The Twelve Zenati Pt. 06


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"Do not let this heart fool you, Olivia. I can be just as ruthless and harsh with the one who belongs to me, and you will belong to me," he growled. "You have been wilful and spoilt, and it is time to remedy that. Your wound will be protected by the brace, but the rest of your body will not be so fortunate."

"You still want me?" she asked with an incredulous gasp after his long silences had made her believe that he was washing his hands of her.

"From the first moment I saw you," he admitted honestly. "I have manipulated events with the same self-serving determination that Remington did to make you mine and bond you to me. You are correct. Remington did not give you to me. I took you, and Kairos wanted you gone, so he could take over from Remington. There was a price on your life. You were valuable to his enemies, so I made a deal with him," he confessed his own sins to her as she gazed up at him with wide eyes. "From the first moment that I saw you, I was determined not only to save you from Remington Royce and his Suebi tribe, but to make you mine. You are my chosen one, and you will belong to me."

"Remington was Suebi?" she gasped. How had she not known this? She must have but for some reason it slipped away from her when she thought about it. It made sense now, the necklace and jewellery that he had given her, emblazoned with the symbol of the Suebian knot. She didn't doubt Genesis' claims, but she was just so shocked by them. The bad men, he had been one of them, the Suebi. Had Remy taken her that first night, intending to kill her himself? He must have known of her connection to the Tables. Perhaps he used that information as another way to flaunt his power and influence. To the Suebi, she may have been a prize just for who she was. Her family and the Tables must hate her now for consorting with the enemy. With that knowledge, she wanted to hide her true identity more than ever, but the man in front of her, this good and kind man, had demanded she own it and all she had done. He wanted to save her. Was he trying to save her from herself? She didn't think that she was strong enough to do it. She knew, however, that if she wanted him, his affection and care, then she needed to try to stop hiding from her past mistakes.

"It doesn't matter, he is the past. What matters is that I want you, Olivia not Serena, not the robotic sex slave that Remington created. The girl who wasn't letting the doctors heal her nor eating to keep up her strength when I first saw her because of Remington and his brainwashing," he paused, making sure she understood why he had created that initial lie about Remington giving her to him. He looked into her eyes before speaking again.

"I want Olivia Gambaro, with all her stubborn, wilful, stupid pride. With all her past mistakes and uncertainties. No one else could capture my heart in the same way. I want relief from the ache I have every time I see you, touch you, taste you. The same ache you beg for relief from. I want all of you, Olivia, but I want you my way, not your way or what you are willing to give grudgingly. I won't negotiate or be manipulated into anything short of possessing all of you, mind, body and soul. Now the question is, do you wish to continue being mine? Now that you know the truth about what I desire and will take from you if you agree to stay with me?" This was the moment of truth. Would she come to him of her own free will or would she hate him for manipulating her, despite his reasons?

Olivia stared at him silently, trying to take in everything he had said and what she had seen in him tonight. He was a good man. Of that she was sure. She wasn't coping at the hospital after she had been so dependent on Remy to tell her what to do every moment of the day. She couldn't make those decisions alone. It had been easier to just shut down. Genesis had forced her from that zombie-like existence with a lie delivered by someone she had trusted. Had he not done that, she wasn't sure what would have become of her. Would she have been killed by the men who killed Remy, as Genesis suggested?

Genesis felt his body imploding as he stood waiting for her to speak. He continued to fist his hands at his sides to stop from reaching out for her and forcing her to accept him and his will. He needed her to choose him, just as she needed to be given a choice this time. He could never truly possess her if she didn't accept his ruthlessness and harsh dominance in her life, as well as his love and affection. His features softened as he saw a shift in her posture and realised what she was doing. His lips turned up at the corners as he tried to hold back the pleasure that rippled through him.

The hand that Olivia had held to his chest slowly slid lower as she sank to her knees in front of Genesis. Her hands stopped at the waistband of his jeans, expertly flicking open the belt and undoing the button and zip that confined his aching cock. Of all the things he had said, in the end it was this that caught her the most. She hadn't even considered his needs as she begged for him to fulfil her own. She would remedy that now and, hopefully, show him that she belonged to him at the same time. She knew that she would have to say it. It was what he wanted, but she also knew actions often spoke louder than words.

