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Ellen asked me what some of the items were, and I explained what I knew. Finally, she'd made up her mind.

About that time, the hostess came back out to take our orders.

I took her up on that last pork chop and one of the helpings of greens, while Ellen ordered a barbecued chicken breast with macaroni and cheese and the last of the greens. The hostess thanked us, then started back to get our food ready, but I stopped her.

"Say, what can you tell us about this place? It looks like it's been here a long time."

A grin appeared on her face, and she started, "My grandma started this place in nineteen-fifty-eight, using recipes she got from her grandma, back in Mississippi. It's small, and grandma, my mama, and I have all had to turn people away at times because of it, but I've watched other restaurants change locations, move into bigger quarters, then go under inside a year, 'cause they moved away from their clientele. We figured to stay small, and stay a part of the neighborhood. Everybody knows we're here, and while none of us ever got rich, we're still here."

The pride in her voice was evident. She had every reason to be. Not every entrepreneur could say they'd been in existence for so long. Ellen and I both thanked her, and she went off to get us our orders.

I popped the top on my soda can and filled my glass. "So, how was the first day of training?"

Ellen picked up her can and opened it, too. "Interesting. I think I'm going to enjoy this new job.

"How was your day?"

I took a sip from my glass. "About like yesterday. I'm really glad I'll be able to use this stuff when I get back to work, because it's really not as exciting as a lot of these folks are trying to make it out to be."

Ellen grimaced. "I'm sorry. And you have how many more days of it?"

I sighed. "Three. If it wasn't for the fact that it got me out of the office and let me do some networking, I'd have just as soon skipped it and got some real work done.

"The bright spot gets to be," I continued, "if I'd have stayed at the office, I wouldn't have met you."

Ellen smiled, a little sheepishly. "I must admit, I was expecting a week having to spend time with other trainees, with whom I had nothing in common but the job. It felt rather naughty and exciting to be able to tell them this afternoon that I already had plans."

I laughed. "I was invited out by the boys, myself. The last thing I wanted to do was spend the whole evening discussing the pros and cons of what we'd sat through all day. I was looking forward to this the whole time."

"Thank you," Ellen said. "So was I."

There was a brief silence between us. A couple more patrons came in and sat down, and our hostess peeked from the back to see who it was, gave them a wave, then ducked back to continue whatever she'd been doing.

"So, what are your plans for the rest of the evening?" I asked after the pause started getting uncomfortable.

Ellen stopped her glass an inch from her face. "I hadn't thought about it. I was under the impression we'd be spending most of the evening together."

Wow. This was better than I'd anticipated. I half expected her to be ready to be rid of me after a couple hours, but here she was, saying she wasn't ready to ditch me quite so fast.

My surprise must have given the indication that I wanted more explanation, because Ellen continued, "I mean, I don't have any friends here, and although we only just met last evening, you're the closest to a friend I have right now."

"Thanks," I replied. It was gratifying to be thought so well of so quickly. "I like being with you, too."

Before the situation got any more awkward, the hostess came with our dinner. It looked and smelled good to me. I could tell Ellen was a little skeptical of the greens. I'm sure they probably have similar dishes in the UK, but I have to confess: greens don't often really look too much like food, especially if you aren't prepared for it.

"Go ahead, they taste better than they look," I encouraged.

Ellen looked up at me with some trepidation, but applied her fork to the cooked vegetation on her plate, brought it to her mouth and began to chew. From the look on her face, I could tell she wasn't turned off by the flavor, but that it was going to take some getting used to.

I laughed. "You don't have to eat them if you'd rather not."

She looked up and said, "It's not that. I've just never tasted anything like it. I'm trying to be adventurous, so I'm not going to pass judgment on a single bite. Give me a bit."

"Okay," I gave her. Three more people came in. The room was now half-filled. I was starting to understand keeping this few tables going. It was a lot easier to keep the shop running with one person. I ventured a guess that there might be two at times: one in the kitchen and one waiting tables, but I had to bet that was it.

As we ate, two of the other tables filled up. That left only one, and I saw one couple come to the door, see how busy the place was, then turn around and leave. It was probably a common occurrence.

