All Comments on 'Not My Type: Felicity Ch. 06'

by firstkiss

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AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I'm actually addicted to this story, I love it so much! This nearly made me cry though, need to know what happens next!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Stupid matt! Can't wait till next week!!

LakergirlLakergirlover 13 years ago

Why in the world did she leave? And where in the world did he go? I would have waited for an answer so I'm alittle disappointed in Felicity. That's a scatterbrained response after her saying she would risk anything to be with him and she did hit me as that kind of girl but.......oh well. Enjoy the update until that point although the confrontation with her Dad was well overdue. Sort of mean to leave it there but there again...."them's the breaks". Looking for to next Tuesday.


LakergirlLakergirlover 13 years ago

Still gave it 5 stars. Lakergirl

KyRainKyRainover 13 years ago
I love Tuesdays

Wow you just took us on a ride and I'm loving every second of it. Keep it up as I know you will.

LadySarahLadySarahover 13 years ago
Ooh, suspenseful....

Love how you left it hanging, altho I, like anyone else, really wants to know where Matt went! And why would Felicity leave? Sheesh...guess I have to wait till next week!

cpm09cpm09over 13 years ago
minD blowing!

loved it....first class sweetie! well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Tuesdays can't come quick enough! Love love love this story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I love Tuesdays too!

Oh I can't believe we have to wait a week till the next chapter comes out! What is wrong with Matt?! And to be honest... I think I would have done exactly what Felicity did. Heartbreaking. Love this series! Your work (as always) is amazing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Even I know he fucked up and I have the sensitivity of a brick

Great Job author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Matt is a jackass! I love this entire series with all the characters... I can't wait for chuck... and his family feud love affair!

evanslilyevanslilyover 13 years ago
Aw... Poor Flick. :(

Did he go to get her truck? 'Cos I can't imagine for a minute that he's the type to have second thoughts about what they did...

Ah well, all will shortly be revealed, huh? Can't wait. Think this is turning into one of my favourite stories of yours! L x

PennLadyPennLadyover 13 years ago
Glad to see more

I'm enjoying this story but, oh -- I'm tired of mysterious disappearances and the women who cry afterwards. This is not to say I don't want to know what happened with Matt, because I do; and I bet there's a good reason. As someone else said, though, I do wish Felicity had stayed -- or called? What happened to all the cell phones? Okay, she left hers in Nate's car but once she had it back?

feelinromanticfeelinromanticover 13 years ago
poor flick!

after that night it seems odd matt just dissapeared, i cant believe its just nerves. What could it be?! Another great chapter - thanks :-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Matt better show up with a HUGE present and a very good excuse! LOL

Great chapter, can't wait for the next one.

zooey4luvzooey4luvover 13 years ago
Matt is an idiot...

Omg. I guess its my own fault for thinking they were going to be smooth sailing from now on, but Matt really fucked up this time. I'm feeling for Flick and hope that she makes him feel horrible before they get back together. Can't wait to find out what his excuse is and a little part of me (the evil part) hopes his family finds out so they can chew him out too. Don't make us wait to long for the next chapter, yesterday if it's not to much trouble.

zooey4luvzooey4luvover 13 years ago

Oh and I loved how Flick finally got all of that emotion off her chest with her father, if this story is going to have a happy ending he has to get up of his arse and do something about it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
good emotional depth

I love that you are showing us several different sides to Felicity - she's enamored, she's passionate, she's peeved, and she stands up for herself.

She's a tiny bit naive, but it is understandable - she's been working like a dog and hasn't had the time to put into relationships ... she's been putting it into oil changes, balancing the books, dealing with her father, etc. She hasn't had much time to have a life, especially not since she's pined for Matt.

He's a bit of a jerk, at least so it appears right now. But we don't know his side of the story yet.

Here's hoping he can do some fancy stepping or Flick goes out with the guy from the automotive supply place again (and goes soon!).

well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Full Marks

Oooh I can't believe I've been waiting a week and it's all gone wrong! Though I thought it was too good to be true. Poor old Flick, please let Matt pull through in the end! Glad to see Nate and Adele getting a little alone time. This chapter was, like all the previous ones, bloody fantastic. Full marks.

PrincessErinPrincessErinover 13 years ago

That chapter brought tears to my eyes. Wonderful.