Genesis groaned as she kissed and licked and took his semi-hard cock into her mouth. He loved the feeling of having it right in the back of her throat and his balls pressing against her lips. He knew that as his cock became harder she would struggle to get it all in her mouth, as it was now. She knelt, with her posture made straighter by the brace she wore, and positioned herself for as much comfort as she could in that position. Then she cupped and stroked his balls with her hands as her tongue moved up and down his cock, licking the shaft and rolling around the head, at times holding it under the bottom of her tongue.

He lowered his head and watched as she explored his cock for the first time, pulling her head off him by her hair now that he was fully erect, to reveal a sizeable cockhead to her eyes. He watched avidly as she strained forward against his grip, dipping the tip of her tongue into the small slit there and tasting him. She ran her hands up his shaft, squeezing it to find exactly what his cock liked, loved and begged for. Enjoying her explorations, he eased his grip on her hair and groaned deeply as she put her lips on the top of his cock, barely opening them as she rolled her mouth down onto him, sucking him in as he imagined her pussy would.

She moved up and down slowly, gently moving to the point that he twitched between her lips. Then she increased the speed and movement from gentle to firm, and he growled, appreciating the skill of her tongue, mouth and lips. She withdrew him from her mouth and looked up, a small smile playing on her lips as she felt the power of giving him pleasure despite being the one on her knees, and placed both her hands on his cock. He smirked back, knowing that she only had as much control over this game she was playing as he allowed her.

With her hands wrapped around his cock, she explored his balls with her mouth. Her tongue was soft and warm, and she slowly licked them. He encouraged her with his hand in her hair until she grew bolder, gently sucking one of his balls into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it, making him growl deeper and louder. Pulling her mouth back to his cock, he guided her to take as much of him as she could.

As she came up for air, after the first gagging thrust of his hips, he pushed her face back onto his cock and forced it down to the base, enjoying the feel and sounds of her choking and gagging on him, his need to dominate her completely filling him once more. He allowed her to take him at her own pace as she drew deep breaths before taking control again. Using her hair to guide her, he gave her the idea of the speed and ferocity that he wanted for his cock to piston in and out of her mouth and allowed her a few moments to adjust to his needs. The pace was hard and fast, with no opportunity for her to press her own control over his pleasure. He would be in control of not just her pleasure, but his own, at all times. He would never allow her to top from the bottom.

Olivia dropped her hands as she opened her mouth as wide as she could and relaxed her throat for him. She realised that he had allowed her a small amount of leniency, in the beginning, to explore and know him, but this would be a rare occurrence, as his dominant side took over when his arousal and need grew. She could feel her own climax so close and tried to resist the urge to press her hands between her legs, but it was almost impossible. She pulled her hands behind her back and tried to concentrate on her breathing, her thighs pressed tightly together as he rocked her mouth on and off his cock.

Genesis felt his cock thicken and knew that he would erupt into her mouth much sooner than he wanted to. Still, it was only the beginning of the evening, and he had the rest of the night and their lives together to take her in every way possible, over and over again. He let go of his tight control and roared, pumping his cum into her open mouth and over her lips, to dribble down her chin. She swallowed the cum that landed on her outstretched tongue and licked her lips like the little slut he called her, even scooping the dibbles on her chin back into her mouth. He was mesmerised by her as he watched her hooded eyes and saw her thighs rubbing together as she pulled her hands back behind her back while she sucked him gently, ensuring that she got every last drop.

Unable to help herself as he pulled her roughly from his cock, the pain of her hair gripped so tightly in his hand tipped her over the edge. She looked up into the lustful eyes of the man she had just committed herself to in some way as her body finally betrayed her. Her thighs clenched tightly as she gasped and whimpered, and small waves of the climax that she had been trying to hold at bay began to ripple through her as his eyes narrowed.

