The Twelve Zenati Pt. 06


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The golden glow of her hair in the dim light seemed subdued while it was contained in the hair tie he had used earlier, and it irritated him, as if something in the vision before him was off. His fingers continued their teasing trail up over her shoulder to remove the tie. He lifted her head, pulling her hair back from her face before releasing it. As he lowered her back to the pillow, her hair fanned around her face like a golden halo. He stared directly into her eyes and lowered his head to take her lips softly, barely touching the soft pink pout as his lips glided across the soft surface. He heard her small whimper and raised an eyebrow at her.

"What is it you want, little slut? What is it that you need?" he murmured in low bass tones.

Genesis ran the tip of his lips along her cheek, from her ear to the corner of her mouth. Then he kissed that corner teasingly. He hated the way that his cock hardened and throbbed painfully inside the now tight denim of his jeans, but he needed that barrier between them for now. He held back his own need, hoping to make her want and need him enough to ask for it. He loved the way that he could almost hear the rapid beating of her heart. He loved the look of surrender in her eyes as she tried to find the words that he needed to hear and knew that she would say. He bent towards her open mouth, teasing her with an almost kiss, pleased to be rewarded with another soft whimper.

"You must tell me, little slut. Tell me that you want me, need me. That you belong to me. I have no wish to take an unwilling woman who has no desire for me and what I can give her," he murmured huskily, his fingers tracing down her neck over her pulse point.

"Yes," she breathed in a high-pitched whimper. "Yes, I want you and all you can give me. Please, Genesis, I need to feel you on me, over me, in me."

His eyes never left hers as he captured her pouting bottom lip between his teeth and bit into the soft flesh. She whimpered louder again as his teeth sank into the tender skin until he tasted the warm, metallic sweetness of her blood on his tongue. "Good girl," he whispered as he released the swollen flesh and straightened a fraction before sitting back on his heels, removing any contact from her again. Her body strained toward him, and it was a head rush that he had rarely indulged in with any partner, other than a Kept trained for this type of play, and never with the same intimacy that he wanted to share with this woman.

Of course, what she did not realise was just how much power she held over him at the same time. If she had refused him and not told him of her need, he wasn't sure that he could have stopped and moved away from her completely, instead of just a little as he had now. She held his heart in her hands, and it was better that she didn't know how fragile it was and that its every beat was synced with hers now. He had learned the hard way not to give that type of power to any woman, but that had been before finding her, that had been before he felt the grip of the curse, or whatever it was that affected the men of his family.

Olivia gazed up at Genesis as he shifted again. Still fully clothed, he loomed above her. While Remington was not classically handsome, he held a strength and power that both attracted and frightened her. Genesis, she knew, had a softer side to go with his dark good looks, but tonight he radiated that same power that Remington had held over her, and she quivered knowing her words, admitting her desire for him, were more of a plea. She more than wanted him, she desired him with her whole being, and she strained against her bonds with a whine of disappointment, trying to bridge the distance he had put between them again.

Unable to help himself, Genesis leaned forward again and reached out to trail his fingers down her neck again and over her breasts. Her breathing was rapid and shallow, as if she were running, and in a way, she was, but this would be more of a marathon than a sprint to the end, and he intended to pace her like a true athlete. Her nipples were hard, standing like pale pink peaks against the soft white mounds of her breasts. They held his attention, so different in women than men in their size and shape, the ability to nurture life as well as to provide comfort.

A soft whimper escaped her throat as he played with her nipples. Pinching them, he listened to her whimper change pitch, but he could not tell if it was pain or pleasure she felt. He twisted them, and a long whine escaped her mouth as she bit her lip to stifle the sound. He smiled as he thought of the broken skin there and bent once more to kiss her and taste her blood on that swollen lip. His kiss deepened, and his tongue invaded her mouth, seeking out the taste and feel of her. His fingers continued to pinch and twist at her nipples as he swallowed the sounds she made while he revelled in her taste. He could feel her body virtually vibrate below him, but it was too soon. He pulled back from her again.

