The Next Milf Porn Star


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Vanessa pumped it as the camera zoomed in close. She sucked on her lower lip, her eyes bright with lust as she stared at the huge cock in her hand.

"Come on, girl, return the favor! Let's see you love that cock."

Vanessa licked her lips, then parted them and slowly slid them over the head of Vince's cock.

"Eyes up," Sylvia instructed. "Look at the camera."

The camera must have been over Vince's shoulder as the view switched to an overhead angle of Vanessa slurping on Vince's cock, her blue eyes staring into the screen. Vanessa moaned, and bobbed her head faster, taking him deeper as Vince played with her nipples.

"Look at you go! Sucking that big young cock! You're a natural, Vanessa and your husband is a goddamn idiot!"

Dana was moaning, her fingers working her clit much harder, as she watched Vanessa, run her tongue down his shaft and briefly suck his balls before taking him back into her mouth. When she did, her eyes rolled back and she groaned around his hard flesh, causing Dana to point her feet forward, her toes curling and her hips lifting as she approached her orgasm.

Vanessa released his cock, and lay back on the bed, lifting her legs, and putting her feet on Vince's chest.

"Yeah, fuck her!" Dana hissed.

Vince slapped his cock against her swollen clit, then rubbed it through her lips several times, making Vanessa moan and squirm, and Dana's thighs to tremble.

"Nice and easy, Vince! We want to see every inch sliding into that pretty little cunt!"

He eased his head in and the soft groan from Vanessa, had Dana's hips thrusting into her fingers.

"Oh!" Vanessa gasped as he pushed deeper. "So fucking thick!"

"Bigger than your husband's and he's going to watch his wife take every inch of that monster cock in every position, isn't he?"

"Yes!" Vanessa cried out as Vince shoved himself all the way inside her. "Him and everyone else! Oh, fuck that feels good!"

Him and everyone else. Dana's fingers slowed. What was she doing watching this? There was no way in hell she could be Vanessa, no matter how much she needed the money. Annoyed at the timing of that thought, Dana angrily thumbed the tablet off, and flipped it onto the bed.

She removed her hand from between her legs and lay there breathing heavy as her body relaxed.

"Couldn't have waited another minute for a reality check?" She asked herself aloud.

She jumped when her cell rang, and when she looked over, anything resembling the desire she'd felt a minute ago evaporated when she saw who was calling.

It was Ben.

She thought about letting it go to voicemail, but she knew she'd end up listening the message right away, then get pissed and call him back.... letting him know she'd ignored him the first time.

"Fucking games." She snatched the phone off the nightstand.

"What is it?"

"Morning to you too, sunshine," Ben replied. "Did I wake you?"

"No, I was up."

"Surprised, its only ten and you work that dive until after two, right?"

"I'll ask again, what is it?"

"You sound out of breath." Ben paused, and she could picture his smirk. "Did I interrupt something?"

"If you were, I wouldn't have answered."

"True, its not polite to talk with your mouthful." He laughed nastily.

"At least my mouth is full now, I could have talked around yours no problem," she retorted.

"Whatever, I get no complaints."

"Because if they do, you'll fire them."

"That was one intern, Dana. Shit you make it sound like..."

"Right, the rest were just tinder hookers, they don't complain either because they want the return business."

"Okay, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have made the joke."

"No, you shouldn't. You were a boring fuck that couldn't keep a real woman happy, so you had to get them so young they didn't know any better."

"Watch it, Dana. I heard you're all but picking them up after school these days."

"They're all old enough to drink, yours were just old enough to vote." Dana wasn't taking any of his shit, not ever again. "Oh, and by the way? I waited until we had paperwork done, you were fucking while we were married."

"Right, well that's the problem with being a trophy wife, Dana, sooner or later the trophy gets tarnished and you need a nice new shiny one."

"I was only a trophy wife because you didn't want me to keep doing what I knew because you were a jealous insecure little man and I was too naïve to see that."

"No, you weren't naïve, you knew you were fucking everything in sight and couldn't help yourself and wanted to settle down with a good man."

"Guess I'm still waiting then."

"I was good for you. You became a good woman, and we had a nice life and you got everything you wanted. And you weren't a homemaker. I let you get a job and..."