"Such a little slut," he snarled and pulled her up by her hair, her body quivering as she tried to steady herself under his hard eyes. She was so fucking hot, especially like this, the insatiable sex addict who couldn't help the way her body reacted to sucking him dry. He bent slightly bringing her face close to his and kissed her hard. His tongue filled her mouth as she matched his need. He broke the kiss and looked deep into her eyes. "You will have to pay for that, little slut, not because your body betrayed you so beautifully, but because you didn't allow me to enjoy the first of your climaxes as my sexy, insatiable slut, Olivia. The woman who will no longer hide in the shadows or wear disguises because she belongs to me, and has nothing to fear by being herself." His voice was rough and low.

"Yes, Genesis," she whispered hoarsely. She reached up and stroked his face, a tinge of melancholy in her voice as she realised her mistake in denying him for so long. She needed no other words as she looked up into his eyes and quivered at the look he gave her. The fact that he allowed her to touch him in such an intimate way, when he looked at her with such need, could not have been more different to Remington, and she couldn't believe that she had been so blind to the differences in the two men's personalities before now.


"I'm not a geek," Noah complained again as he and Marcella approached where his brother and Vivienne sat watching the last of the sunset. "You can't just interchange the two words. They don't mean the same thing. Gideon is a geek, I am a nerd," he said almost proudly.

"That's true," Gideon shrugged, not denying his brother's claim that he was a geek.

"What's the difference?" Vivienne asked with a frown.

"Thank you, that's my point exactly!" Marcella shook her head, allowing her long brown hair to swing around her shoulders.

"Well, both are enthusiasts of a particular topic or field. In this case, I am assuming that we are talking about superheroes because it's Noah we're talking about. I don't read comics anymore, but I have watched every Marvel movie several times and more than my share of the DC ones, though they are never as good," he smirked at Noah, daring him to argue for the millionth time about the merits of Wonder Woman. "That makes me a geek, I am an enthusiast. The distinction here is that my nerdy brother still reads the comics he collects, owns mint, in-box, collectable action figures and dresses up to go to Comicon. He is a nerd of the highest order, and to call him a geek is pretty insulting," Gideon chuckled at Marcella. "You didn't, did you?"

"I might have, but how was I supposed to know he was certifiable?" She spread her hands as if both brothers were crazy and looked at Vivienne for support. "He seemed so normal most of the time."

"I think that Genesis might be the only sane brother and that could be debatable," Vivienne commiserated with her, stifling her smile. The fact that Vivienne had done little more than exchange pleasantries with Marcella at the hospital and clinic, and had never tried to engage her further, sat heavily on her in the light of what Gideon had said. She'd read the background report on Olivia and then dug into her own research on abused women rather than treating her patient as an individual and finding out more about her earlier life. It was her job to let her patients open up to her, not investigate them herself, but her patient had been hiding from her past, she could see that now, and she knew that she owed Genesis yet another apology.

"Maybe we should keep the jury out until we meet the sister. She might be able to give us better insight," Marcella teased the brothers. "Sisters always know the juiciest titbits of information about their brothers."

"Steady on there, gossip girl," Gideon chuckled. "I'm not ready for Vivienne to run away screaming yet. Sera is nuttier than a fruitcake, all on her own!"

"Don't listen to him. Sera is great. You'll love her as long as you like shopping and fashion and talking about hot guys incessantly." Noah groaned. "On second thoughts, maybe Gideon's assessment of her was closer to the mark because she doesn't think we're hot or talk about us much."

"Well, now I have to meet her," Marcella grinned. "Why don't you give me her number and I'll set up a lunch date later in the week and give you a day off from babysitting me?"

"You're the one who calls me every day," he chuckled. "It's hard to be this irresistible," he sighed dramatically at Vivienne.

"I call because I have no other friends here. If you give me Sera's number then I might have two, and you can get some work done," she laughed.

"Three friends," Vivienne said. "I'd like to come to this lunch too, if you don't mind."

