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"No, fuck," Amelia growled. "I don't need comforting, Tay. I need you to fuck me." She opened the front zipper on her red gown and showed me she was entirely naked underneath except for the new pair of strappy heels I'd bought her as part of her graduation gift.

"Holy shit," I said.

She smirked and, because she was up a step from me, was able to go on her tiptoes and kiss me. "I was planning on celebrating like this with you anyways," she mumbled between kisses. "But also getting a little revenge on those assholes is a fucking win. Now get that cock out, baby, and fuck your little graduate slut."

She gobbled my cock, getting me hard and slick, and then bent over and knelt on the stairs, pulling her gown up to reveal her perfect little ass. She still had her cap pinned to her head, the tassel bouncing as we fucked, and she started to bite the edge of her diploma folder to keep from moaning too loud before I took it from her - knowing she would want that to be in good condition - and replaced it with some of her bundled-up robe.

- - - - -

"Tay, can you come here?" Amelia called from the kitchen.

I was back in my office, as I said I would be. Amelia was hosting the Girls Only graduation pool party that she and the others had been planning for weeks. Every softball team member from the area was down outside, whether they had graduated or not, plus several of their other female friends from college. I'd gladly offered to provide catering and the local Chinese place we'd gone to as a team on several occasions had delivered trays of delicious-smelling food. Several of the team parents had chipped in to help out, and I'd gotten a few hand-written notes from the parents as well.

Profound thanks. Apologies for not being around in the last year and a half. Etc. Etc. Everyone knew about Amelia's super public blow-up at the Graduation party. People were feeling guilty.

I didn't care. I'd figured out who my real friends were. I put the extra cash to good use though and made sure that the BYOB party was reinforced with some extra beer and liquor. The girls were in a safe place to get absolutely sloshed if they wanted, and enough of them were light drinkers that I wasn't worried about anyone being too drunk around the pool.

Stretching as I got up, I made my way over to the kitchen. The plan had been, since it was 'Girls Only,' that I would stay upstairs or in my office for most of the day. I was supposed to just come down and grab some dinner, say hello and check in that everyone was OK, before heading back into seclusion. It was still at least four hours until dinnertime though, and the party could only have been running for an hour really.

"Amelia!" I said in surprise as I rounded the corner and found her stark naked, leaning against the counter.

"Hey, baby," she grinned at me and then glanced over her shoulder. Outside there were a bunch of young women, recently graduated or not, and there was a distinctive lack of swimsuits going on.

"What...?" I started, but didn't even know where to go with my question. "The neighbours?" I landed on.

"We pooled together cash and got all the neighbours to go out of town for the afternoon and evening. Mini-vacations at Bed and Breakfasts. No one is looking over the fences at us," Amelia said.

"Jesus Christ," I sighed. I'd seen more tit and ass in a minute looking out my glass door into the backyard than I had through the rest of my life.

"Unfortunately, not everyone would be cool with you joining us," Amelia said. "So you can't come outside.But, some of the girls want to say hello. Girls?"

Emily, Jackie and Amy came around through the other entrance to the kitchen. All of them naked.

"Ladies," I said.

"Hey, Coach," Jackie, a spitfire of a girl who had always been the fastest runner on the team, beamed at me. She had amazing legs and long, curly red hair.

"Ah!" Amelia said. "What did I tell you?"

"Right!" Jackie corrected herself. "Sorry. Hey, Tayvon."

"I think we might have broken him," Emily giggled.

Amelia came to me and grabbed my hand, lifting it to her lips and kissing my palm. "Baby, wake up," she said. "This is real."

"I... feel like I should head upstairs," I said slowly.

"Good idea," Amy smirked. "We'll come with you."

I looked down at Amelia, who was grinning like mad. "I ended up spilling the beans after Graduation to some of the girls," she said. "Turns out, there's more of them who had crushes on you back then."

"Fuck, back then?" Emily laughed. "Try right fucking now."

"Come on," Amelia said. "Charlie is already upstairs. She's got a friend who works at a sex shop and got some great deals on some toys, so you being the only cock won't be a problem."