"Let me. You knuckle dragging prick," her voice was rising. "Then you took it away from me right after we separated, didn't you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. They had to cut..."

"Stop talking!" She snapped. "If I wanted to argue with you, we'd still be together, and I'd be wearing out batteries instead of actually being satisfied."

"You say stop and keep going."

"You were always the one that said stop." She laughed. "Back to needing them young and easy to please."

"I called about the house, what's it going to be, Dana? You going to take me up on what my lawyer is telling me is a flat out stupid move to settle for a third of what I'd get if we sell, or you going to sign off and get your share?"

"You know I want to stay in the house," Dana began slowly, now trying to stay calm because baiting or insulting him on the matter could get him to force her hand faster.

"I do, its why I made the insane offer and am potentially leaving fifty grand on the table."

"I thought it was guilt because you cheated and knew it was wrong." Damn, so much for her control these days.

"I'll give you that," Ben said quietly, surprising her. "It was a shitty thing to do. So yes, this chance for you to stay in the house for far less than it should cost you is a way of saying I was wrong."

"Can we double down with how you kept me close and under your thumb for years and just sign it over to me?"

"Don't push your luck." His tone was back. "My lawyer, and I agree, doesn't think you can come up with the money in six months and wants a down payment of ten thousand."


"You heard me. But if you pay the ten up front we make a monthly arrangement for the rest and the house is yours, however if you miss a payment there is a ten percent penalty on the next payment. If you miss more than three during the length of the deal, it defaults and we sell, and what you paid to me comes out of my share."

When she was silent, he went on.

"It's a decent deal, Dana, ask your lawyer. This means you only have to come up with less than a third and can pay the rest over time. So if you want to consider this me doubling down and giving you a better chance, then that's fine."

"When am I supposed to have the ten?"

"Three weeks."

"Are you kidding?"

"We've been separated three months. The six months didn't start ticking until a month ago, but you knew you wanted to stay and have had ninety days to save, four months by the time its due."

"With no full time job and trying to make the monthly payments."

"You're problem, not mine. You want to stay rather than take a lump sum payout down the line."

"Because you bought this house for me back when I thought you really loved me, and not just the idea of having a hot young model on your arm."

"I loved you then, Dana, I really did, but as time went on..."

"Whatever, point is I wasted fifteen years being treated like a 1950's woman and that was my fault, but now that I've moved on I'll be damned if I'll lose the one thing you did that was for me, not you."

"Then ten grand, if you don't agree to that, we go to the courts and push the sale of the house based on the fact you'll never come up with the money so why are we waiting?"

"If you really were doing this for me, you'd wait." Dana took a breath, then said what the bitter part of her had been thinking all along. "Typical Ben, can't do one goddamn thing for anyone, even the woman you supposedly loved, without you making out."

"Typical ungrateful, Dana. Stopped you from slutting around the modeling scene, gave you a nice home, no worries about money, got you a job when you wanted one, and because I wanted to have a little fun on the side I'm an asshole."

"You are an asshole! You pulled me from modeling because you were afraid I'd cheat on you and..."

"You did cheat on me!" He shouted into her ear causing her to wince.

"When we had just started dating, and I said I was sorry and gave up modeling to prove it to you."

"Hear that? You just admitted it was you that cost you your career, you didn't trust yourself to stay loyal because of whatever weird thing being in front of a camera did to you. You forced it on yourself."

"I did it for you because I thought you really wanted me, and for more than sex like the other guys. But I wanted to go back after awhile and you said no. And don't get fucking high and mighty with me because you cheated after fifteen years of marriage!"

"So we're both and that's why this is over except for the house. Ten grand or..."

"You asshole! I waived alimony and you know I could have gotten a lot."

"Your fault, not mine, and if you did take it damn straight, I'd force the sale of the house."


"Know what, Dana? I'm going to just come clean because I'm tired of this bullshit. I only gave you this chance because I knew you couldn't pull it off."

"You what?"

"Yeah, I figure I'd give you a little false hope and look like a good guy, or sorry for what I did, but I'm not sorry. You were a slut when I met you and guess what else? I've had a friend watching you, and you're right back to being a goddamn slut, how many guys you fuck since I've been out?"