Finally, I ate my last bite, and so had Ellen. I had to hand it to her: the greens were gone. The hostess came to us and asked about dessert. I ordered two slices of sweet potato pie before Ellen could say anything.

"What exotic fare am I going to partake of now?" she asked.

"Just wait," I told her. "It's almost, but not quite, like pumpkin pie. I don't know if you have such things where you're from, but I think you'll enjoy it."

A few minutes later, the pie arrived. Ellen did enjoy it, as I suspected she would. Then, it was time to go. I paid the ticket and we headed back out to the street. It wasn't all that late, but Ellen yawned.

"Sorry, Elton, but my body says it's about two in the morning and I should be in bed," she explained.

"It's okay, I understand. We should probably start angling for the hotel then, huh?"

"Please," she yawned again.

"Sure, story of my life," I mock whined, "get 'em a decent meal, they go right to sleep on me."

Ellen chuckled, "What, you had other plans?"

'Why, yes I did,' I thought. 'Or at least, I hoped, anyway.' But I kept that all to myself.

However mum I kept, she read my face. "I see. Maybe tomorrow. I was hoping to have an adventure while I was away, and outside of training, I've met no one here but you..."

My brain short-circuited. Did she just say what I thought she said? The look on my face must have told Ellen everything, because she gave me a teasing, pleased smile and said, "Tomorrow then."

This was followed by a pause, then a yawn. After a beat, we both started laughing. "Let's get you back home, sleepy girl," I told her. She made no argument.

It was a pleasant walk back to the hotel. There was now an energy between us that hadn't been before. It was a promise of something that'd been lurking in the back of my mind since I started to learn how much I liked Ellen. I had no idea whether she was normally as flirty and outspoken as she seemed to be with me, but there was a big possibility that she'd made a decision to play against type on this trip. I wondered what she was like back home, but decided that at least at the moment, I liked the woman I was getting to know.

We parted ways at the elevator. She got off on 3, while I had two more floors to go.

Now, more than the night before, my mind was going a mile a minute. My cock was hard and didn't want to calm down. I wasn't even sure if jerking off would take care of it. Besides, if what I thought Ellen was talking about was actually going to happen, I wanted to save myself, as much as it pained me right at that moment to do so.

Day 3

The next day at the conference, I was a total waste. I took precious few notes, and couldn't keep my mind on what was being taught. The primary thing that kept running through my brain was the interpreted promise I'd received the night before. Hell, I felt like a teenager who'd just been told by his girlfriend that this was "the night." My cock wouldn't stay soft for long all day, and I had to be careful so as not to end up with a big wet spot in the front of my dress slacks.

Again, once things knocked off for the day, I was invited for a drink and dinner with the boys, but this time, it was with no hesitation that I told them I had prior plans.

One of the guys said, jokingly, "What, El, y'gotta hot date?"

Without embarrassment I responded, "Sure do. Thanks for the invite," I glanced at the clock, "but she's probably waiting for me already, so I'll see you tomorrow, Okay?" I then hastily made my way out.

I bumped into (literally) Ellen as she was exiting the elevator of our hotel.

"Oh, hi. I was just going to go up and change. What did you want to do tonight?" I said, trying to sound nonchalant, but feeling like I was failing miserably.

If she'd have forgotten the hint she'd dropped the previous evening, I'd have let it lay. But instead of mentioning anything about dinner, or exploring the city more, Ellen answered, "Go up to your room."

Wow. My cock was once more standing straight up behind the fly of my slacks. Whether she was this direct at home or not, she was being so now, and it was hot as hell! For a moment, I was speechless. I couldn't remember the last time a woman had been so blunt with me about what she was after. I was pretty sure that this wasn't the "real" Ellen, but I sure wasn't going to argue.

Finally, I found my voice so I could croak, "Well, come on, then."

We got into the elevator and I pushed the button to my room. Remarkably for the time of day, we were the only people in the cabin. For some reason, I was nervous as hell. It wasn't until I felt a hand cover the bulge in my slacks that I turned to Ellen and looked at her again. She grinned up at me, and I couldn't help myself. I turned, wrapped my arms around her, and pressed my mouth against hers.

