Vampires of the Apocalypse (Harem)

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Broken Myths – Prologue, Birth of a Brood, and First Blood.
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This is a work of fiction that portrays its characters engaging in sex and sex-play. Everybody in the story is old enough to do what they're doing - if you're not, come back later.


This tale is about a male with multiple female lovers. If you're not sure that type of story is for you, please try one of my other works.


Version 2 - This story has been updated to fix some technical issues with the girls' ranks.



The Russian president, Grigori Orlov, blamed the west for forcing his hand. He launched hundreds of missiles. The allies intercepted most of them. The few dozen, which got through, hit areas of lower population. They landed across Europe, North America, and Southern Asia.

No one even knew the virus had been released until it had spread beyond the world's ability to combat it. One airborne particle was enough to infect a person - and every person's symptoms were different - which made it hard to tell (at least initially) when they had contracted it. Every exhaled breath of an infected person released more and more particles into the air. Regardless of how well a person's body fought the virus, the pathogen seemed to be cumulative. With enough exposure, or time, every single body succumbed. The basic symptoms were nearly universal: fatigue, lethargy, attention-deficit, lung-congestion, cough, rashes, and open sores. The virus (at least so far) didn't seem to kill a person outright - it just weakened their body and made them more susceptible to injury, infection, and disease. Global health organizations estimated that 80% of the earth's population was already infected - only isolated people-groups remained untouched - but it was simply a matter of time until it reached them as well. Casualty rates were difficult to calculate - by nature of the fact that it wasn't the virus that killed the person. When anybody did release numbers, they were always really high - or really low - depending on the agenda. As yet, there was no cure; scientists were still trying to figure out just what it was that they were fighting. So far, nothing they had tried had had any effect.

There was, however, one small group of scientists in the world that thought they had found something to combat the pathogen. Those scientists were not sharing their data, however, because - first of all - the numbers were hard to quantify - and second of all - because those scientists were either vampires - or members of a vampire's brood - and releasing that information would bring a whole new twist to the drama - and complicate their research.

For millennia, the vampires of the world had worked hard to keep their activities "under the radar". Legends, ghost stories, and old wives' tales - regardless of how inane - can have a powerful effect on a mass of people - and transform them into a violent mob. Any vampire that wanted to live long - and who didn't? - avoided being recognized as something different. That is still true today.

Regardless of the vampire communities' attempt to contain the information, rumors had begun to circulate that the blood-suckers were real - and that they weren't getting sick.

In light of this new world-wide threat, the critical discussion - making its way through the network of known vampires - was how to use their immunity - or (at least) resistance - to save the most people.

Vampires have, throughout time, worked to cull any "bad actors" from their ranks. The battles are intense - and are often harder on the innocent bystanders than on the combatants - destroying buildings, infrastructure, and lives.

The biggest question - then - became who to "turn" and who to accept as a brood member. Turning the wrong person simply created one more problem to be dealt with - and broodlings needed to be fed.

A vampire has to be strong enough to keep his (or her) brood nourished at all times. A broodling can be fed any of a vampire's body fluids - blood, sweat, tears, saliva, milk, or ejaculate - but the vampire needs to be able to feed each brood member at least once a week. Of necessity, the size of the brood is limited by the vampire's ability to regenerate the fluids needed to keep the broodlings' appetites sated.

Food and drink contribute to the vampire's ability to regenerate - especially if the food is raw meat - and the drink is blood. As exercise increases metabolism, so orgasm seems to speed the rate of regeneration. The blood of a broodling will provide basic sustenance to their host - but sex (to a lesser degree) and sexual climax (to a much greater degree), boosts the vampire's recovery - which, in turn, boosts their ability to feed the brood. This allows them to either increase the size of their brood, increase the frequency of the feedings, or increase the amount each broodling is fed. As already mentioned, increasing the size of the brood carries with it, the risk that the vampire will deplete themselves (trying to feed their brood) - or will have to choose members to sacrifice (to restore their ability to adequately feed the others).

By nature, broodlings bond with their master and feel an obligation to please and protect them. The symbiotic relationship - of the brood members feeding on the vampire - and the vampire feeding on the brood - tends to strengthen those bonds - and can create acolytes who willingly sacrifice themselves to serve - or preserve - their master.

