The Sleep Over

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Two girls get a little naughty at a sleep over.
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"You really think my boobs are cute?" Katie asked pushing them up with her arms and posing in front of the mirror. The buxom blonde was on wearing a transparent pink nighty and a pair of matching low heels with a poof ball over the toe. "I mean you're not just saying that?" She glanced up at her friend Lara who was almost an entire head taller than Katie.

Lara rolled her eyes. She knew the blonde was just fishing for compliments. She might have been a bit overweight, if you compared her to a runway model, but she hadn't won Prom Queen because of her sterling personality. "Yes you have cute boobs." Lara wasn't a slouch at all with her lightly bronzed skin and dark brown hair flowing almost all the way down to her shapely rump.

"Thanks." Katie lifted her hair off her neck with both hands making a kissy face towards the mirror. "Still I wish I had a butt as nice as yours."

Lara's face lit up at the compliment. She did have an outstanding ass in her own opinion; the kind that she could never quite find pants the right size for. The blue short shorts she was wearing didn't even come down to the bottoms of her ripe cheeks and the knee high white socks pointed straight at them like a spot light. "Thanks. So did you get it?"

"What?" Katie asked placing her hands on her knees and this time trying her best to look innocent. "The beer?" She fluttered her eyelashes at her friend and flashed her best disarming smile.

"Duh the beer." Lara replied slapping Katie on her mostly flat behind. "You did get it didn't you?"

Katie grimaced slightly. "I might have hit a bit of a snag there. Julie was out of town and she was supposed to buy it for us. Don't be mad!" She knew Lara would never hit her but she put her hands up and braced herself anyway.

Lara deflated a bit; she should have brought her own drinks. "Well that's not the end of the world; we'll just get your brother to do it."

"Step brother. Really he's just the son of the guy my Dad married." Katie spat. He was really more like a perverted younger version of the man who was fucking her mom so hard that Katie had taken to staying out at night to avoid hearing it.

Lara however perked at the thought. "Wait. You mean there's no blood between you two? I always thought he was like, never mind." Lara's feature twisted into a smile. "So are you gonna change before you ask him?"

Katie paused for a moment. "Course I am. I don't want to give him the wrong impression. I'm his sweet innocent nineteen year old step sister." Katie fluttered her eyes again. The idea was already wriggling through her mind like a worm. Just like it had since the first time she'd seen him. She couldn't put her finger on it, he wasn't actually that sexy but she wanted him.

"Oh, cus you know how guys are. Pretty girl, lingerie. Asking a favor becomes a lot easier when you've got the girls on display." Lara said as nonchalantly as she could manage. The two women had been friends for long enough that Lara could recognize that look on Katie's face and the idea of her fucking her brother was deliciously sinful.

Katie turned slightly lowering one strap of her nighty so it would slip off if she made a wrong move. "You really think so?" Of course it wasn't the first time she'd considered Jake, it wouldn't even be the first time he'd caught her half dressed. Sharing a bathroom they'd had plenty of 'accidental' walk ins on each other.

"Of course, but I can do it if you want. I don't think he'll say no to me either." Lara said with a shrug then popped her near perfect booty out. "I just know one way or another I'm getting drunk as shit tonight so either do it I will."

"It's the door on the left." Katie said after a moment. "I'll just hang back here."

Lara tucked her hands into her arm pits and clucked. "Okay, I'll go. And I'll try to keep it quick. But he's so cute."

"He's not cute, he's my brother."

"Half brother." Lara corrected.

"Step brother." Katie finalized. "I know I know." The idea was winding its way deeper into her mind though.

Chris was sitting at his computer dressed in just his boxers when a knock came at his door. "What do you want?" He shouted without even looking up from the computer screen.

"Just a tiny favor."

Chris tilted his head slightly. That didn't sound like Katie at all. That sounded like her fine ass friend Lara. The one with the five star apple bottom and the thick lips designed for a single purpose. "Who's that?"

"It's me!"

"Me who?" Chris replied. He was pretty sure it was Lara at this point. Either that or it was a new friend, either way he wasn't above answering the door in his boxers. "Whatever come in." Lara opened the door and slipped into Chris's room. "Oh, hi it's you." Chris's voice remained calm but he couldn't stop his eyes from greedily drinking in the woman nearly three years younger than him. "Sorry, I didn't think."

Lara was silent for a moment drinking in Chris. He wasn't perfect by a long shot. He had hardly any muscle definition; there was a long scar along the left side of his stomach from a surgery he wouldn't talk about. Lara was already imagining running her tongue along that slightly discolored flesh. He was covered in hair, not enough to look more masculine, just enough to be noticed. "Hi. Can you do me a favor?"

"You mean you and my step sister?" Chris looked up and brushed his hair away from his eyes, it wasn't long and sexy. It was long and lazy like he just couldn't be bothered to get down to a barber and without anyplace to go he couldn't even be bothered to comb it.