Olivia writhed against her bonds and sucked her swollen lip between her teeth again. He was driving her to the edge of madness as he pushed her body closer to the point of no return and then withdrew from her. She looked up at him as he chuckled and moved back to kneel near her feet again. He picked one foot up and ran his fingers over it. She squirmed, her body tightening in the effort not to giggle as the sensation tickled her.

The tickling fingers slowed when Genesis heard her giggle and began to massage the soft flesh of her foot, watching her carefully, seeing her body respond and calm, moving away from the climax she was headed toward. He shifted his hands to her calves and stroked along the smooth flesh, his touch once again becoming lighter as he teased the length of her legs to her hips and then back down, dipping toward her inner thighs. With her ankles held by the restraints, she was fully open to him, and he could clearly see her pussy glistening in the dim light. He knew that this type of play was exciting her as much or even more than it was him, and he shifted again at his own discomfort within the denim of his jeans.

Soon he would find out just how sweet that pretty little pussy tasted. He would drive her to the brink of madness until she told him what he needed to hear. Tonight, she would satisfy him in more ways than one. He watched her carefully, noting her breathing and the look in her eyes. The delightful sounds she made filled his ears, and as he saw her reach for the pinnacle again, he withdrew his hands. He tickled her again, changing sensations and shocking her. A gasp, a barely hidden smile and finally a giggle, burst forth as she calmed and accepted the change of pace and calmed her body.

"Please, Genesis, I need to cum. Don't do this!" she begged as the first smiles came to her pretty pouting lips. "Please," she begged as she began to giggle. She could barely think straight, the ache low in her belly almost overwhelming her as he teased her so expertly before changing tactics. It was cruel and unusual punishment, even for a man like him, and she knew that if he continued she would give him anything he wanted in return for the release she craved.

The begging that he heard was music to his ears, but it was not enough. Begging alone would never be enough if she just reverted back to her strong-willed, stubborn ways as soon as she got what she needed. He moved swiftly then, lunging up the bed, steadying himself with one hand beside her head again, and wrapping the other firmly, if not tightly, around her throat.

"You think that you can make demands of me? Begging for what you want when you deny me what I want, my pleas for you, your obedience?" He growled down into her face and captured her swollen bottom lip again, sucking on it and listening to the whimper that she made as she struggled to answer him by shaking her head, painfully wrenching the lip free from the suction of his mouth. "Who are you, my little slut?" Genesis asked, staring into her eyes and holding her pinned beneath him, unable to look away.

"I am yours, your slut. I am yours," Olivia blurted, wanting the words to be enough for him as he turned the full force of his will on her.

"Wrong answer," he hissed and squeezed the hand around her throat a little tighter. "You have been mine for days now. That fact is not in question!" He bent his head until their noses touched and licked out at her damaged lip. "Who are you, my little slut?" he asked again.

"I am nothing, I am no one. I am yours to do with as you want," Olivia whispered fervently. Remy had always demanded that she tell him she was his and only his. She couldn't work out why that wasn't enough for Genesis. What other answer could she give in this moment?

"We do this the hard way then, Olivia," he growled using her name, and released her, sitting back on his heels and gazing down at her, noting how her body had reacted to the force of the power he had just subjected her to. She was quivering and panting, and once again he tickled her, taking his time, allowing her to calm down and giggle helplessly for him. She was always so close to the edge that it seemed harder and harder to keep her from her climax, and he wasn't sure that she would break before the dam inside her did. He considered his options as he kissed up her legs, smelling her arousal as he nibbled at the inside of her soft thigh.

"Please!" Olivia cried out as if in pain and bucked her hips up toward him. "Please, I am yours, only yours. I will always be yours." She knew what he wanted. The only thing that she had ever refused him. "I'll be whatever... whoever you want me to be. Just please let me cum," she begged fervently, trying to give him what he wanted without having to say it. Without the words, it had no power over her, not the way he had power over her right then.