My god, I hadn't been this horny in years! If I thought I'd have been able to get by with it, I'd have stripped her naked and fucked her then and there! As it was, my room was only a few doors down from the elevators, so I satisfied myself for the moment with Ellen's lips. When the doors opened, I practically scooped her off the ground and carried her to my room.

It was as if by magic that I found myself standing in the center of my hotel room with this spectacular woman before me. I couldn't remember the short trip to the door, sliding the key card in the reader, opening the door, walking in, closing the door, then stepping to where we found ourselves.

My heart pounded. My breath was labored. Ellen looked amazing. The arousal on her face had to mirror mine. That we were still clothed stumped me. Suddenly, the frenzy that we'd experienced in the elevator had transformed somewhat. I still felt a magnetic pull to this woman, but now I wanted to try to slow things down a bit. This wasn't going to be a romantic experience, I could tell that already. Still, it was going to be just what we both wanted right at that moment.

We both stood for what seemed an age, just looking with intense lust at the person across from us. Finally, I reached a hand out and started to remove Ellen's top. She just closed her eyes and let me.

In seconds, she was clad only in a bra from the waist up. It was light blue, lacy, and held back a gorgeous set of full, round breasts. I could hardly wait to see and sample them...

However, before I could go further, Ellen started loosening my tie, then tossed it aside and began on my shirt. Soon that fluttered to the floor, and she grabbed my T-shirt and slicked it off over my head. Now, I was more naked than she was, but before I could do anything about that, she stepped up to me and placed her hands on my chest, seemingly marveling at the fact that I was actually there.

Her hands were warm against my skin, and I loved the feel of them on me, but I was desperately in need of seeing what that lucky bra was holding back. I let Ellen stay where she was, but I reached around and unhooked her, then helped free her from the garment's confines.

She looked up at me as I released her breasts, a look of lust and hope in her eyes. I wasn't sure what she was afraid of: I thoroughly loved what I saw. Gathering her in closer, I again kissed her.

Time stood still as I kissed this woman from thousands of miles from where I lived. Whether it was fate or something else that determined our paths were to cross at this time, in this place, wasn't important. The fact that we had come together was. I felt the heat of Ellen's upper body against mine, the softness of her skin, and I just had to feel the rest.

Slipping my hands from around her back, I started working on the button and zipper of her jeans. She took the cue and reached down to work on my pants at the same time. My trousers dropped right to the floor, but I had to work her jeans off her hips a little bit. We laughed together as I wiggled them off her, then helped her step out of them.

Now, only my boxers and her panties stood in our way. I felt more like a teenager with his First Time than I had before. Finally, I knelt in front of Ellen, bringing my face in line with her lace-covered crotch. My fingers trembled slightly as I reached for the waistband, but once I'd hooked around the edge, I slicked them down in a single tug.

Ellen's pussy was beautiful. I found myself wanting to snuggle my face against it, extend my tongue and see how to pleasure it best, find out how much more gorgeous it was with my cock stretching it wide.

I was ready to start licking her then and there, when I felt her pulling me back up. Silently, I promised myself and her that I'd be back to taste and make her writhe next chance I got.

Once I stood before her again, Ellen gave me a wicked smile, then started to descend, caressing my body all the way down. She reached for the elastic on my boxers, then slowly pulled on them, watching as their descent revealed more and more of what was hidden beneath. The shaft of my cock, appeared little by little, until finally it was free, bobbing up into Ellen's face. She giggled as the head cleared her nose by a mere fraction of an inch, with a long drop of pre-cum oozing from the tip.

Ellen wasn't going to wait. She extended her tongue and licked up the clear fluid from my cock head, then opened wide and leaned forward.

Oh. My. God.

I'd had blowjobs before, but I couldn't remember the last time I'd received one that was given with such enthusiasm. Ellen seemed to truly love my cock, and I wasn't about to deter her from what she was doing, as much as I'd wanted to get my mouth on her a minute previous.

