The Next Milf Porn Star


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"Got it." Dana started to read, but Sylvia spoke to her right.

"It states that if you're willing to do more shoots we will advance you ten thousand dollars. That's the other half you need for your down payment to your ex, and five for you to live for a while."

"Thank you, that's really generous of you."

"A friend of Ellen's is a friend of mine, luv." Sylvia told her.

"But the unfriendly part," she turned her attention back to Matthew. "Is this is an advance, not a gift. By signing you agree to do enough shoots to pay this off. $1500 a full-length scene would be $9,000 for six and we round in our favor on the last, meaning you owe us seven shoots."

"I understand." Dana tapped the pen to her chin. She was still wondering if she could go through one, never mind more.

"If you're willing seven shoots can be booked and done within a month, we can set up another deal with another advance on more payments and everyday living. We can do this until you've paid off your Ex, then after that if you'd like to continue to work its pay per shoot."

"Sound good, Dana?" Sylvia asked. "Any questions?"

"Before you answer, let's get into the nasty stuff that I have to mention." Matthew once again looked at his wife. "And I have to be the heavy to tell you."

"You'll sue me if I breach the contract?"

"Yes, it's a legal binding deal. I do want to mention that you can use a stage name for your shoots, but your legal name will be on the suit, meaning it is a matter of public record you shot adult material and reneged on doing more. Ellen said your husband is a lawyer, good chance he may see your name when checking dockets, won't be good for you."

"But it won't come to that, I'm sure." Sylvia assured her. "But Matt pretty much is the manager, I'm just the pretty face and the inspiration."

"In other words, she handles the fun, I get the shit." Matt grunted.

"I know, its awful being married to a porn star who gets so horny directing, she has to fuck you every day at work."

"I take it for the team." Matthew managed a serious look as he made the comment, then looked to Dana. "Like I said, you're not signing now, but I want you to understand for when you need to decide."

"I got it." She tapped the contract with the pen. "If I did the threesome that's five, so I'd only owe three or four shoots, right? Depending how you round?"

"Correct, but get through this before you think you're ready for that." Sylvia replied. "By the way three ways pay about eighteen after that one, two if you'll do anal."

"We can talk about the pay scale later, she has enough on her mind." Matthew picked up the contract and slipped it into a drawer. "Now Sylvia can tell you about what we'll be doing."

"We'll be with you upstairs, there will also be two cameramen, Harry and Tim. Harry pretty much stays off set, getting the wide angle shots, and he can zoom in when he needs to. Tim will be moving around you, sometimes he'll even be on the bed. He get's close ups and POV shots."

"POV?" Dana frowned.

"Point of view." Matthew explained. "He'll be kneeling behind you to get shots of the talent going down on you or fucking you. He'll be right over the talent's shoulder when you're giving head."

"Um, does that talent have a name?" Dana forced a smile. "This sounds so impersonal."

"Sorry," Matthew shrugged. "Guess that's why I'm the paperwork guy."

"Todd will be the young man working with you, today." Sylvia told her. "He's twenty four, and has been with me since he was 19."

"Been as in been with her a few times." Matthew smirked.

"I am still hand's on, what can I say?" She returned the smirk. "You get a few roles too, so stop whining."

"He's been doing this five years already?"

"Yup, he started young, and he's fantastic in every way. Good looking, built, hung, and most important for this, he understands he's not working with a pro and will be patient, take his time, and knows you're the boss, but if you hesitate, he knows when and how to take over."

"Good to know, I think." Dana shook her head. "I can't believe I'm here."

"Most common thing we hear." Matt laughed.

"You said you watched some videos?" Sylvia asked.

"Just the one with Vanessa."

"Its going to start with me asking you some questions. I am going to mention you were a model."

"Why do we have to say that?" Dana didn't like the idea of giving away any personal information.

"You'll answer it was years ago, and that tells the guys, and women who watch that you've been a hottie from day one. It is also a nice touch to know something about the woman who's about to get down and dirty."

"No last name is being used and like Sylvia said, we're going to say years ago. You think anyone will really go looking? Google 'models named Dana from years ago?" Matthew chimed in. "Its pretty generic honestly."


'When we ask why, its up to you how you answer, but its best to get something out there other than money. That just screams desperate."