The virus made people tired - but people were growing tired of being tired. They were also tired of the funerals, tired of trying to be careful not to be the next funeral victim, tired of listening to the news (especially when the news never changed), and tired of being told what they could or couldn't do. The tiredness was turning into anger. Nobody knew who to be angry at - but the fuse was lit - and it was only a matter of time before the powder-keg went off.

Birth of a Brood

Present day. North America. Central US military base.

"Major, what are your orders?"

"Gather your squad, Captain. We need to talk."


Captain Parker took three steps before she turned back to her superior.

He raised an eyebrow at her.

She looked into his eyes and thought she already knew the answer to her question. He wasn't coughing; he had no visible rashes; his skin color was normal. He was immune to the virus. She turned and headed to obey his command.

Within 15 minutes, she and her squad were assembled in front of him.

He looked over the group.

Parker was a good kid - and kept her squad of specialists from squabbling - not always an easy task for an all-female team.

This group, he thought, was different than most, though. They focused more on their jobs - and their skills - than they did on pecking orders or relationships. They always seemed content to let each of the others contribute to the overall success of the group - which (he believed) just served to make their group more successful.

Major Johnson's mind, wandered, briefly - calculating the likely advantages, challenges, and conclusions - if he decided that he needed to turn the Captain.

Realizing the women were still standing, staring at him, as he calculated outcomes, he got back to the task at hand.

Of all of the captains under his command, Parker was the smartest. Of all the squads under his command - male, female, or mixed - C-Squad was the best.

Captain Parker's specialty - besides being a strong leader - was battle tactics.

Gunnery Sergeant Schmidt was a student of stealth and hand-to-hand combat.

Staff Sergeant Martin was their firearms specialist.

Sergeant Jimenez managed anything that could be driven - or flown - or peddled. The Major had once seen her on a unicycle, juggling tactical knives, riding through a minefield.

Sergeant Nordahl handled communications and electronics. She spoke eight different languages like a native.

Corporal Basso was the master of explosives and artillery.

"Ladies," he greeted them.

"Sir," they replied - almost in unison.

They were not standing at attention - so he didn't bother to tell them to chill.

"You are a good team - one of the best I have under my command. I can say that to you because - I know you already know it - and yet you continue to act like you don't believe it - and you tirelessly strive to prove - again and again - that you deserve to be here."

He looked from face to face.

"You have, no doubt, heard the rumors that a certain type of person is resistant to the virus the Russians dumped on us. I don't know for certain but - so far - at least - I appear to be resistant - if not immune to it."

The squad members remained silent, knowing he hadn't called them together for idle conversation.

"I am a vampire."

"What are you saying, sir?" Parker asked.

"I'm going to make you an offer. It is not an order. It's not even a strong suggestion. That being said, I'm not telling any other teams this information - or - at least at this point - making them this offer."

"We're all ears, sir," Jimenez said, looking at her companions, who nodded.

"From what I've heard from others like me, I can bring you into my brood and this will give you at least some resistance to the virus."

"But," Martin hedged.

"You will be tied to me - you'll depend on me to live - to feed - for the rest of your life."

"How long?" Schmidt asked.

"Easily double your normal lifespan."

"How old are you?" Nordahl asked.

"I have taken part in every major conflict that has been fought in this country since even before this nation claimed its independence. I was turned in 1622 - just after the Jamestown Massacre - by a gentleman who recruited me to build a team to defend against the attacks by the confederacy of native tribes."

The women stood, mouths agape, stunned.

"You're 400 years old?" Parker asked.

He thought for a minute, doing the math, "Yeah, I guess I am."

"I'll do it," Basso said.

"I need to warn you about one more thing," he cautioned.

"We become your sex slaves?" Martin asked.

"Well," he began.

Parker cleared her throat, interrupting his response, and looked at the women, "You girls know the Major. He's always been square with us. He's hedging on the sex thing which, I assume, means that we're going to need to fuck him - but he doesn't want to control us."