Amelia tugged my hand and led me back towards the stairs. Emily skipped ahead and slipped under my other arm, grinning up at me as she put my hand on her naked ass. "I hear you're a butt man, Tay," she said. "Me too."

Five twenty-one-year-olds, while a naked party was going on outside.


- - - - -

"OK," I said. "I'm ready. What's up?"

We were sitting at the kitchen table, and Amelia had her laptop out and was wearing a pair of glasses that made her look more studious, though the glass was fake and she didn't need them. She'd dressed in a cute, business-appropriate dress and was sitting with her hands folded on the table.

"Thank you for making the time for this," she said, the sincerity in her voice thick. "I know it's the middle of your business day, but I thought this was probably the best time since it's outside of our usual schedule."

"I'm available whenever you need me, Porcelain," I said. "You know that."

"I know," she said, her facade of professionalism dropping a little. "But still."

"Well, you're welcome," I nodded for her to continue.

Amelia turned her laptop around and pressed a button, and an old-school PowerPoint presentation started. The first page showed the date. June 2nd.

"Tayvon, I officially graduated one month ago," she said. Her ceremony had been on May 2nd. "Which means we need to have a serious conversation." She pressed the button again and a new page popped up, showing the month of May on a calendar with all of the days crossed out. "You know I love you like nothing else, and amso grateful for everything you've done in the past year and a half, and everything before that too. But it's been a whole month and we've officially hit the point where..." she pressed the button again. "I'm freeloading." The new page had a stock image of a thirty-something man living on his parent's couch, his parents looking on from the side in disappointment.

"Amelia-" I started, but she cut me off.

"I know, it was a joke way back in January. But it's true. I'm not in school anymore, and I don't have a job, and I'm just living here off of you. I'm freeloading." She pressed the button again, and the next page showed Amelia, dressed much like she was in business attire, holding a bookbag and a printed sheet that said 'Resume' in way-too-big letters on the top. "The obvious answer is that I need to get a job. And my degree in Communications leads to a lot of different kinds of jobs. The problem-" another new page, showing a map of North Carolina and the surrounding states, "- is that to find the right job, I might need to move. And I don't want to leave you." Another page, her frowning and giving puppy eyes at a framed photo of me with a heart drawn in lipstick on the glass. She pressed the button again, and the next page had Amelia in that same outfit from before but photoshopped in front of the State University. "Another option would be going for my MBA, which would make me a student again so I wouldn't meet our definition of freeloading." Another page, this one with a clipart stack of cash and a big X through it. "But that's expensive, and even if you were willing to pay for it I would feel super guilty to let you do that more than you already have."

"You know I would, though," I said.

She smiled softly at me. "I know," she nodded. "But I can't let you."

Amelia put her finger on the button again but didn't press it as she hesitated for a long moment. "There's a third option though. One that would mean me staying here, and not being a freeloader. But... you might think it's drastic."

"Porcelain, honey, hesitating isn't selling me harder," I said.

She pressed the button. The next slide had a stock photo of a wedding going on in a chapel, with an interracial couple at the altar.

"We could get married," she said, and rushed on. "And I know, it's a lot. And it's not what we agreed to when I seduced you. I'm supposed to be open to people my own age and all that. But all of the things that applied to us having sex have only grown more and more in the last five months, and they apply to us being together in an official relationship. I love you, Tay. And you love me. That's obvious. You make me the happiest woman in the world, and I think I've been doing a pretty good job of keeping you happy too. Especially since I've been testing the waters this last month and have been doing more traditional wifey stuff around the house."

"So that's what that was," I smirked a little, thinking of the extra chores she'd been doing, and she smiled sweetly.

"And I know what you're going to say," Amelia said. She pressed the button and the next page had a picture of an older man with a younger woman, and was titled 'Age Gap.' "I don't care about thisat all, and I think I've proven it. And with the whole 'dating Charlie' thing I'm not missing out on fun stuff people my age would do that you wouldn't want to, and I wouldn't want to do the stuff that 'wild single ladies' do anyways because you always taught me to respect myself more than that. And on your end, you get the benefits of my youthand you know I can hang out with you, Marcus, Sonya and Paulette just fine without putting my foot in my mouth or acting like a fish out of water. Plus, as your wife, I would want to dedicate part of my time to making sure I keep you healthy and fit, so even when you're sixty-five and I'm forty-one, you'll be the healthiest, sexiest sixty-five-year-old silver fox ever and I'll keep wanting your cock until you're a hundred and six and both of our hips would break if we had ridiculous old person sex."

