Little White Lies Ch. 08


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Dex smiled, growing a little nervous. It must have been obvious as John leaned over to his right and said, "Don't worry about it bud. Most of the other girls that are dancing are ugly as fuck. They don't allow dudes in the back and the bouncers are pretty damn serious about leaving the amateurs alone. The owners don't need a fuckin' lawsuit, know what I mean?"

Dex nodding grinning. He looked over at his dad and smiled, seeing that he looked a little nervous for her too.

"I'm sure she'll be fine," he said. His dad smiled and nodded.

Looking around he saw the crowd start to move around and get closer to the stage. A trio of men moved chairs up behind John and himself, and he scooted closer to give them a bit of room.

"Thanks bro," one of them said.

Dex nodded.

"Yo, that fox you came in with gonna dance?" one of them asked as he looked at Dexter

He nodded in response, smiling and turning. "Yeah, she loves being naked, so shit like this is right up her alley."

"Nice," the guy said. He looked like he was a little older than Dex but didn't look rough or anything. John was on his left, talking with the next guy over.

Looking further left, Dexter saw an older man, long hair and biker tats on his arms. The guy nodded as Dex looked at him, nodding in return. Another stripper or two came up and danced while they waited and Dex grew a little anxious, thinking about his girlfriend in the back of this strip club. Finally, the time grew close, and he took a deep breath, watching as Daisy spun around the pole in front of them, her legs spread and pussy on display. A minute or so later, her song ended, and the DJ started to talk again.

"Alright, alright, alright," he said. "Let's give it up for the delectable Daisy!" he yelled, getting applause for the young woman, who was picking up her cash. "Welcome, you dirty bunch of pervs, to Amateur Night!" The crowd cheered weakly again; laughter scattered throughout. "The ladies are getting ready in the back right now, and it looks like we're going to have 7 women competing for $250 dollars in cash in the amateur night strip contest. You guys excited?"

There was a smattering of cheers in response, and the crowd laughed.

"Shit, that was fuckin' pathetic. You guys ready to see some tits and ass?" he yelled.

"Fuck yeah!" someone in the crowd yelled, and the rest of the folks yelled in support.

"That's what I'm fuckin' talkin' about," the DJ replied.

The door opened then and Dex saw one of the women come out, wearing a sexy set of stripper clothes.

"Alright you dirty motherfuckers, keep your eyes on the stage and your fuckin' hands to themselves and give a warm welcome to..." there was a pause as he checked the names... "Candy? Candy!" he said.

The girl smirked and came out, looking nervous. She wasn't that pretty, but she had really nice-looking tits, and Dexter didn't mind seeing her naked.

"You got this baby!" a guy in the audience called, and Dex figured that it was her husband or boyfriend.

Hearing a bit of commotion behind him, he turned and saw Donna apologizing and making her way through the crowd. She smiled, working her way over to sit down in Dexter's lap, leaning over and kissing her boyfriend.

"Jessie's 5th," she said. "God, this one sucks," she said, leaning over and whispering in Dexter's ear after appraising the woman on stage.

"Yo, my man," the guy behind him said, getting his attention. Dex turned and cocked his head questioningly.

"I thought that other one was your girl," he said.

Donna turned. "I'm just his fuck buddy; his girlfriend is up 5th," Donna said.

Dexter smirked nodding a confirmation at the guy as he looked at him questioningly.

"Shit, lucky ass mufucka," the guy said, smiling. "Yo, number five is who we waitin' for," he said turning left and right to his friends.

Dexter smiled to himself, enjoying the thought of all these guys waiting to see what his girlfriend was working with.

The current girl finished, taking off her top, but stopped there, much to the disappointment of the crowd. Still, she got some money tossed on the stage and she went around picking it up. The next two girls weren't much better, but they did get all the way naked, something Dexter didn't know the amateurs could do. He said as much to Donna, and she said that they signed waivers, so they could basically do whatever they wanted.

The fourth girl was attractive and had a nice ass but didn't have very nice breasts. She was athletic though, and actually spun inverted around on the pole instead of just spinning around it while standing up.

She got more money than the previous girls, and Dexter smiled, glad that folks were still shelling out the dough. Still, he knew that his girlfriend was next, and felt his heart pounding in his chest.

"Damn, honey, don't be so nervous," Donna said, putting her hand to his torso.