Unfortunately for Lara the grunge look was something she'd always had a little bit of trouble staying away from. "Yes. Us, can you do us a favor?" Lara deliberately put one hand on her hip pushing it out at the same time.

"And what might this favor be? You girls wouldn't be trying to get some drinks would you?"

"How'd you guess?" Lara asked coyly still standing in the doorway.

Chris smirked. "It doesn't matter in or out but you should shut the door. I don't need Katie seeing me in my boxers."

Lara bit down on her lower lip and smirked. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not?"

"If I close the door and I'm outside I won't get what I want from you." Lara replied glancing around the room even though she knew they were alone.

"And if you're inside?" Chris asked.

"Well then you might get what you obviously want from me." Lara locking her eyes on his. Chris's jaw dropped. "I mean I did come here prepared to make a deal with you after all."

"Oh?" Chris had somehow gotten his voice in check but it was obvious he was still flustered. His eyes weren't drinking her in like a predator anymore. He looked more like a scared animal, curious what was being offered but still wary. "What did you come prepared to offer exactly?"

Lara took a step forward and placed her hand on his chest pushing him back down into his computer chair. "Oh not what you're thinking you dirty scoundrel. You can look, you can't touch. Deal?"

"No deal. You're cute and all but I can turn on my computer and get porn all day and all night, hell I can go down to the Kandy Kat or Arachne's Web and watch some strippers." Chris forced himself to yawn.

"We both know you've been checking me out." Lara boasted proudly.

"I have not." Chris lied.

"Oh, so all those times you just came out to check on us at the pool you were really checking out your sister?"

"She's my step sister!" Chris snapped.

Lara raised a brow at that. Just like Katie he was a little to quick to make that distinction. "Oh, you know she said the same thing. It's important to you that I know your not actually related so it's not totally incest if you two start fucking each other's brains out."

"No!" Chris blushed and looked away.

Lara brought her foot up between Chris's legs resting gently resting her foot against the underside of his cock. "Well if it's not me that has you all hard it must be your sister you sick fuck." The final words practically dripped from her lips. "I won't tell if you go and get us drinks right now. Not cheap crap either and it's on you." She gently kneaded his cock beneath her toes. "How's that for a deal." Chris crossed his arms. "Katie!"

"Shut up! Deal. Deal." Chris hissed.

"What is it Lara?"

"Nothing, I think your brother was looking at my butt is all!" Lara called back. The entire time she didn't break eye contact with Chris.

"Step brother!" Even in separate rooms the two answered in unison.

"Fine, whatever." Lara replied under her breath. She locked her hazel eyes on Chris's brown ones and kept working her toes along his shaft. "I think we came to an excellent deal here don't you?" She curled her lips into a seductive smile. Chris nodded. "Good." She pressed down one last time then stepped back. When she saw the look of disappointment on his face she gave a mock pout. "Maybe if I'm in a good mood I'll finish you off later, hurry back."

"So how'd it go?" Katie asked as soon as Lara stepped into her room.

"He'll be back in a few minutes. I didn't even have to do anything dirty." Lara replied. "Not that I didn't want to. He's kinda cute. Don'tcha think?" Lara raised a brow.

"Okay, maybe once I might have checked him out. We were at the wedding and he was in a tux and any man in a tux just gets me greased." She shuddered slightly at the memory. "It was a good thing for everybody that he had a girlfriend at the time because, ruff ruff."

Lara's eyes widened at Katie's admission. "Oh. Tell me more you naughty little slut."

"I'm not telling you shit." Katie replied crossing her arms. "Not a single word."

"Oh you'll tell me." Lara pounced on Katie pinning the smaller woman to the bed and wrestling her arms overhead. "Tell me."

"No, I won't tell you anything!" Katie hissed squirming beneath Lara. It was pointless and she knew it though, Katie had grown up a single spoiled child. Lara was the youngest of five boys who'd never taken it easy on her just because she was a girl. "I'm not telling you anything."

Lara grinned down at him. "You'll tell me everything unless you want me to use it on you. But I will if you don't start talking. Don't think that I won't."

Katie's eyes went wide. "You wouldn't dare."

"Oh I would." Lara reached back slipping one hand into Katie's panties rubbing her fingers over her slit. "I'd take it, and I'd ram it right in here." She curled two fingers into Katie wriggling them slowly. "I might not even lube it but you seem to be quite juicy already." Lara grinned. "What is it that has you so turned on anyway? Do you like it when a woman pins you down and uses you or are you thinking about your brother stuffing you with his big fat cock."

"He's not my brother." Katie replied with a blush.

"Yeah, yeah he's your step brother. You're still a sick little fuck for wanting him to dick you." She curled her fingers increasing the pace just a little. "But that's what you want isn't it? You want your brother to fuck you." Lara crooned.

"That's not true." Katie whispered. She spread her legs and started churning her hips against the invading fingers. "I would never do anything that nasty."

Lara stuffed a third finger into Katie working in tandem with her friend. "It's ok if you want to fuck him. I know you're a nasty little slut." Katie continued squirming but she wasn't trying to escape anymore, she was trying to drive Lara's fingers deeper into her.