SuperflyredheadSuperflyredheadover 13 years ago

that was amazing .. seriously .. waiting for the next chapters in this story is killing me but it is sooo worth the wait

MollyDollyMollyDollyover 13 years ago

But that man had better have a good explanation!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
He was in a carwreck...

that lead to him being in a short coma right?

LakergirlLakergirlover 13 years ago
Don't kill Matt Yet

OK. Here's my thinking and I could be wrong. It didn't seem that long. I mean if it was nearly 12 and if he had left only 30-60 before.....not a long period of time. If she could have waited because if he went to get a surprise or shopping (Dude have you watch men shop they are clueless -- sad), or car trouble. YES the nimnood should have left a note but then again -- we are talking about a man here.

So.......I'm giving Matt a little leway but I hope its good or the imagary Matt is going to have a real life leech mob after him. hehehe

kathryn08kathryn08over 13 years ago
Poor Flick

I just want to give her a big hug! Like everyone else, I can't wait to hear where he went. Waiting a week is so painful!

MissCaitMissCaitover 13 years ago
Yay Felicity!

The scene with her dad was incredible. I'm glad she finally got the truth out, and let's hope it breaks through to him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
next chapter asap please!!!!

can't wait to find out what happens next!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Can't wait until the next chapter!

It's getting so intense now, I don't know how I can wait for the next chapter! :)

hopkinscmhopkinscmover 13 years ago

I needed a good cry! I was looking forward to this story, I like the one's where it seems the love is all from the one side and the other takes a bit to come around. Its sometimes sad but its the most fulfilling. Good job firstkiss can't wait for the next chapter...make it soon though please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Where is Matt?

Oh how could he....... Poor Felicity. To open herself to him completed and left all alone without a single word. How could he. But Felicity will be much more forgiving & courageous than I am.

I love that she confronted her father..... Holding on and carrying the burdens all these years, it have been tough, very tought. Matt, what have you done.

Next chapter pls.....................................

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
tuesdays are my fave!

i was hanging onto every word during this chapter. sigh. felicity certainly isn't having an easy go of things is she? such life altering things are waiting around the corner for her, and i can't wait until next tuesday to find out what direction they'll go!


jg2291jg2291over 13 years ago

I'm pretty sure this series is going to be the death of me.

wtf Matt, wtf?!!

sprezzaturasprezzaturaover 13 years ago
Maybe your best story yet

I've been following the Not My Type series, and I think this chapter may be your strongest so far. The buildup may have been agonizingly slow for some of us (cruel), but that payoff made it that much more worthwhile. I did start to think things were going to smoothly, so of course you added in the conflict/cliffhanger that you always use. Grr. It's a bit overdone to have the guy jilt the girl without explanation, but since she was at his place, I'm stumped why she didn't just hang around. Or *call* him, as I'm sure she had his number, given he's her employee...?? One critique I have is the spooning scene reminds me a lot of a scene almost exactly the same as one between Lily and Adam. Anyway, I'm looking forward to see what happens between Flick and Matt, not to mention all the other NTM characters!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

matt seems to have some serious issues that make him rather stupid at times.

luv_romanceluv_romanceover 13 years ago

this is a cliffhanger!!!

what a timing. i hope you will write the next one fast.... pleaseeeee!!! :)

this is another winner. :)

what happened to matt? i hope there is no accident or something.. :)


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Not an Alpha

So I'm trying to wrap my head around the fact that Mark has been the weakest male in this series - he had so much potential. If he isn't dead on the road somewhere, I can't think of any "good" reason for what he did to the poor girl. Personally I hope she backs off completely. If he really wants her, he should have to grow some balls and start fighting for her. Love the series, but this story is really making me mad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Really Mat Really??

Ok so I get that he is not one of your "Alpha male" characters but what could possibly make this ok. I hope that HE is in a ditch right now. WTF!! This chapter is one of my favorites it really gets to me and I cant possible wait another ENTIRE week for chapter 7!!! Please keep them going!

yen_murasakiyen_murasakiover 13 years ago
thank you for another chapter FK

very hot bed scene after the wedding, makes it more romantic... im already interested on what happened to matt...

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

As a guy, I totally get where Matt is coming from. His behavior has a totally valid excuse: his abrupt departure and unexplained absence were the best way to create a suspenseful plot device.

So why don't yall just leave Matt alone. He is merely a slave to the storyline.

HairRaisingWriterHairRaisingWriterover 13 years ago
Love Your Writing


I gotta say I love your stories and think you're a top notch writer! That is evident in the way your characters evoke such strong emotions in everyone!