Dexter smiled, trying to calm himself, but he knew he wasn't going to be able to until Jessie had finished. The current girl finished, and the DJ started his spiel again.

"Alright guys give a big hand for Amber! Yeah, that's nice. Good job. Now put your fuckin' hands together for Janie!" he said.

Jessie stepped out from the door and walked swiftly up to the stage as the music started playing. Dexter smiled widely, seeing her wearing a naughty schoolgirl outfit. The crowd cheered loudly as her song started playing, "Cherry Pie" by Warrant.

She turned, bending over with her knees straight, touching her toes and looking back, smiling seductively and then standing up. Sauntering over to one side of the stage, she knelt and did the "hands on the knees leg spread" thing that he'd seen the other strippers do. She leaned back and laid head down on the ground, her breasts pointing skyward, but still concealed by her schoolgirl top.

Dexter felt his cock swelling, as did Donna, giggling on top of him.

Jessie leaned forward then, grabbing some random guy by the back of his head and shaking her tits in his face. She sat back quickly, leaving the guy reeling and smiling widely.

Dexter laughed, seeing the guy cheering along with his friends. Jessie spun then, turning to the other side of the stage to spread her legs and shake her tits in someone's face. She turned, moving down to the end and kneeling in front of John.

Smiling, he knew she was probably trying to spread the attention around to get the most votes, and John was a relatively safe bet to dance for.

He saw more closely how she cupped the outsides of her breasts and leaned forward, grabbing John's face with them and pulling back, rubbing them on the sides of his head.

Grinning, she winked at him as she passed, then stopped in front of the biker to his left. Flashing her panties at him, he grinned and nodded appreciatively and Dex as she stood, spinning in place before grabbing the pole and spinning around.

She bounced playfully to the music, her breasts shaking excitingly as he watched. Reaching up, she swiftly untied the knot holding her blouse together and stripped it off, following a few seconds later by her skirt.

His heart still pounding, he realized again that he was watching his girlfriend standing on stage in her underwear in front of a crowd of drunk strangers. The realization of what was happening was exciting, and he couldn't wipe the grin of his face. She didn't spend long in her bra, though, and he knew that she was probably anxious to get completely nude.

Spinning around, she untied her bra and flung it back onto the stage, then cupped her breasts and shimmied and wiggled around. Bending far over again, she winked back direct at Dex, and reached back, sliding a finger underneath her body as she knelt, her knees going wide. Pulling her panties to the side, she grinned at the roar of approval from the crowd, giggling and breaking character for the first time in her routine.

Standing back up, she seductively slid out of her panties and tossed them to John, who sniffed them and shoved them in his pocket.

The song started to come to an end, and she turned, pouting toward the DJ. She adopted a playful pose and frowned at him, then held her hands up to beg.

"Shit," the guy said, laughing. "Yeah, that's pretty fuckin' convincing," he said. "You guys want another song for Janie?"

The crowd cheered loudly, and Dexter grinned, wishing he could clap, but couldn't since Donna was sitting in his lap.

"Pour Some Sugar on Me" by Def Leppard started and Jessie immediately fell into character again. Starting on the right side, she spun around and pointed her naked rear toward the crowd. Dex thought she was dangerously close, and saw a few hands reaching up to try and grab her, but she spun out of the way quickly. Moving to the other side, she did the same thing, dancing out of the way as they reached for her.

He laughed, seeing her giggle and wiggle a finger at them. Donna looked at him then, smiling and reaching down to feel how incredibly turned on he was.

"Feels like someone likes watching her like this," she whispered, gently licking his earlobe.

He didn't reply though, and let Donna continue her affection as Jessie continued dancing. He looked up to see her leaning over and letting someone put a twenty in between her butt cheeks at her direction, seeing her squeeze it tight and then drop it on the floor behind her.

Smirking, she turned and shrugged at him, then sauntered over to the other side and up to a man holding another twenty.

Kneeling, she leaned forward and placed the money his mouth. Dexter smiled, then looked and saw a few hands rubbing her legs. He glanced over at the bouncers, but they seemed fine with what was going on.

Leaning forward, she pushed her tits together and gripped the bill in between them. She called out in surprise and clutched at her nipple; the man having sucked it into his mouth as she pulled past.

Snickering she waved her hand at him, telling him no, and moved over to the other side. Repeating the move, she giggled, rolling her eyes as Dexter watched another man's tongue moving over her pale skin for a second.