"Stop it, I would never." Katie gasped. Lara stopped right then. "No don't stop, don't stop!" Katie pled.

Lara remained still with a grin on her face. She could feel her best friend's walls clenching down on her fingers so close to crashing into her orgasm. "But you told me I should stop." Lara teased in a sing-song voice. "I was just doing what you said." Katie tried to thrust her hips up but Lara was too fast pulling away. "I wouldn't want to do anything against your will."

"What do you want?" Katie growled still straining her hips helplessly toward Lara's fingers.

"I want you to tell me just how badly you want to fuck your brother." Lara sneered pushing her fingers a little farther into Katie. "I already know the truth."

"Use your tongue and I'll say anything you want." Katie replied.

Lara shook her head. "You're not really in a position to negotiate are you Katie? You're in a position to do as you're told or get yourself off. Whenever I decide to let you up." Lara pulled her fingers out of Katie and brought them up to her lips. "You do taste delicious though, maybe I'll keep you like this for a while." One after another she inserted the fingers into her mouth sucking them clean. "I can do this all day you know?" She reached back sliding her saliva slicked fingers back into Katie who instantly moaned.


"What was that? I couldn't quite hear you." Lara releasing Katie's hands.

"I think Chris is pretty sexy okay?"

Lara slipped off of her friend tugging Katie's panties to one side and lightly grazing her tongue over her slit. "That's it, tell me all about it." She purred. Lara didn't know it was possible to feel someone else blushing but the heat pouring off Katie's body felt like steam around her ears.

"What do you want me to say? It's just so dirty. He's not really my brother but we have the same last name. And he's always walking around the house in just his swim trunks and it's mostly the way he looks-" Whatever she was saying was lost in a groan when Lara jammed her tongue into her. "Oh God, right there!" Instinctive crossed Katie's ankles behind Lara's shoulders tugging her closer.

Lara gripped Katie's ass lifting her up and driving her tongue into her again. This wasn't the first time she'd been with Katie; she knew what ever twitch meant and where to chase. It didn't take long to turn Katie into a quivering mass of female flesh right back on the precipice of pleasure. There wasn't much in the world that Lara loved more than the feeling of another human being clutching to her desperate for release. Katie digging her heels into Lara's shoulders sent chills along her spine and when the blonde clutched Lara's head pulling at her hair it just drove her to greater heights.

Katie was in the grips of that orgasm for nearly a minute. Lara was an absolute expert at keeping her lovers going for longer than they thought possible. When she Katie finally stopped she felt like she didn't have any bones in her body. "Fine, I'd fuck the shit out of my brother if I ever got half the chance. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"Yes, that's what I wanted to hear." Lara replied with an arrogant look in her eyes.

Both girls turned at the sound of a knock at the door. "It's the liquor fairy." Chris said after knocking at the door.

"Do you think he heard me?" Katie asked sitting up and searching frantically for her panties. "Be right there!"

I certainly hope he heard you. This night just got a whole lot more interesting. Lara thought. She was already plotting to figure out how to get her best friend and her best friend's brother into bed together. It was obviously something that both of them wanted and as a good friend it was her sacred duty to do everything in her power to keep her friends happy.

"Nah, I doubt he heard anything." Lara replied holding out Katie's panties on the end of her finger. "You want me to go get the drinks?"

"Gods yes." Katie answered wriggling back into her panties.

Lara smirked and stood up wiping the slick juices from her face. "Okay, I'll go get the drinks from your brother."

It took everything Chris could muster to keep his reaction neutral when Lara opened the door. As if he couldn't see his Katie on the bed trying her best to look anything but flustered he could smell the pussy on Lara's breath. "Hey I got your drinks." Chris said and held up the bag.

Lara took the bag and looked inside. Two bottles of vodka, not the cheap shit either, and a bottle of apple rum. Finally a bottle of Jack Daniels. "That's a bit much." Lara said staring for a moment.

"Glad you think so, because the Jack is mine." Chris said reaching into the bag and grabbing his bottle out. "If you need anything else you know where to find me, but if it involves driving speak now or forever hold your peace." Proving his point Chris opened the bottle and took a long pull. "Because I'm planning on a very pleasant evening."

"Don't get too drunk, I might still need you tonight. Not for driving of course." Lara said with smile then ducked back into the room closing the door behind her.

Chris immediately took another swallow of whiskey and stepped away from the door. Did I hear that right? Does Katie want to fuck? It was a thought that had been planted in his skull since the first time he saw her. She looked exactly how her mother must have looked twenty odd years ago and her mother was a freak. The kind where the first time he'd visited from college she'd been walking around the apartment in just her panties and hadn't panicked until after he'd introduced himself.

"Holy shit."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

that was hot

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Please continue this

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Fuck yess

Damn i got all wet for sure i even started fingering myself too

I want to get fucked rught now for sure

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Your story made me so wet. I had to start finger myself to get my pussy to calm down.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

This story was very hot and well written

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