All Comments on 'Two Down the Tubes'

by Just Plain Bob

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KRD19254KRD19254over 5 years ago

Wow, did you hit the nail on the head on this one. My circumstances are not the same as in your story but in affect I'm living the same life, except I earn by consulting far away from home. I only come back on major holidays and then co-habitat in my basement office (my mans-room) while she and her dogs have the rest of the house.

What is humorously interesting is when she is in a snit/barking the dogs come down to my office for peace and quite sacking out in my Lazy-boy.... 5*

KRD19254KRD19254over 5 years ago

Thinking more upon the story I see two big misses.

1. The Husky's would have reacted if HE was the aggressor since the dogs were in-affect hers. The police report missed this or any mention of the dogs.

Why did the cop just noting "pain" mean anything to the stroy - JPB you lead us to think that cop report was going to come back and bit him?

2. What did her two kids have to say about her/their actions? How did they handle holidays, etc?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Interesting twist and well written

So, full marks (5), but it would have been better without the theological illiteracy regarding the problem of theodicy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

What kind of state job did Ida get? She was a waitress when they met and you did not fill in on her change of employment. Curious as to an $72K retirement, minimum.

MbgdallasMbgdallasover 5 years ago

I have read this story before.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Boy, I've read some stinkers by this author but this takes the cake!

First he cuts the first story off very, very abruptly with no real end. We never hear what happens to the first wife. It was just ridiculous. Then he starts a second story 30 years later? Then we find that after more than 30 years with the same company he can't get a day off from work? This whole thing is imbecilic and a giant waste of time to read. 1 star is 1 star too many!

gmann57gmann57over 5 years ago

As with most of your stories, They are well written and very close to what a lot of couples go through. One thing this story stated that you are truly an atheist. Everybody has a choice, No matter what country you live in, We all have the freedom of choice. This isnt given by man made rules. I choose to think most man made rules are pure bullshit. The ten commandments are the rules man should live by. Most rules come from them anyway. There will be a time when everybody will have to choose between God and death. Even atheists will have one chance to choose between life after death. I know this not because of the Bible, But because of the gift I have (a gift from God) I can see and communicate with the spirit world. I have this gift to inform people of what happens when this life ends and it happens to everybody. We will all live in the here-after. Some will live in hell for eternity.(Thats a long fucking time) The rest will live in heaven, Which hasnt been created yet but will be when Jesus returns and the end of time on earth is here. The reason people dont think there is a God is because man/woman has so desecrated Gods will that he is pissed and I dont blame him one bit. God didnt give us aids-man did. Almost everything wrong with this earth are man made. I will be in heaven for eternity, Where will you be? Good luck

WyldcardWyldcardover 5 years ago
Good tale, wrong category

Thanks for the tale, though really not a loving wives tale. I presume you put it in the category more as a lesson for the readers.

No swinging, no adultery, and alas not even that much loving. Still a sadly realistic tale given the high rates of divorce and even in surviving marriages, compromises made to just keep the union going.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Real depressing

This brought down my Sunday. Now I'll have to look for a happier story to read.

PowersworderPowersworderover 5 years ago

Well that was depressing! It was sad the first wife turned into a religious nutjob, the ones that are determined to convert everyone are incredibly annoying.

The husband only had himself to blame for the second trainwreck of a marriage. She was a single mom and he was raising her kids, not his; he should have accepted zero crap from her after being so overwhelmingly generous. Every time she disagreed with him was a shit-test and he failed every single one. Because he was such a pushover she lost respect for him and finally blew up at him over something he had no control over... and destroyed the marriage.

When she asked for a dog, he just had to refuse. If she ignored him and bought it anyway, demand she take it straight back, or they were done. She gives him the cold shoulder? Tell her to stop behaving like a petulant child, or they were done. She would have realised he was serious, wouldn't have risked upsetting the gravy train and harmony would be restored. Her husband asserting himself would have probably turned her on too...

chilleywilleychilleywilleyover 5 years ago
Lifelike story

Always giving can make for a lousy marriage. It has to be good for both. Where one person is passionate about something, and the other less so, fine, go along, if it’s not a two way street, you see the result here. If Ida had to compromise from time to time,,, Of course, here she went nuts, and who knows why.