She giggled, waving her finger at him. Turning, she knelt in front of the biker, spreading her legs and leaning back. The guy grinned widely, leaning forward and getting remarkably close.

Jessie's head was back, and she couldn't see what he was doing. Dex got extremely nervous for second, then saw the man take a huge sniff of her pussy and then sit back, his hands behind his head in satisfaction. The crowd laughed, as did Dexter, Jessie giggling as she looked up to see the man sitting back.

Covering her mouth as she laughed, she shook her head and looked around at the crowd. Standing, she moved around to a few more clusters of people, kneeling and using her tits to grab the money. The song started to come to an end, and he thought she might stand and ask for another, she looked like she was having so much fun. She didn't though and waved appreciatively to the crowd as she picked up the money and left the stage.

Dexter grinned; his cock incredibly hard as Donna wriggled in his lap. Snickering, she sat up and stood, turning to watch the next girl.

After all seven girls had finished, they took the stage, still clad in the clothing they had on when they left the stage. Jessie stood in her spot, unabashed in her nude glory.

Smiling, she waved at him and winked, causing him to do the same.

"Bro, that is one fine piece of ass you got there," the guy behind him said. "Got me hard as a motherfucker."

He didn't really need to know that, but Dex thanked him and clasped his outstretched hand. A few other guys around him did the same, and he figured that it was obvious that Jessie was his girlfriend. The DJ came up on the stage then and called out the rules.

"Alright you horny sumbitches," he said. "Y'all yell like a motherfucker for the girl that you want, but..."

The crowd started yelling numbers immediately and then DJ laughed, shaking his head.

"Shut up goddamnit, drunk motherfuckers. Let me finish, shit," he said, drawing laughs. "I'm going to put my hand over the head of the girls, yell for who you're voting for."

He moved around, squeezing between two of the women and standing behind the third one, holding his hand over the first. There was a smattering of applause, then he moved to the last one. Another smattering of applause, and he moved back and forth, alternating girls. He did each one twice, and both times, Jessie got the most cheers by far.

"Alright guys and sluts," he called, drawing some yells of protest from the ladies in the crowd. "Our winner for tonight is..." he said, drawing it out for effect, "Number 5... Janie!"

The crowd cheered and the other girls congratulated her. Jessie grinned taking the DJ's hand and letting him raise it up in triumph. She giggled again, then quickly left the stage with the other girls as everyone moved away. After a few minutes, she came back out from the back, a bouncer escorting her over to Dex and the others. She grinned, holding up a wad of cash and giggled as the group cheered for her.

Dex smiled, seeing that she chose to wear the naughty schoolgirl outfit. Seeing a table in the corner free, the group moved over and began to talk about the performances and how much better Jessie's was than the others.

"Yeah, it really wasn't a contest," Erin said. "I didn't think it was fair that he didn't give the other girls two songs, but it wouldn't have mattered anyway."

"True dat," Alec said, drawing a grin from Jessie.

"Thank you guys for cheering for me!" she said.

"Shit, thanks for the show," John replied quickly.

Conversation shifted after a few minutes and the group started to talk among themselves. Jessie was sitting between Don and Dexter and pulled them in close.

"So, what did my boyfriend and my Papa think?" she asked.

Dex smiled, looking up at his dad, who grinned in return. "I haven't seen anyone that sexy in a long time, Spitfire," he said. She squealed in happiness and turned to Dex.

"Hottest thing I've ever seen," he said, nodding in agreement.

"You two are the best!" she said. "That was so much fun, but I was so nervous! I hope it didn't show!"

He shook his head. "Not at all. You looked like a natural up there."

"Don't worry, I don't want to come work here. The strippers in the back were a little bitchy!"

Dex chuckled, then pulled her over for a kiss. "You had your own cheering section of guys behind me."

"I know," she grinned. "It was pretty hot." She pulled at his arm suggestively and he smiled. "So, did you like seeing that?" she asked. "Did you see those guys lick my nipples?"

He chuckled, nodding. "Heck yeah, it was hot baby, like I said. All of it. Except," he said, drawing a mildly serious look from her, "for when the biker sniffed your pussy. That was weird."

"Oh, I know!" she said, giggling. Kissing him intensely, she sat back and looked at him. "So, do you want a lap dance?"

Dexter chuckled, nodding. "Hell yes."