"You'll be whatever I want?" Genesis loomed over her again, her throat surrounded by a large fist. She couldn't say the words again, so she nodded her head. "Wrong again, little slut," he tightened his hand slightly, squeezing her throat. "You will be who you were born to be," he commanded. "Not because I command it, but because there will be no more secrets or lies between us!" He watched for any movement of her head that would tell him she was ready to break on this one point, but her sea green eyes just stared into his darker ones. He withdrew from her completely then, moving back to where he knelt on the edge of the bed, and then stepping off it. She needed to know the risk that she was taking by continuing to defy him.

"I will never lie to you, and it causes me great pain that you continue to lie and hide from me. Do you think that I am one of Remington's lackeys that you can look down on and disdain, as if your lies have no value?" he asked disgustedly. "Would you have lied to him? Would you have denied him anything? Ever? Yet you expect me to take less than what you gave him?" He hurled all of his inner turmoil at her. "How can I believe you when you say that you are mine when you lie and hide at every turn? You expect me to believe you when you say you belong to me? That you need me? Why would I believe that when you live a life of lies and secrets? How can I ever trust you?" He shook his head sadly, showing his disappointment, and released his hold on her.

"You win," he said and freed her wrists. "If your need is so bad then you see to it. I cannot believe anything you say. He turned and stalked to the chair that he always sat in and watched her, a hurt scowl darkening his face. His eyes narrowed as he watched her. He hoped that he had judged the moment close enough, and he waited for her next move. She would come to him and accept him and his dominance and commands, or she would retreat into herself and deny them both what they wanted and needed because of her need to hide from the real world. If that was what she chose, he would leave the room and give them both some much needed space to think. He was becoming undone by the constant battle they had been waging over the last few days.

Olivia lay frozen, held captive by the torrent of his words. She was causing him pain? Her mind reeled. The thought was totally foreign to her. He had been commanding but always so kind and gentle when he held her or bathed her. This side of Genesis was new. She had seen power to rival Remy's when he had first kissed her tonight, and she had felt the edge of the pain he could give her as he bit into her lip. The ache inside her had grown exponentially, and she needed him. Needed him so much she had said anything she could think of that he would want to hear, except the one thing he truly wanted from her. Then, suddenly, her restraints were gone, and he gave her permission to touch herself for the first time since she had become his.

The lure of her climax was so close that she could feel it, yet her hands didn't move as her thoughts raced. Had she treated Genesis as less than Remy, when he gave her everything she needed and kept her safe? Would he continue to do so now that he had rejected her? Had he rejected her or just her continued refusal to admit who she was? If she accepted her name and the past that came with it, would he accept her as his again? How could she know? The fact was that she did know. For two days he had cajoled, argued and, eventually, punished her, trying and persuading her to do as he commanded, and she had stubbornly refused. She had pushed him to the breaking point, and even in the face of this, he had not crushed her body and spirit with cruelty as Remy would have, but rather Genesis still offered a glimpse of all that she denied them both by refusing him.

"Is how you masturbate to be kept a secret from me, as well?" he snarled at her. "Perhaps I should give you some privacy." Genesis stood glaring at her. His chest hurt, and he couldn't sit there any longer, hoping and praying that she would accept who she was, and that she, Olivia, belonged to him in a way that she never could have belonged to Remington. "I will make sure the nurse looks after you tonight. Good night, Olivia," he said in a cold voice and turned from her to leave.

"No!" she gasped, unable to hold the word back. She didn't want Genesis to go. She wasn't sure of anything in her life anymore, but she knew that she didn't want him to leave her. Not like this. Not because she was acting selfish and spoilt. She was Olivia. Olivia always messed things up, but she didn't want to mess this up. She wanted this man to hold her and look after her as he had done every day since walking into her hospital room. He was so different from Remy in the way he treated her. Maybe he was right and she hadn't believed him to be as powerful as Remy. She had been wrong about that. She could see that, rather than flaunt his power, he kept it under tight control. Even now, she could see it radiating from his every pore as he turned his hard gaze on her again, his body swivelling at her gasped word to stop him.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"I am Olivia Gambaro," she admitted softly. "I belong to you, and I am sorry that it took me so long to see what you, too, had been hiding beneath the surface."