"Less people than you fucked while we were married."

"I'm not doing this anymore. Ten grand by the end of the month or the house goes up and you need to move as soon as it does."

"Ben, this is fucking bullshit!"

"Maybe you should fuck older guys and not kids, you could have latched onto someone with enough money to help you. Just go back to using your body for money."

"I never used my body for money, I was a damn professional model!"

"And what do they do? Make money showing off their body. Just a nicer form of whoring. My mother was right about you, once a pig, always a pig."

"Fuck you!" Dana snarled into the phone. "You pathetic insecure little..."

"We're done talking after this. From now on you deal with my attorney and he's expecting the money. Enjoy your last month living in the house you care about so much."

"I have nowhere to go, and it could take months to sell" She wanted to kick herself for saying that but couldn't hold back.

"That's your problem."

"I won't let you take this from me." Dana wished she sounded more convincing, and Ben picked up on her tone right away.

"Yes, you will, Dana. You're out of work and out of options." He laughed coldly. "You were only good at one thing, and at your age no one's going to pay for it. Guess that's why you like them young; they don't care about how much mileage is on that stretched out c..."

Dana ended the call and put the phone down next to her so she wouldn't hurl it across the room. She closed her stinging eyes and willed herself not to cry, because wherever he was Ben would think she was going to, and she wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

She could probably find a place to crash. Ellen would never leave her homeless, and Burt had an finished apartment in his basement that had been empty since his daughter had moved out a few years ago.

But what could she pay? She wasn't going to mooch off someone, or say she'd pay them back when the house sold. Eventually she'd find work, but...the house. Dana got out of bed and walking over to the window peered through the blinds.

The bedroom overlooked her favorite part of the house, the backyard. Her rose bushes, garden, the large deck attached to the above ground pool Ben had bought a few years ago. It was beautiful and despite Ben thinking everything was all about who paid for what, Dana considered it hers.

Ben had kept her happy in material things and little else, and she'd sold out for that. That and the guilt she had felt for her early transgressions. But they'd only been dating then, and in the beginning they'd go out maybe once during the week.

Ben hadn't seemed serious and she hadn't taken it that way. But he'd guilted her and she'd bought into that because deep down she knew it should have been about more than having fun and getting laid, but she'd never been good at resisting temptation back then.

"Only good at one thing." Dana repeated his words.

Two things really, flaunting her looks and fucking indiscriminately. She'd been so cold to Jimmy last night she'd found herself wondering who the hell she was these days. They'd discussed it being mostly guys being that casual about sex, but rarely women.

Jimmy was a young guy, but as he'd said, being a hot bouncer at a club full of hot waitresses, along with the other places he'd worked, had given him countless chances for meaningless hook ups and even he'd been put off by her attitude of 'we're done here'

"Only hookers and porn stars can fuck like it means nothing."

Dana turned from the window and caught sight of her naked body in the mirror. Not for the first time she wondered if she stayed in modeling how long it would have been before she did some nudes.

The idea of men she didn't know, or ever would, seeing and getting off to her body was exciting even back then, and it was obvious her exhibitionist nature hadn't gone anywhere.

She walked slowly back to the bed, and as she had at points last night while screwing Jimmy imagined people around her, filming her and telling her how to pose and what to do. When she reached the bed, she put one knee on it, paused then pulled her other leg up, so she was on her hands and knees, her lower legs off the bed, and her ass right at the edge for some lucky guy to come up behind her.

She slid flat out on the bed and eyed the tablet. Watching that casting video had gotten her hot in seconds and she rarely even watched porn because she'd rather enjoy that kind of fucking rather than watch it.

Dana thought about Sylvia Foxx, innumerable videos of her shot over two damn decades and now running the show.

"The best ones fucking love it."

Vanessa looked like she was loving it within minutes of starting.

Dana had been wet in the first two minutes Jake had showed up on the set.

"The camera has always loved you," she heard Burt's gruff voice in her mind. "And we know how much you love the camera."

Did she love it that much?

"Out of work and out of options."