'People like that, luv," Matthew reminded his wife.

"True, and it is sexy in a sad sort of way, but a little something else adds to the heat. I can try to lead you along to something."

"After we ask the questions, we'll bring Todd in and then we'll let things get started." Sylvia continued. "You most likely heard me tell Vanessa that at the start we may make suggestions, but once things heat up, we try to just let you find your way."

"We will call out things like move your hair, or your hand, eyes up, things like that." Matthew took over. "Tim may whisper things to you as well, we edit him out later, but leave Sylvia in because she's the director."

Matthew looked to Sylvia. "Question, all mighty director. Will Miss Dana be undressing for us, or will Todd be helping her with that?"

Sylvia pursed her lips in thought.

"I'll ask her to strip down. Jeans aren't the sexiest thing for a guy to take off."

"You wanted me to wear them," Dana reminded her

"Because they look good when the woman takes them off, especially ones as tight as yours."

"You okay with that, Dana? Or you rather Todd help you off with your clothing?" Matthew asked.

"Why are you asking her?" Sylvia looked annoyed for the first time. "You asked me, and I'm directing the shoot."

"Sorry, luv, just trying to make Dana as comfortable as possible."

"So am I," She started pointedly at him. "Trust me."

"I'm not the one that has to." Matthew gestured to Dana. "Your call."

"I...I'm going to get naked anyway, so I guess I'll go with what the expert wants."

"Good choice." Sylvia stood up and coming over put her hand on her shoulder. "I'll tell you what I tell everyone, including the men who work for me. I do my best to bring out the best in people and do it in a way that works best for them, not me or anyone else."

"That makes me feel better, I think." Dana nodded slowly.

"And I am going to be a little more in control of your shoot than I normally am at the start, if I'm right, you'll know exactly why."

"Let's hope so."

"One more thing, then we'll head upstairs." Sylvia's hand remained on her shoulder as she looked down at her. "This I don't say on the set because it's a bit of a mood killer."

"Great," Dana sighed.

"There is going to come a couple points, especially early on when you are going to be seriously uncomfortable and wondering what the fuck you're doing here, and want to stop."

"You said I can stop anytime."

"Absolutely, but I ask that when you get those first twinges and wave of nerves, you try and hold on a little longer and not stop right away. I ask this for a selfish and selfless reason."

"So selfless, she is." Matthew rolled his eyes.

"The selfish part is nerves showing on the site makes this authentic and gets viewers into it. Hard for them to think you're really a pro when you look like you've seen a damn ghost."

"The other reason?"

"If you stop at the first sign of hesitation, then of course we will stop it. We'll give you a few minutes, and we'll try again. You quit a second time, we call it a day, you get your five hundred and we part ways."

"Wow, not even three strikes." Dana tried to joke.

"We know pretty quick who can pull it together and who can't. A second stop tells me that person is the latter, so why put her through more discomfort and why waste our time. This is a business and I'm paying everyone on that set. Time becomes money, both mine and yours.

"When the first twinges of wanting to quit rear their head, try and focus on something positive." Sylvia winked. "Like the hot young stud that's there just for you."

"And the other hundred women he's starred with." Dana grunted.

"But yours for the day, and isn't that just how you like them?" Sylvia laughed. "Think of him as a one hour stand."

"That's it?" Dana narrowed her eyes.

"Without any long stops or starts, that's it. Todd's a pro and he has endurance, but how long he lasts is up to you, and I'm sure you can be very inspiring when you want to be."

"One hour for five grand, Dana." Matthew came around the desk and extended his hand to her. "Ready to launch a new career?"

"Ready to not lose my house." She took his hand and rose to stand beside him.

"Whatever it takes, Dana." Sylvia said with no hint of a smile. "Whatever it takes for you not to let that prick have the last laugh."

Dana took a deep breath and squared her shoulders as Matthew released her hand and walked over to open the door for her and Sylvia.

"Whatever it takes." Chapter Ten

Dana sat at the foot of the king sized bed and tried to take slow calming breaths as she looked around the set. The bed was flanked by two nightstands, each with two bottles of water on it, and the one on her right featured a bouquet of fresh flowers in a red vase.

There was a painting of a sunset over the bed, and from the view of the large camera she was facing, it looked like an ordinary bedroom. However, to the left and right of that angle the large white painted room was just empty space.