She pressed the button again, not letting me speak.

"The next obvious argument is Social Stigma," she said, which was the title of the next slide. It showed a stock photo of three people in an office gossiping and looking at someone else across the room. Then a big X appeared over it. "Which doesn't apply. Sonya and Paulette will have questions, but I've become friends with them and if I sit down and tell them myself and explain things they'll accept it. And Marcus will just be a little jealous. And all my best friends love you anyways and will be thrilled for us. Anyone else can suck eggs and fuck right off."

She went to the next page, with 'FOMO' on it in big letters. "And if you're worrying I'm throwing away my life on this relationship, you're wrong. You're everything I want. I have FOMO aboutnot being with you." Another page, with a stack of money again. "And lastly, if we're together then my whole goal will be to make sure that your home life is as easy and enjoyable as possible for you. That's proven to raise productivity in work results, so even though you're doing great now, I'll be there with you every step of the way so you can take every risk you want. And when I mean easyand enjoyable, I also mean providing you a family if that's what we want. You were great with me all my life, and you deserve to be a father now if you want and I'd be happy to do that with you. Or maybe you don't want to deal with a baby or little kids, and we can get into coaching some new softball team and dedicate our lives to helping teens like you did with me and the girls. That would be OK with me too."

She pressed another button, and the Altar scene came up again. "My preference is option three," she said. "But I know this is a big decision, and I'm springing it on you without talking about it beforehand. I just want you to take your time before deciding, Tay, because whatever you want I'll go with. If you're really against being with me long-term, it'll hurt a hell of a lot but I'll understand and forgive you."

She ended abruptly, her fingers pressed flat to the table to keep from fidgeting and her eyes welling up a little as she tried to control her emotions. Her lip quivered once and stilled as she gritted her teeth, waiting for my response.

I breathed in deeply a few times, trying to keep my composure, and then sighed. "Four years of a communication degree and PowerPoint was the fanciest presentation you could put together?"

She cracked a smile and chuckled. "I figured I would play to my audience and you would appreciate it, old man."

That made me smile and laugh, nodding. I stood up, went around the table to her and kissed her on the forehead. "Wait here a minute," I told her.

"You can have more than a minute," she said. "Hours, days. This is big, I know."

"Just give me a minute, Porcelain," I said and left her in the kitchen.

When I came back, she was in the same spot though she'd shut her laptop.

"Thought the altar scene was a little manipulative?" I asked.

"Yeah," she flushed. Then her eyes got big as I went to one knee next to her and brought out the little box from behind my back and opened it.

"It's my mother's ring," I said. "She died about five years ago - well, you know that since you came to the funeral to support me. But this was, mostly, her ring. The idea at the time was that I'd eventually get the stones added to Jane's for an anniversary, but I never could bring myself to do it. Two weeks ago I got it sized and added some more stones. Her original diamond is this one here, and her mother's diamond is this one here," I pointed them out. "This central one is new, for you, and I added the two small sapphires because I know you wear blue because you like the way I look at you in it, and it makes you think of the ocean."

Her jaw dropped low as she looked at the ring, and I took it out of the box and I slid it onto her ring finger.

"Yes, Amelia," I said. "I'll marry you."

- - - - -

My balls ached something fierce, and I groaned as Amelia hummed a laugh as she sucked me hard.

"Baby, I don't know if- Never mind, there it is," I said as I got hard.

"I knew you could handle it," Amelia chuckled, then gathered up the white skirts of her wedding dress and pulled them up to her waist, exposing her legs and her white lingerie panties. She pulled the gusset of those panties aside, straddled me on the back seat of the limousine, and sat on my cock. She felt extra tight for some reason. "Fuuuuck yes, hubby," she moaned into my ear as she slowly sank down.

"Wifey," I grinned back and kissed her.