Sad tale

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Well played

I still think he should divorce the cunt, try to get her to pay HIM alimony and find a smaller place. Easier to take care of and with her car out of the garage he'd have all the room he needed. Why stay married to a stone cold bitch? Talking to her or not the aggravation of looking at her face would be more than most men could stand. Unless she's cleaning the house, doing the laundry and cooking meals, she just isn't worth it. I'd sure be leaving the gates open every chance I got to allow her dogs to "run free". Interesting take.

VickieTernVickieTernover 5 years ago

I have no advice for either of them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Thank you

I personally love this story. It reflects my life though the influences in part one are different. Family vs religion. I can't afford to divorce or live alone as in part two. My children are hundreds of miles away and are the light of my marriage. It is other relatives who have driven the wedge. I hold to my vows;my word if you will. I can't fuck someone I almost hate; or love someone who has put others before me. I am in the fifties bracket. It is almost like you wrote my life story. For those who burn or flame,There is a fine line between love and hate. It is indifference. The best punishment is to forget someone exists.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 5 years ago

At least first wife was only a fictional religious nut. GMann57 is apparently a real life one!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Formatting problem

I can't read this on my phone, text cut off on the right side.

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 5 years ago
A different kind of story from you, JPB

And an interesting one, too.

Although infidelity is a major marriage killer, there's other problems that can kill a marriage.

MightyHornyMightyHornyover 5 years ago
I get the point, JPB. BUT...

... Truthfully, what I really got from this story is this:

In Loving Wives, always expect women to go crazy at the drop of a hat.

Maybe it has something to do with Dave. Maybe the poor sap attracts the most mentally unbalanced females out there. Or maybe, but being who he is, he somewhat drives them crazy? No clue, really, but to go from one wife who went fanatical out of nowhere to another who seems to have lost her marbles in her latest years? That's just sad, son. One thing, though: Dave is a coward. He should have divorced his first wife way before all that talk about 'the validity of infidelity in a dissolution of a marriage' started, and he went out of his way to NOT have an actual fight with Ida about him not always doing exactly what she wants. The fact that he decided to stay in the house I previously wanted to sold to get a smaller place, just to, I don't know, spite her or something? All this, when he would probably be happier if she wasn't in his life at all anymore... It's kinda show how weak his spine is.

I mean, sure, the whole thing's sad and all... but isn't it obvious that, if they really wanted to, Dave and Ida could get pass that? Nothing that has happened here was really a marriage killer, but they both chose to let their relationship died. Quite pathetic, witnessing adults, in the twilight of their lives, act so childishly... but quite believable too. The realism of it all makes it an overall solid story. Still, 'makes you wonder what the hell will happen when one of those two starts getting sick - are the other one stops acting like a dumbass and starts acting like the spouse he/she used to be? Guess we'll never know... ★★★★

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I can see this stuff on TV.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
No, adultery is not the only reason for divorce.

I think I've heard the most common reason for a marriage to fail is not adultery, but financial problems. I'm not even sure adultery is in the top 3 reasons.

It reads like the husband was way over indulgent of the wife's whims and juvenile behavior. So should he be surprised she acted like a spoiled child when she didn't get her way? No big surprise they are estranged. What is surprising is that they continue to live together, share expenses, and have apparently made no effort to replace their spouse with a new partner. Who knows, maybe one day when they get old and feeble they will forget they don't love each other and end their last days in ignorant bliss. I mean, some people spend their entire lives that way.

Kind of interesting, if puzzling. I cannot understand why he married her so quickly, helped raiser her children, and did not see what a childish selfish bitch she was.

Thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
If I wanted this drivel I would have watched Jerry Springer

Really pretty sad and depressing. Not in the least erotic. Looks like Just Plain Bob is living up to his name.

Crusader235Crusader235over 5 years ago

Just Boring. 2 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

So, what we have here is another stereotypical JPB male character. Beholden to his job, pussy-whipped by his boss, uncaring about his wife's needs and extremely stupid in all other aspects of his life. I swear, he writes about himself in all these stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
A good story

Not my kind of tale but good. I wish you would have gave some info on just what there doing now besides living separate lives.

tazz317tazz317over 5 years ago

and refusal to communicate is the downfall which seals the casket, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago


LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 5 years ago
Thank you. Next (logiograph in high heels 👠) please.