In front of her, a tall heavy-set man, Harry, if her nerves allowed her to recall correctly, stood behind the camera held up by a tripod, fiddling around and looking at her through the lens. To his left a short thin balding man with glasses, was removing a small camcorder from a case.

Tim, the guy who would be all but on top of her when things started.

There were three stands of lights, one over the main camera and beaming down at her, while identical sets were to her left and right. A man stood by each of those, and on the floor next to them were handheld spotlights.

She knew those would get rid of any shadows the moving crew cast on the bed, as well as the ones Dana and the young man she was less than a few minutes away from fucking would cast. In this regard the set wasn't much different than that of a common photo shoot.

Where it differed was the young pretty redhead in a pair of pink shorts and a half shirt lounging in a small chair to the right of the cameraman. Sylvia had introduced her as Tammy, the 'fluffer' who would keep Todd hard if they had to stop in mid action and didn't want to have to break the sequence by Dana having to suck him again.

Tammy was borderline disturbingly chipper telling her that fluffers weren't as common these days because a lot of sites had the guys take Viagra, but Sylvia wanted 'natural' so she got a lot of work with her.

The rest of the crew had introduced themselves to her with smiles and handshakes while telling her to relax, and have fun. Tim gave her an awkward apology in advance for needing to get 'all up in there' as he put it during the shoot.

Matthew was off to one side, leaning against the wall and sipping a coke while Sylvia walked around the set, making sure everything was in place. Dana flinched when something dropped in front of her face, then relaxed when she saw it was the boom mike attached to a long pole.

"Sorry!" The thin older man, she thought his name was Kenny, exclaimed as he lifted the mic higher. "Just trying to get the range."

Another man who looked like he could have been Kenny's brother came over to stand behind the lights on her left, and placing a long pole onto a support, extended a similar mic, this one going above the middle of the bed, and raising almost to the ceiling.

"Everyone in position?" Sylvia asked while walking behind Harry and coming over to stand by Matthew.

"Kenny, get the mic over to the right," one of the light techs, His name had already been erased by her nerves, called out. "Its not picking Sylvia up all the way."

"Try now." Kenny offered as he eased the pole towards Sylvia.

"Sounds good!"

"Dana, can you say something please?" Sylvia asked.

"Something please." Dana relaxed slightly when everyone laughed at the joke.

"She sounds perfect." The other sound tech gave a thumbs up.

"Looks perfect too!" One of the light techs called out.

"Shut up, Stan." Sylvia snapped. "Try being professional here."

"I mean no shadows her majesty!" He retorted and everyone laughed again.

"Of course you did." Sylvia muttered, and the mic picked it up perfectly.

"Okay, one last thing I forgot to mention, Dana."

"God, there's more?" Her question, along with the way her eyes widened caused more snickers, but she was too nervous to join in.

"We'll introduce you as Dana. I don't like to use fake names because you might not respond to it right away if I tell you to do something. If you're worried about being recognized, well they've already known your name."

"Wonderful," she sighed.

"At the end I'll ask you if you would like to do another movie, if your answer is yes, I'll ask what your name will be. That's when you give a stage name."

"If you haven't thought of any," Matthew spoke for the first time since they'd reached the set. "DiDi Delight would work."

"Seriously?" Tammy giggled from her seat. "That sucks."

"So do you, and for a living." Matthew winked at her to show he was joking. "But yeah, DiDi is a play on your initials and matches your breast size pretty close. Delight speaks for itself."

"Lame." Tim rolled his eyes.

"We don't need it now. I can ask the question, then we edit in the response when you come up with one you like." Sylvia clapped her hands. "We ready people?"

"Ready!" They all spoke in unison.

"Dana, we good to start rolling?"

She closed her eyes, took a breath, and nodded.

"Okay, The Next Milf Porn Star starring Dana is live in three.....two..."

Dana opened her eyes and focused on the camera as Sylvia called out, "Roll!"

"Welcome to the site where video virgins lose their adult film cherry right in front of your eyes," Matthew spoke the introduction, which Dana hadn't caught in the video she'd watched. "And will decide if the porn industry is right for them. Will our next lovely amateur be a one and done or will she be the next milf porn star?"