"You don't lose the ability to say 'no' - but you will be almost addicted to me - for everything - from sustenance - to companionship - to your sense of security. You won't be a zombie - but you'll find yourself needing me more and more."

"You can have my cherry, Major," Martin said, "I've been wanting to give it to you for a while now but there was never a good way to ask."

"You're still a virgin?" Parker asked her.

"Busted my hymen with a hairbrush years ago - but never had a dick inside me," she clarified.

"You gonna bite us first, or fuck us?" Basso asked, laughing.

"The other units ..?" Parker asked.

"We'll leave them to chance. I don't know those teams well enough to open myself up to them like this."

"There's more than just the vampire thing?" Jimenez asked.

"You all will need fed - which means I need to feed more. I won't be able to operate as covertly as I have been. I haven't had a brood in centuries. I've just been feeding when I had to."

Nordahl's hand went to her neck and her eyes got big.

"I can feed from more than humans - I usually just went to Texas Roadhouse and ordered a rare steak."

She laughed, self-consciously, and lowered her hand.

"I trust you more than anybody other than Parker," Martin said. "The fact that you approached this whole thing the way you did just reinforces my decision - both the one to join your group - and the one to sleep with you."

"Will we just continue to operate as we have - or are we going to hide in some cabin in the woods?" Parker asked.

"For now, I say we stay here and keep doing what we're doing. If things go south, we'll pilfer a few goodies from our employer and find somewhere to hold up."

"With all respect, sir, I'd feel more comfortable if we looked over a half dozen potential sites and started prepping at least two of those as fallback positions."

".. but - before that, Captain," Schmidt laughed, "I want to see you in your 'fallback position' while the Major is burying his Mameluke in your filthy cunt."

Without blushing, Parker started unbuttoning her uniform shirt, "Then let's get to the Battle Simulation Center and get this party started."

She had taken a half-dozen steps towards the building before turning to the rest of the group and yelling, "Let's move, devil nuts."

When everyone had gathered in the training room, there were a few more questions.

"Will my teeth get pointy?" Martin asked.

"Not unless I turn you."

"What's the difference?"

"I'm just going to make you part of my brood for now. Turning you is the phrase for making you into a full vampire."

".. and the downside?"

"You would need your own broods - and we don't, yet, know how this is going to play out. For now, I think the safest path is for you to use me for food - while I use you for food."

"We feed off of each other?" Basso put in.


"What's the sex for?" Basso continued.

"It's not required - you can feed from me via any bodily fluid - blood, sweat, tears, or semen."

"We have to drink it?" she asked.

"You can - or it can soak through your skin."

"Your semen soaking into our pussies counts?" Jimenez asked.


"I'll take Nymphomaniacs for $1,000, Alex." she snickered.

"Do you need to fuck us to do this?" Basso inquired.

"That's your choice but that's another reason I chose your squad for this."

"You think we're hot?" Schmidt asked.

"Maybe not you, Schmidt."

"Fuck you, Martin."

"Thanks, but, I'm saving myself for the Major. I'm hoping he's got a donkey dick cuz I want him to ruin me."

"We taking pictures?" Nordahl inquired.

"I would prefer not," the Major replied.

"No phones," Parker reiterated.

"Do you have a reflection?" Jimenez asked, curious.

"If I choose to," he said, "I have to actively think about it though."


Before the Major knew it, six naked women were standing around him, eyeing his junk - which he had ordered to remain "at ease".

Parker hopped up on the edge of the conference table, "Ready sir."

"Last chance to back out," he offered. "No repercussions but I do expect you to keep my - our - secrets."

"I'm good. Bite me and then I'd like to be the first to give you my cherry, sir."

"Oh! Shit! Parker's a virgin too?!" Schmidt exclaimed.

"Me too," Basso admitted timidly.

The rest of the team assured their superior that they'd been dicked before - but were looking forward to joining the others on "the Major's private staff".

"The holes will seal themselves up once my blood is injected into your body - but which side do you want me to bite?" he asked Parker.

She tilted her head to expose the right side of her throat, "I thought you sucked our blood?"

"I suck some of yours, mix it with my saliva, adding antibodies, and return some of it to you."

"How do you turn somebody?"