Women ? "Either love them or learn to suck a big fat dick “ as the late Sam Kinison said. If this story is semi-reality rooted and narrator lives in same city as JPB , I'd tell him to cash out of house and get high rise condo next to Cheeseman park in Denver . Those are right by Botanic Gardens which has excellent koi pond and zero unleashed Huskies. The yearly pass is much cheaper then cost of dealing with a relationship that would seem to have run its course .

Bottom Line : "I have never seen a situation so dismal that a policeman couldn't make it worse." is sadly a quote that applies to a substantial amount of domestic violence calls where the root cause is the couple in turmoil can't turn the page cleanly and move onto other pairings where collective individual prejudices and preferences are more aligned .

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 5 years ago

Sad life for our hero. Actually not a hero just unlucky in love. Not much to comment about. Tazz says it all. As always.

TheKrrakTheKrrakover 5 years ago
True life

First wife was an idiot to believe in any organized religion, all they are for is to make money and keep stupid people stupid.

Second wife has some deepset issues, the alcohol loosened her tongue but the thoughts had to be there in the first place.

It's the tale of a guy, just unlucky with two of the choices that he made - fortunately for him, the male of the species tends to die first, so maybe his suffering won't last too much longer.


ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 5 years ago
Didnthe first wife get kicked out of the church?

The Witnesses are brutal when it comes to their rules. They will divide families with Shunning like the Amish. Don't open the door to those people they are very cultish. I'm not a believer but I do like to go to my wife's church. Great folks there. Very accepting of everybody. Good story JPB. I think he should leave. The dogs would be reason enough for that.

DominantYetServile22DominantYetServile22over 5 years ago

All the women are terrible, too crazy to live with even if they aren't cheaters, and the legal system favors them, screws the poor man, blah blah blah. Enough with fucking MGTOW story hour.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Well he did it

Dominantyetservile nust admitted he’s gay in his comment. No wonder he is a woman hater. And yet, he still hangs out in a category dedicated to wives having sex with others. Maybe he has a brain tumor, what else could explain such ridiculous behavior?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
lame (only because the previous comment was my standard: pathetic)

It takes two to make a marriage work. I've learned that the hard way. Apparently, this "person" (if it is not the author directly) has learned nothing over all this time.

You see it in most of the descriptions: me, me, me, my lawn, my garage, my back yard... never does he view things as "we" or "us" or "our". Self centered (as most millenials, but Bob is NOT a millenial, only writes like one.).

Sorry, but another sub standard "loving" wifs tale of BS

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
to the guy below me

men get screwed by society for two main reasons

instinct: society is built that way, even back to tribal. the men are basically a meat shield that sacrifice themselves to protect the inner circle of females(baby-makers)

even in a 'progressive' society, nothing has changed. women are delicate protected class. men are responsible and culpable for literally everything. women have equal rights, but not equal responsibility. women don't have to sign up for the draft for financial aid like young men do. women (on average) will only get 30% the prison time for the exact same crime a man gets (look it up). No one takes females raping children or adults seriously. the list goes on and on.

the second reason: men have more money. not cuz of a 'wage gap'. men just save more money. women spend more. the courts will ALWAYS go after the money. one bad cop? sue the department. one bad teacher? sue the school board. go after the money! and men have the bigger/fatter bank accounts. women don't HAVE to save up like men do. Women don't need a giant house to attract a mate. Period. It's rare, but sometimes the men do FAR better in a divorce...the reason? the woman is a career driven dynamo! and the guy is basically a baristo/accountant/nobody.

rodryder44rodryder44over 5 years ago
Memories are made of this.....

Something didn't connect while reading this story - after nearly 40 years with Ida he finally had enough. Wow. The commonality connecting the two marriages was the overworked husband. Wife number one was controlled by her religious affiliation. Much different than Ida who was just plain abusive; abuse he ate for too many years. By the way, I outlived my wife and he may too. Four stars.

ilimitadoilimitadoover 5 years ago
Not Worth My Time

Did someone else write this lousy story??