"The more, the merrier," Marcella said happily as Gideon groaned at the way the conversation had gone.

"You were supposed to convince her that I was such a great catch so she would accept my proposal, not ambush me with Sera!" Gideon accused his brother.

"I'm not the one who ambushed you. Spend some time with this woman and you will realise she's a supervillain, and we are all just helpless mortals who dance to her tunes" he sighed. "Her superpower is invisibility to waitresses, apparently. Not sure how effective it is as a superpower, but we work with what we're given."

"Good grief," Marcella rolled her eyes. "That is not my superpower, it's yours. Everyone around you fades into insignificance when a waitress comes to your table. I could have collected everything on that table and put it in my bag, and she wouldn't have noticed."

"See, supervillain thief," he murmured loudly to his brother, earning him another roll of her eyes.

The foursome went in to eat, continuing the banter and laughing loudly throughout the dinner. Vivienne hadn't ever felt more at ease unless with her siblings, and even then she had some walls up. This evening, however, she had managed to relax and enjoy the company. She found herself wanting to know more about Marcella and Noah, who were so funny the way they bounced off each other that she continued to laugh throughout the meal. She especially wanted to know more about the big, brash man who held her hand or placed a hand on her thigh throughout the dinner, causing him to eat one-handed most of the night.

He had said that he wanted her to stop keeping him at a distance, but she knew hardly anything about him and his everyday life, outside of his support for his brothers and love of Madrina and her unusual, colourful life. He had told her that Madrina was a reminder that not everything in life had to make sense to work, and she wondered what he had meant by that.

When the dinner ended there was a flurry of hugs and kisses on cheeks as they farewelled each other. Marcella and Vivienne exchanged numbers and promised to meet for lunch, even if Sera couldn't make it, and were reminded by a teasing Noah that they had neighbouring apartments and could just go and knock on the door if they wanted to see each other.

The idea that Marcella could be a permanent fixture in his family, because of her relationships with Olivia and Vivienne, put a dampener on any thoughts that Noah had entertained of hot sex when he took her home tonight. He wasn't sure if he wanted a casual fling with someone that he couldn't just walk away from and never see again when the time came. What happened if, as Dom has said, his curse breaker was close by and he was sleeping with Marcella every night? Then he would have to expect the one fated to be his to face Marcella at every family gathering, knowing they had shared something intimate and real, because even though she wasn't his one, he liked her, really liked her. Because of that, he knew a one-night stand or a quick casual fling with her could get messy and complicated, and he wasn't sure that either of them wanted that.


Having Olivia back in the restraints and at his mercy, Genesis licked and nibbled his way up her legs. Her soft white thigh held a fading mark left by her previous owner, and he growled low, covering the mark with his mouth and sinking his teeth into her flesh as he sucked the skin between his teeth, wanting to obliterate even that small reminder of what had happened to his girl. He heard her gasp and then whine but never did she cry out for him to stop, and he pushed his control to the limit before releasing some of the pressure he had exerted before he broke the skin. He licked over the bruise that instantly rose to the surface and looked up to where her head was propped up on a pillow so that he could see her eyes and saw his own desire reflected back at him, above the twin peaks of her panting chest.

Then and only then did he allow himself to turn towards his true focus. The swollen nub of sensitive flesh that peaked between the glistening folds of her slightly-spread pussy lips. He hardened at the thought of tormenting her this way. Despite the orgasm that she had given him only minutes earlier he already wanted her again. He pushed the thought of his own orgasm away as he blew warm air over her pussy and listened to her mewls of pleasure.

Olivia felt her insides melt in her need for him, for what he was doing to her. The pain of the love bite on her thigh was already fading in her mind as warm air and gentle fingers caressed her pussy, igniting the flame and keeping her simmering arousal just out of her reach. She watched his head between her thighs, his eyes flicking from hers to her pussy as he continued the soft titillating touches and breaths. He moved suddenly, and she gasped as his lips caught her clit and sucked it into his mouth to lash it with his tongue, lashing it once, twice, three times before she hissed her approval.