A smile on her face, she quickly stood and pushed his chair back in preparation as a new song started, "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails.

She smiled and began to undulate on his lap, rubbing her butt up against his crotch and tossing her hair in his face. He smiled, sensing how much fun she was having showing off and knowing that the exhibitionist side of her was enjoying the hell out of this.

He smiled, watching as she turned away from him and bent way over, sliding back and looking at him from between her legs. Chuckling, he wiggled a finger and had her come and face him, sitting in his lap.

"Damn you're sexy," he said, smiling.

"Think I'm making the other men in here horny?" she asked.

He nodded. "I know for a fact. The guy behind me told me you gave him a hard-on."

She giggled. "I bet you were thrilled to know that."

Shrugging, he pulled her up tight to him for a kiss. She sat back a second later and looked at him curious, as if she were thinking something mischievous.

"What?" he asked suspiciously.

She giggled. "Think your dad might want a dance, or would that be crossing the line? He's sitting over there pretending to have fun and watching everyone. I just don't want to cause any issues to happen again, you know?"

Dex smiled rolling the idea around in his head. Was that something he wanted to push? The image of her being hammered up against the wall flashed into his mind and he felt a surge of arousal flow through him. Grabbing her hips, he forced her down onto him more, causing her to grin as she felt his obvious erection.

"Issues like what happened in the kitchen?" he asked, smiling and grabbing her hips and pulling.

She giggled, nodding. "It wouldn't do for me to be giving my boyfriend's dad a sexy lap dance and accidentally slide his cock into my tight, dirty little pussy," she said quietly, giving him a mischievous look.

He groaned, pulling her down on his lap hard, his cock pushing at her tender parts. She giggled, smiling knowingly at him. "You know baby," she said, playing with her schoolgirl top seductively, "I think you might like it when I'm bad."

Dexter smiled, unable to stop himself and decided to go with it. "Maybe that's true," he said. Part of him wanted her to misbehave, but he didn't want to say it.

She giggled. "Well, I'm happy to go dance for Papa if you don't mind it," she said, smiling and kissing him again. "I promise I won't pull his cock out and accidentally fuck him, though," she said with a wide smile.

He kissed her, half wishing she would and half wishing she wouldn't.

"Seriously though, you're probably going to get asked if I can give other guys a lap dance too, though."

He chuckled. "Promise?" he asked.

In truth, he'd thought about that and figured that he'd probably let Alec and John get one but wasn't sure about anyone else. Them, he felt, he could trust with her.

Giggling yet again, she kissed him a final time and stood, then walked around him to the back of his dad, leaning over and whispering in his ear. He chuckled, watching as she said something that Don laughed at and shrugged. She grinned, moving around to the front and waited for him to scoot the chair back, then started to dance seductively in front of him.

Dex smiled widely, watching intently as she began to slowly sway and seductively dance in front of his old man.



She smiled seductively, tossed her hair from side to side and undid the buttons on her top, showing her lacy black bra. Don's eyes devoured her semi-nude form, and she felt a familiar surge of arousal race through her. Behind Don, a few tables away, a quiet looking man in a business suit was watching her intently and smiling. Other tables of people were also watching her, and she began to feel as she did when she was on stage.

It had been incredible, feeling all the eyes on her, and people throwing money at her for doing what she naturally liked to do; be sexy. In truth, she wouldn't have minded working here, but knew that it was a job that would get old fast and wouldn't look good on resumes, no matter how much she enjoyed doing it.

She slid down into Don's lap and pressed his face into her cleavage, causing him to grin as she looked at him sultrily. Dex was watching her a foot away, and she could tell how aroused he was by the look he was giving her. She thought about how she was misbehaving, flirting with his dad right in front of him, and the idea that she was doing that and that it was turning him on was extremely hot.

Winking playfully, she spun around and jammed her butt against his crotch, keenly aware of his magnificent cock, hard and ready for her. Groaning, she wished she could just pull it out and slide down it, but then felt bad for such thoughts. That wasn't supposed to happen again!

She looked up, seeing John and Alec both watching, and knew that they would want dances too. She smiled, seeing Donna stand and move over to sit down in Dex's lap, and glanced over as she started whispering to him. Focusing back on Don, she turned back around continued to dance and grind into him for several more songs, but finally had to take a break. Kissing his cheek, she straddled him and smiled sweetly.