Did you give yourself high marks? Must have.

somewhatniceguysomewhatniceguyover 5 years ago

no wonder JPB is the superstar of LW, along with HDK and Matt Moreau; unique story line; could've come from only an accomplished writer like JPB, and the lines about supreme being in the opening paras; brilliant. What drives our life is how conscientious we are, and how truthful we are to ourselves, instead of letting of a bunch of screaming fanatics ruin our lives. And doing a honest day's work. And yes, there's cause and effect, or karma. This screams for a part 2; the quintessential quality that one must necessarily possess is to be grateful; was she? No. But no BTB in part 2 please; there should be incidents making her realize her follies and then redemption for the couple.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Thanks for sharing...

PB offers us, a lot of vailed observations with this tale!

If you don't see or understand why, then just be grateful for your lot in life.

Thanks again PB

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Oh boy😮.

Just Plain Bob finished a story!!

Gave it 3*s..... just for that,lol.


DominantYetServile22DominantYetServile22over 5 years ago
To stupid anon assholes

1--For the first anonymous idiot, read my post again. I attacked the story because it features both wives inexplicably going nuts and presenting a general view of women not being worth it, I did not agree with that take. I think these MGTOW/Incel fuckers are the absolute scum of the earth, the flip side of creampie eating cucks.

2--For the "plight of poor western males" guy and his line of bullshit. Hey asshole, guess what? For all the crap in these stories about how the man always gets shafted in the divorce, multiple studies have found that on average, 5 years after divorce the man is doing far better than the woman is, and if there were kids and she gets custody of them, the more kids she has, the bigger the gap between his financial situation and hers. Apparently as expensive as child support payments's still not as expensive as actually raising children. So take that "women rule in divorces" bullshit and shove it right up your candy ass.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Revenge takes many different forms

Normally, regardless of what the challenges are in a marriage that blows it up, both sides suffer. In most cases, one suffers more than the other for an assortment of reasons. This became a pseudo-marriage that was equivalent to today's congress of Republicans and Democrats that share the same responsibilities but refuse to get along. Sad but true tale.

Carry on JPB

Tiny Tim

ChuckEPooChuckEPooover 5 years ago

That had to be the most depressing story I’ve ever read. He should buy a gun... put it to his temple and pull the trigger.

You write well but... never mind...

MollydaKatMollydaKatover 5 years ago
Since you won't allow comments on The Insurance Claim , I'll leave it here

WTF ???

This is why you're so hard to like ! You do a couple of good ones , then drop a steaming pile of cuck shit like The Insurance Claim!!!

Guess whos getting one bombed on this now because you took the chicken shit way and allowed no voting on that Fuq'n piece of shit .

silentsoundsilentsoundover 5 years ago
Someone hack your account Bob?

This and the one just posted don't seem like you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Why is this even posted to Literotica, not to mention in LW?

Nothing remotely erotic.

Poor hubby. Waaa.

Maybe you should have posted it on instead.

KRD19254KRD19254over 5 years ago

JPB welllllll, in a few of your stories you show brilliant plot writing. Even this one has a ring of truths within for some of us but the next two you just posted (no vote/comment) stories are just pieces of crap - true they are older but you could have changed/cleaned them up before posting.

It appears you're now posting to get the most number of stories posted on L, not improving the quality of your stories. Overall your stories often seem unrealistic with wimpy/cuck male character undertones. Not my cup of tea.

Hence, I've un-FOLLOW'ed you, today. GL

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 5 years ago
Cuck JPB at it again

How can you chase away this wimp other than giving him 1 star. I am getting tired even seeing his nick.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
The writing was good but...

The Christian bash-fest went overboard which killed the mood. And I'm not even Jehova's Witness, but come on. Make him an athiest is fine, but the constant JW bashing was ridiculous, and reflects on the author, not the character.

VickieTernVickieTernover 5 years ago
Clever, and fully aware of the ways our irrational resentments govern our judgments.

Though this time only FIVE stars! Maybe more another time when they allow more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Well Written

I think this story is right where it's supposed to be. Not all wives cheat physically.

Good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Not much of a story, more a fragment of one, there's just no resolution to make it narratively satisfying.

Not that it's anything new that JPB struggles with the narrative concept that a story should have a beginning, middle, and end.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
I’ll give it five stars

The story rang true and was well told with good pacing. Kudos please keep writing sir. Panther fan.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 5 years ago

He's a dumbass for not being gone long ago. Can he pick'em or what?