"And you thought I couldn't get you hard," she teased.

"Amelia, you had six different bridesmaids all track me down today and suck a load out of me," I said. "Charlie broke into my room at the hotel at 5:45 in the morning to kick things off. I still don't know how she got the key."

My wife giggled and kissed me again. "And each of them had a very fun time getting your delicious cum out of that fat, black cock," she said. "None of them tried to fuck you?"

"A couple of them talkedvery dirty, but no," I said.

"Good," she nodded. "Not that I'd be mad, but the deal was they couldn't be in the post-wedding reverse gangbang if they fucked you today."

"The what?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it," she said. "That's tomorrow. All the girls are coming over and you're getting fucked silly."

"What if I wanted to spend the day after my wedding with my wife?" I asked.

"Oh, we have all the time in the world, hubby," she said with another grin. "And we'll have a week on the honeymoon all to ourselves."

"Our honeymoon istwo weeks," I reminded her.

"Oh, I know," she said. "But Lauren and her wife justhappened to book the same resort as us for their vacation. And her wife has never tried dick before but wants to."

I groaned and she writhed her hips on my cock.

"By the way," Amelia whispered in my ear. "Becky is seeing that guy, which is why she hasn't drifted through our bed yet, but did you see how hot her Mom looked in that dress during the service? And Becky says she heard her moaning your name from inside her bedroom a couple of nights. Think you want to hook up with a MILF before you makeme a MILF?"

"Amelia, honey, we're almost at the reception," I groaned, glancing out the window of the limousine.

"That wasn't a no," she smirked and kissed me again. Then she reached over and pressed the little intercom button up to the driver in the front. "Circle the block a couple of times, please?"

"Will do," replied the driver.

"There," Amelia said. "Now we have time for you to pump your seventh load of the day into me." She took my hands and slid them under her dress and back to her ass, then further to get my fingers into the crack.

"Is that what I think it is?" I asked.

She grinned and nodded. "I've been prepping all month," she said. "Bigger and bigger buttplugs. This one is a shiny silver to match the rest of my jewellery for you. You're taking my anal virginity on our wedding night. Hubby."

I squeezed those perfect, tight little cheeks of hers and kissed her again, and we fucked quickly and I came inside her cunt. And as we both panted lightly, our lips meeting softly in little loving pecks, she looked into my eyes and I could tell that my Porcelain was very, very happy. Then she leaned in, hugging me, and pressed her lips to my ear.

"When we get back from the honeymoon, I'm pulling my pills," she said. "And then you can breed me for real."

"Amelia," I said, taking her by her arms and getting her back a bit so that we were looking at each other.

"Yes, my sweet, wonderful husband?" she asked.

"I can'twait to breed my wife with my fat, black cock."

She cracked a grin and reached over to the intercom again. "Go around a few more times!"

The End For Now...

Interested in more with Tayvon, Amelia and the team? Make sure to vote and especially to comment. Their further adventures might include...

The Honeymoon where Amelia springs surprise after surprise on her new husband while chasing the dream of being bred by his fat black cock.

Pregnancy Days where Amelia arranges for Tayvon to get the attention she can't always give him, and Tayvon arranges to make sure his little white wife is taken care of like a queen.

It Takes A Village where new parents Tayvon and Amelia are surrounded by loving, fucking friends. Some of whom are a little jealous and want a taste of family life themselves.

If you've enjoyed this story in particular, I suggest you check out my Pushing series for more sexy content. Cheers!

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G43mbiG43mbi4 months ago

Excellent!! I vote all 3 follow ons as well, even if they are combined or whatever. I found myself getting excited when I realized he was going to marry her... not just erotica, but great story! I'll be waiting for more!

Byron-GaleByron-Gale7 months ago

Isn't it funny how all the negative comments seem to have been written by people who clearly haven't even read the story?

Loved it, it avoids a lot of genre stereotypes and stays loving and respectful

GonzoLifeGonzoLife7 months ago

Love it, thank you, can't wait to read the nex5 installment.

The2thdocThe2thdoc7 months ago

I vote for all 3 options in that order as long as it doesn’t interfere with Quaranteam NW.

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