"I don't suck first - I just bite down and blast them with vampire antibodies."

He walked up to stand in front of Parker and looked into her eyes.

She nodded and smiled.

He bit into her strong, tanned neck, and completed the transformation.

The rest of the squad crowded around to look at the wound - which was closing very slowly.

Since she couldn't see the effect, he pulled out his belt knife and grasped her arm, asking for permission to cut her.

She nodded, eyes wide.

He cut a one-inch slice - about a quarter-inch deep - into her wrist.

The blood started to well up for a moment and then just kind of hesitated. In a couple seconds, the wound started slowly closing back up.

"Holy shit!" she exclaimed.

"If you're willing to endure quite a bit of pain, I'll show you something else."

"Do it," she ordered.

He dropped his pants - and underwear - to the floor.

"It's going to hurt?" she asked, eyeing his manhood.

"Not this part .."

He lifted her to his chest, held her in place with one arm around her ribs, and nudged his cockhead up against her entrance.

He rubbed the head in little circles until she was well-lubricated and then slipped inside.

"Wow! I expected that to hurt a lot more."

"I thinned it down until you get used to it - then I'll make it bigger."

"What?!" Schmidt yelled, "You can do that?!"

He nodded and started raising and lowering the Captain's body, fucking his pencil-sized dick in & out of her tight channel.

"More," she gasped.

He increased the girth to the size of his middle finger and stretched it out another inch or two.


He fucked her a few more times, waiting for her to ask for more - which she did - and then he repeated the process.

Within a few minutes, she was taking his normal 8-inch length and his normal width.

"Yes .." she moaned softly.

He sped up the pistoning - and soon she was orgasming.

When she was done, he decided to keep moving forward - since he still had five more women to go.

When she looked at him, her entire body dangling - suspended on his stiff rod - he asked, "Ready for the pain?"

"Yes?" she replied, a little worry in her eyes.

"I'm going to stab this through your arm. It's going to hurt almost as much as it would normally - my antibodies don't help much with that."

".. okay?"

"And then I'm going to cum inside of you and you can see what happens with the knife."

Every eye in the room turned to look into Parker's.

"Do it," she ordered, after a moment's hesitation.

Schmidt asked, "You can cum on command?"


"Fucking hell!"

"Do it," Parker repeated, staring at the knife in his hand.

He held her wrist and quickly plunged the blade down into her forearm until the point came out of the bottom.

She didn't scream; she barely flinched.

He reached over, pulled her chin forward until her lips met his, and kissed her deeply.

As soon as they broke the kiss, he ordered his testicles to fire three rounds into her pussy.

She gasped each time the hot liquid splashed inside of her.

The euphoria of her orgasm - plus the warmth of his semen - combined together with the high from the feeding - and she moaned - and then looked down at the knife as she felt it move.

The wound started closing and forced the blade out of her body.

Schmidt caught it before it could fall to the floor, "That's fucking insane!"

"I think I'm high," Parker said, her speech slightly slurred.

"It's the feeding," he replied.

"Yeah, I'm addicted," she giggled. "I want your cock inside me again."

"Bitch," Martin said, laughing, "You're still hanging there - with his fuck-stick buried inside you - I don't think you're gonna get much more of it in there.

Parker grabbed the Major's head and gave him a lusty kiss.

"Oh! Sorry, sir!" she said, realizing she'd just assaulted an officer.

"Forgiven. I did warn you," he said.

"C'mon, bitch!" Schmidt scolded. "The rest of us are waiting patiently."

"Some more patiently than others," he laughed, looking at Martin - who blushed.

When he lifted Parker off of his rigid cock, Basso looked at her pink slit, "No leakage?"

"I can feel my body soaking it all in," Parker reported, almost moaning.

Schmidt stepped up and tilted her neck to the right, "Suck and fuck, please, sir. I'd like to do the stabby thing too, if that's okay."

"You like pain?"

"A little. I just want to feel my body push the blade out. That's fucking insane."

She was already wet. She started with his standard size and then asked for one bump - which elicited a moan from her.

"Sir, I'm addicted to your cock just for the fact that you can do that. Holy shit!"