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago

JPB fest today. This is another one that shows his range as a writer. Not a pretty story, but a very good one.

calflashcalflashover 4 years ago

Good story but flawed because graduation is a known date and should have given adequate time to schedule a day off.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Another stinking shit pile from this idiot.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 4 years ago
I hated that story!

But you told it so well! I have seen marriages go both those routes. I have never understood it, but I've seen it with my own eyes. You told it well.

vickitvohiovickitvohioabout 4 years ago

Sure I got the point of the story but just was a pile of misery. No epilogue for either wife?

BlackJackSteeleBlackJackSteelealmost 4 years ago
Been There, Done That

...and still carry the scars. I eventually walked away. I'm a slow learner.

iameaseliameaselabout 3 years ago

Would have been good but the end got seriously stupid. Totally ruined it.

secretsalsecretsalabout 3 years ago

Poor guy didn't realise he was the protagonist in a JPB story. Was a good setup, but the way Ida turns sour and stays that way without anything changing halts momentum pretty fierce. Nice that you pulled it off without infidelity, but ideally, the alternative should be as compelling.

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 3 years ago

Another BS story from JPB. His female characters are either town whores or utterly idiotic or both.

Since he is writing partially autobiographic stories a good question would be - have you check the mirror?

nixroxnixroxalmost 3 years ago

1 star for another pathetic story.

I have had enough of this author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The hell with that! Peace of mind is worth a smaller place. Divorce her and list the reasons why. Get money from HER!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why stay married? Get alimony, buy another house and don't give the bitch a second thought. Think how much longer you'll alive without all that stress.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

As they say, “ Cheaper to keep her”.


iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

I question if you have ever met a real woman?

Why do I ask, you ask? Because you've never written one bright enough to where she could write her own name. We get it, you are among the majority of writers here who have a superior attitude towards women. More men are far fucking dumber than the women you write. But it makes writing a story easier if you right a dimwit, as the fan base, who also tend to look down on women (sorry guys I read the comments, you are way too fragile as men go), eats that shit up.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Still would have divorced her. Just for piece of mind. And the older you get as a man, the more the women outnumber you and you become an in-demand person unless you're a complete asshole. As an added bonus if she was forced into an apartment she might have to get rid of her dogs.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The dogs would suddenly be getting out of the yard. Simple maintenance things like leaky faucets and no yard maintenance would happen. Let her do EVERYTHING. She'll be the one getting the divorce and he'll get part of her retirement.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

oh , she is cheating .

or this would never have happened.

one star

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wellll, at least you had thirty six good years.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I think that first dog would have gotton out and ran off. (Taken to Is animal shelter in another state) Never put up with shit from a spouse. Live is too short. Devorice is your friend use it .

RuttweilerRuttweilerover 1 year ago
Interesting and valid

Relationships are about two people getting along, living together, appreciating and supporting each other. It doesn’t have to be that someone did someone wrong, people can just become tired of each other. Sometimes the very thing that attracted someone to you, becomes the thing they most dislike about you later.

I’ve had women that were attracted to me because I’m tall, I express myself in public well, and I have a deep voice. Years later the same woman told me how annoying all of those traits are to her.

People change overtime, what they like and don’t like changes over time. Just because you got married, doesn’t mean that you will continue to be right for each other.

And nobody owes love to anyone. What we owe is consideration, respect, and honesty. If someone stops loving someone, then it’s time to get out. Or, if there are children involved figure out what’s best for them and for the parents as a whole.

The issues and questions are complex, and simple answers are often insufficient.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Keep. His marriage to Ida went crazy at the end. Highly peculiar. Maybe she has a brain tumor. Just veered off the rails entirely.

And the author even makes it clear at the end there was no infidelity, contrary to thr naysayers below who read the story, not write it.

HighBrowHighBrow3 months ago

Right on the money…

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman2 months ago

what a fu**ed up life/woman

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userJust Plain Bob@Just Plain Bob
Just a Dirty Old Man (of course I have been one since I was thirteen)who likes to write about the things that I've seen and been exposed to in my life. There is a little bit of me in almost all of my stories and in some of them there is quite a lot. I leave it to the reader ...