Genesis was taken aback. He had hidden nothing from her. He had shown her his care and affection. He had been commanding and used the power she had given him to command her. What the hell had he hidden from her? What should have been the pivotal moment in their relationship was suddenly a double-edged sword, and it irritated him that she had taken this moment, his moment of triumph, away from him so easily.

"You're right," she said into the silence. "I never would have defied Remy the way that I have defied you," she whispered and hung her head. It was his fault. He had stripped away Serena, and Serena was the good girl who did everything she was told. It wasn't her fault, it was his for wanting Olivia back. Olivia never did anything she was told. Olivia always knew better than anyone else. Only this time, Olivia was too scared to turn her back on the people who cared about her and become miserable and alone again. She had learned her lesson the hard way, and she didn't want to be that Olivia again.

"Why?" Genesis asked, his voice made hard by her admission, the pain in his chest blooming to life again. "I will make sure that you are cared for, regardless of whether you remain mine or not." The words almost killed him to say, but he had to make sure that she knew that this was a very real possibility, if she couldn't accept him as her Dominant.

"I'm sorry, I always mess things up. I always have, my whole life. I'm stupid and selfish and not a very nice person. I'm not the good girl like Serena always was. I'm not a lovable and sweet girl like her." Tears sprang to her eyes. "I couldn't see what you hid beneath the surface, not until tonight, because I am selfish and spoilt and honestly never looked closely enough." She sat up awkwardly in the brace and swung her legs from the bed. Her eyes never left his face as she planted her feet on the ground and took a few steps toward him, finding the brace took away most of the pain that the wound in her side had caused her when she had tried to walk on her own before now. "Please don't go, don't give up on me now that I can see you properly."

"What do you see? I have always been honest with you about what I wanted," Genesis snarled, but the harsh sound had no bite as he softened toward her. He wanted to reach out and gather her in his arms, but he knew he couldn't. While this scene was not as he had planned it, he was as fascinated with her words as he was irritated by them. He had planned to bring her so close to the edge that she was ready to shatter and then deny her even his touch, as he gave her a final ultimatum. Not that he would ever truly leave her, or stop caring for her, but she needed to believe it was a possibility if he was going to get past the walls that made her so stubborn and strong-willed, even in the face of his displeasure. He balled his hands at his sides as she came to stand before him, to stop from reaching for her.

"I see this," she said, placing a small hand on his chest, over his pounding heart. "You love and care for all the people close to you, even the doctor who was here today. Even me, though I have given you no reason to. Despite what I was told, I knew Remy would have never have asked you to, yet you have given me a piece of this, too," she whispered sadly, finally admitting the source of most of her reticence. "This is where you keep your power and strength. The intensity of it, when as intimate as we were," she glanced back towards the bed, "is like a tidal wave. One that I could drown in, one I want to drown in." She looked up at him then and sucked her swollen lip between her teeth.

Genesis remained silent. This insight into himself was not what he had been expecting, and her closeness and touch had the effect of twisting his gut, adding to the pain flaring in his chest again. He found his throat tighten, and he wasn't game to speak for fear of the pain and emotion it might hold when he needed to be strong and in control. He wanted her to submit not to him but come to him as an equal. He unconsciously let out a growl of need, making her speak again, to try and stop him from leaving.

"Remy flaunted his position and power. He had the best house, the strongest men, what he considered the perfect woman. He wanted men to envy him, hate him even, for being better than they were and having better than them. He constantly pointed out the failings of others directly to them and took all the accolades they gave as if they were his right. None of his power came from his heart. His power came from money and possessions, not from love. Your power comes from the people and love that you choose to surround yourself with. When we came here, I think that, on some level, I knew that. I knew you would not discard me for a better version if I didn't do exactly as you wanted. I never knew that with Remy. Even on my wedding day, I knew that I was just a prop. He had an army of women arrive to make me into the perfect image of what he wanted. I could never have said no to him. Even when he gave me choices, I had none, not really." Olivia sighed, thinking that it was already too late. She had pushed Genesis too far, and now she would have to live with that as she had to live with all of her other mistakes.