Ben's words, and that goddamn smug tone, was the final straw. Grabbing her phone, she called Ellen.

"Hey, Dana! I was thinking about you yesterday! You want to catch lunch?"

"I'd love that," Dana told her. "But can you do me a favor first?"

"Sure, what do you need?"

"Contact your friend, Sylvia and tell her to give me a call."

"You sure about this?" Ellen asked. "It did work for me, but its not for everyone and your concerns are real, people might..."

"I don't give a shit. At this point there's only one thing I care about." She picked up the tablet and turned it back on to see the video of Vanessa paused on the screen, legs up, eyes wide as Vince's cock stuffed her pussy.

"You tell Sylvia she just found The Next Milf Porn Star and I'm going to be worth every penny."

Chapter Eight

Dana sat in the tiny waiting room of S&F entertainment, which was apparently the legal name the business ran out of. She wasn't sure what to expect but was surprised to see S&F consisted of only the small waiting room and Sylvia's office behind the male receptionist who looked like he might double as one of the 'male talent'.

He was around her age, with hair that was a close mix of salt and pepper and the stubble on his face matched. But his white dress shirt stretched across a pair of broad shoulders and she could see through the thin material his arms were heavily tattooed.

He had chiseled features, and beautiful hazel green eyes to go with them. In spite of him being about twenty years older than her chosen type these days, Dana could easily see herself making an exception for him.

When she came in and saw it was a man she'd have to go through, her nerves resurfaced and she almost left. She took a moment to tell herself that if she were embarrassed that this guy knew she was here to film porn how the hell did she think she could go through with an actual shoot.

When he saw her in the doorway he asked if she were 'Miss Darling' in an incongruously soft voice with a hint of a British accent. When she nodded, not trusting her voice, he flashed her a smile as perfect as the rest of him, introduced himself as Matthew, asked her to have a seat, and offered her coffee or if she preferred, 'something stronger'

Dana resisted the urge to have a drink and asked for a bottle of water. When he'd risen to grab a bottle from the small fridge behind his desk, she couldn't help noticing he filled out his pants as well as his shirt and in both the front and back views.

He handed her the water and explained Miss Foxxx was on a call and would be with her in a few minutes. Dana sat down, sipping the cold water more for the act of something to do than she was thirsty.

The office couldn't be more generic, down to the point Dana was willing to bet the lighthouse paintings on the wall came with the place. It seemed cheap and temporary, and she wondered if because of the nature of the work they had to keep moving because landlords might not like the idea of having a client in the adult film industry.

Several times she'd nervously picked at the small band aid at the crook of her elbow from the blood test Sylvia had sent her for early this morning. The fact she had to be tested for STD's made her feel a little better, it was one of many worries-catching something-that was now off the table.

On the other hand, her now being apprehensive about the results, drove home the reality of how reckless she'd been letting the last few guys she'd fucked go bareback. It felt better and added to the thrill, but not smart. Not to mention what if Ben had caught something from his little tarts?


She looked up to see Matthew standing, and gesturing to the door whose frosted window had the name 'Miss Fox' with Fox properly spelled, unlike her stage name, etched into it.

She rose and stared down at her ensemble of a red blouse, knee length black skirt and red heeled sandals. The sandals were the closest thing to 'sexy' on the outfit because fact did you dress for an interview for a chance to film porn?

She had almost dressed in one of her waitress outfits, then come close to going the other way in slacks and a blouse with a jacket, and finally compromised. She wore her long hair pinned up and went light on the make-up because for some reason she felt she didn't want to look trashy, even though she was looking to be as trashy as one could be in a sense.

Dana gave Matthew a nervous smile as he held the door open, and she entered the office. It was larger than she'd imagined, containing a huge and expensive looking cherry wood desk with two leather chairs in front of it.

There was no one behind the desk, but Dana did see a door behind it and figured there was a bathroom. Why he'd let her in if she was in the bathroom, Dana had no idea, but remained standing as the door closed behind her and looked around the room.

There was a bar along the left wall, and to the right a long couch. The couch wasn't as expensive looking as the rest of the furniture, with its plain upholstery and large overstuffed cushions. Dana's eyes lingered on it, wondering if that couch was where....
