, the best ever. She likes oral and lets me fuck her pussy any way I want. However, to me the real test of our relationship has yet to come. I know we're in love, but is it enough for her to trust me?