Sylvia spoke the intro that Dana assumed had been cut from the cliff notes version of Vanessa's video she'd watched while drifting over to stand next to Harry so she was directly across from Dana.

"And who do we have here today?"

Dana froze and for the life of her couldn't get her own name out.

"Stop." Sylvia put her hand up. "We'll roll again with me just asking her name, the intro came out fine." She pointed to her.

"I know you're not camera shy, Dana, just try and sound natural. Just a few easy questions and not a lot of talking after that.

No, just fucking, she thought even as she nodded. "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry, just be yourself." Sylvia told her. "Again in three....two.... and who do we have here today?"


"Too soft," Matthew called out.

"Mic's at full volume," Kenny replied "Want me to lower it a few inches?"

"Oh my god, was that twice?" Dana blurted out. "I'm not done am I?"

"No, we don't count it at this point." Sylvia remained patient. "Just answer me the way you just said that. Normal volume, don't worry about sounding nervous, you're supposed to be."

Sylvia pointed to Harry,

"Third times a charm, three...two....And who do we have here today?"

"I'm Dana." Her voice was louder, but she could hear a tremor in it. Sylvia gave her a thumbs up as she went on.

"Welcome, Dana, can I ask how old you are?"

"I'm 43."

"Seriously? You look younger."

"Thanks." Was all she could think to say.

"And what brings you to us today?"

" be the next milf porn star, I guess?" She resisted rolling her eyes at how uncertain she sounded, but coming up next to Sylvia, Matthew mouthed "Perfect"

"You don't sound to sure," Sylvia played off her reply. "I take it you've never done an adult film before?"

"No," she shook her head quickly, too quickly and again felt like an idiot.

"What's changed that you'd like to do this now?"

"Well, I...really need the money."

"An honest and very common reason. Anything else? Is it something maybe you fantasized about before, and thought was hot?"

Matthew reached out and tapped Harry's camera, taking the hint, she responded.

"I like being in front of the camera."

"But I thought you said you'd never done a movie before? Or do you just like your picture taken?" Sylvia made a rolling gesture with her hand, telling Dana to follow her lead.

"I'm a former model."

"Really? How recently? Would I have seen you somewhere?"

"It was back in my twenties, and I never did anything on the national stage, mostly local." The normal conversation had her sounding a little less nervous, and she was the reason Sylvia did these intros.

"But you have experience being filmed. Have you ever done any nudes?"

"No, some lingerie, that's as close as I got."

"What about home movies? Ever make a little something fun with your husband?"

"Ex-husband, and he wouldn't know fun if it bit him in the ass." She scowled and Sylvia whistled.

"Whoa, sensing some hostility. You're recently divorced?"

"Yes, its why I need the money."

"What do you think your ex would say if he saw this video?"

"Doesn't matter, I'm not his anymore." She straightened her shoulders and lifted her head defiantly "Besides, he used to say I was only good for one thing, using my body to get what I want, so who am I to prove him wrong?"

"Damn, girl!" Sylvia laughed. "Maybe we have a little revenge theme going here and its not just for the money?"

"No revenge," She shook her head. "Enjoying being single again is my reward."

Sylvia frowned, and Dana realized too late, she was looking for her to say something that would lead to her wanting to try this because it would be a turn on. Matthew whispered in her ear, and Sylvia tried again.

"We'll leave that alone, we're all about you getting your money, but also having some fun. You think you're going to have fun, Dana?"

"I hope so," she answered honestly.

"You said you liked being in front of the camera. What do you mean liked? Did you like showing off?

"I'd get wet on the set." This time Dana knew where she was going.

"Ooh, I like that. Looks like we have a little exhibitionist here. Little more detail for the fans?"

"I would just think about all the guys thinking I was hot, and getting turned on by me. In the lingerie shoots I'd think about what they'd want to do to me, and I'd soak through my panties right there on the set."

"That's damn hot, Dana, and this should be perfect for you, because what we're going to do here is take away the imagining and show them what they could do with you. How hot do you think that will make you?"

Dana pushed herself to smile.

"I'm looking forward to finding out."

"Then let's find out, shall we? Todd, why don't you come on over, and introduce yourself to Dana?"

Dana's head turned when she caught movement to her right. A young man with thick black hair, dressed in black shorts and a matching tank top, approached the bed from the far corner of the room.