I have to say that while I hope Matt has faced some sort of near-death experience, I think it's far more likely he just freaked out. While everyone wants the story to seem "real" they forget that in order for that to happen the characters have to be real. Real people fuck up and have to beg for forgiveness and a second chance! Here's hoping Matt can climb out of the hole he's dug himself and Flick can find it in herself to forgive him and take him back!

Thanks for another great chapter!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Abandon her with no way to get home?

So he is so freaked out that he got the woman that he wanted, that

he abandoned her with no way home. I have my own story line.

Felicity freaks out and runs off to establish a VERY successful singing carreer.Matt hears her songs constantly on the radio and is tormented for

years. He can't look at or touch another woman. He can't get

it up even with little pills and a bathtub on the bluffs overlooking

the ocean. Beer cans litter his room in his parents house and

Shawn the bartender at Macks bar is on his speed dial. Felicity marries

her producer and the pictures of their wedding are everywhere.

They are on the way to their honeymoon, when they are in a horrific car

accident. Her husband is killed. Devastated, she heads home to recover.

After several years Matt can throw himself at her feet and show her his "I'm sorry" tattoo.

louisville_ladylouisville_ladyover 13 years ago

Ugh, this chapter has stayed with me so well, I had to reread it today.

I can't wait to see how you are going to resolve this.

It will be agony waiting for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
love it

I have read a lot of your stories and I swear just about all of them have made me cry. You just have a wonderful way of writing about emotions that make the reader actually feel them. I love this story and can't wait for the next part.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
We're hanging by our fingertips, here...

I'm assuming Matt's conspicuously absent for a reason. Ah, the suspense... Please post, soon!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I'm currently writing

my own chapter to this story (in my head) where Adam stomps Matt into a little puddle in the ground. After all he practically pushed her into Matt's arms. He isn't going to be too happy that his efforts ended up with her getting hurt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

went to buy her a ring?

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
please tell me you're adding to this?

please tell me the story's not over?

matt...just went to the store?

he got run over by a car (driven byme) brought back to life just in time to swoop in and save the day? with a ring in hand?

or...maybe matt got beaten up. (by me LOL no...) someone. the guy. the guy whooo.....who delivers! YES. that must be it. RIGHT?


victorechovictorechoover 13 years ago
I like that idea...

Adam stomping Matt into the ground. I have to ponder that thought for a moment...nah...won't happen ;)

I like Flick. She is mischievous, determined, and ... what is the word I am looking for...ah, driven!

Another lovely story!

kitten2102kitten2102over 13 years ago
Amazing... cant wait for the next chapter

I have finally read all of your Not My Type series & I love it & cant wait for the next installment

Each of your charcters are beautiful, strong but different individuals - I love it. I love that each story has new issues & is different from the last but still continues the stories of the charcters I have already fallen in love with.

Your descriptions are so vivid, that I can close my eyes & see the scene you are painting. You are a gifted writer & I cant wait to read more.

I hope I wont have to wait long to hear what has happened with Matt - & hopefully read another happily ever after?

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Oh! Ye Of Little Faith

Don't you know that "First Kiss" is the Emperial queen of Romance, and she WILL find this subtle, but, oh, so realistic, way of bringing Matt back to Felicity and even deepening the romance. Love reigns and conquers all, and FK knows it and writes it better than anyone else!!!

phoenixeyephoenixeyeover 12 years ago

That was Powerful! Matt is an asshole! There is no excuse

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Aw, man. I cried at the last part :*(

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago


what are you, some kind of fucking infant? of course there's an excuse. God help the man in your life

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

what the fuck is your problem other Anonymous?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Jumped way too quickly

Okay, so Felicity and Matt FINALLY confess their feelings together. They share a kiss. And now they have sex? WTF? Your story was so gradual, building the anticipation, and at the first sign of climax, you jetpack to the sex part. There needs to be a more balanced sense of timing... Regardless, I still love this romantic story very much.

BiotechGirlBiotechGirlover 8 years ago
All emotions covered!

I laughed, felt warmth, then cried my eyes out! Very good writing. I can't wait to hear the excuse for running out!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Shit! That's the first time I actually cried reading a story here.

You rock!

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A lot has changed since I began writing on this site 16 years ago as a wet-behind-the-ears 20-something — met an amazing partner, got married, started a business, and became a mom. Life with a kid underfoot doesn’t exactly make for much free time for sexy writing. I still da...

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