This lovely Scottish lass did things to my cock and balls that I couldn't recall having felt before. Whether it was her eagerness to please, the fact that she was getting to have the adventure she'd hoped for, or just what, I didn't know and didn't particularly care. This was already the best work trip I'd ever taken, and I was only counting the bit before this evening arrived. Never in my wildest dreams had I expected to have something like this happen. I'd only been trying to help a lady avoid a long, boring wait.

Who says nice guys don't catch a break now and then?

Ellen's mouth, lips and tongue performed wonders on my sensitive penis, while her fingers danced over my balls. I was going bananas. While I normally find orgasms from oral elusive, since they get so intense right toward the end, I felt myself climbing swiftly toward the point of no return. Afraid I'd be out of action for too long to give Ellen the pleasure I believed she was looking for and that I felt she deserved, I reluctantly urged her off my cock and back to her feet.

It was pretty obvious Ellen didn't want to leave my cock, any more than I really wanted her to, but she did let me help her up, where I drew her in close again and pressed my lips against the lips that'd seconds before been sucking my hard-on.

When next we parted, I picked up the lovely, naked woman in my arms and laid her on the bed. Ellen was ready for whatever I had in mind, and spread her legs invitingly.

Well, my cock was ready to open her up wide, but while I was aching to give her the fucking she - and I - wanted, I still was eager to taste what I'd been unable to before. Kneeling on the floor between Ellen's legs, I leaned forward and extended my tongue.

I received a gratifying squeal when my tongue touched the swollen pussy lips before me. As I'd suspected, she tasted simply wonderful. Settling in, I began licking all around her fuzzy slit, chuckling a little at the hairs that tickled my nose. Ellen had a very hairy pussy, and if she'd have asked, I'd have told her it didn't matter to me. Hair or no hair, I loved pussy, so however it was presented was perfectly fine by me.

I licked and lapped and kissed and rubbed the beautiful cunt before me, and Ellen enjoyed every second of it, if the way she moaned, groaned and writhed were any indication.

Eventually, though, just as I'd done with her, she stopped me, gasping, "In me. I need you to fuck me. NOW!"

I wasn't about to quibble. My cock had been ready for this all afternoon. I stood up, and since she was already at the edge of the bed, I just lined myself up with her slick hole and pushed in until our pubic bones met.

Chances are, anybody passing by the room could have heard us, but I didn't care, and I had a pretty good idea that the woman I was filling couldn't have cared less, either.

"Hold me down, Elton. Pin me to the bed while you fuck me. Please. I need you to," she begged while I stayed there a moment, basking in the feeling of her hot body clenching around mine. I liked her idea, so I pulled her calves to my shoulders, then reached around her legs and leaned forward, forcing her against the bed with nowhere to go. I then grabbed her wrists and held them to the bed, so she was pretty effectively restrained. If anything, her pussy got even wetter once I got her all wadded up in this position.

"Fuck me," she begged. "Fuck me now."

I wasn't going to wait another second. I started stroking in and out of her soaking hole, the sensation of which drove me utterly crazy. Ellen loved the situation as much as I was. I hadn't expected her to want to be done this way, but I was so into the idea, I loved it. There was no romance to what we were doing. Perhaps that'd come later, but for the moment, it was simply animal rutting, and it felt fucking fabulous.

We were both making all sorts of primal noises. It would have sounded funny had we not both been so horny, but as it was, they were the only sounds we could make...

And they simply made us both hotter the longer we made them.

I was getting close again. I was pretty sure Ellen had cum a couple times already, but after several minutes, she panted, "From behind now. Fuck me like a dog."

I pulled away briefly, just long enough for my lovely friend to flip over and thrust her pretty butt high in the air. I wasted no time getting myself back into her hungry cunt. She didn't coach me this time, but from here, I reached forward and grabbed a handful of Ellen's hair then pulled her head back before starting to thrust into her once more. The deep groan she gave me told me I'd done exactly what she wanted me to. I fucked her hard and surprisingly long, considering how close to climax I'd felt prior to the change in position.

After several minutes like this, I was reaching the point of no return once more, and I announced this to Ellen.

"Fucking fill me," she panted. "Fill my cunt with your American cum. Give it all to me."

Given the permission, I relaxed and let go. I couldn't remember cumming so hard in a very long time, but I grunted and moaned, my cock pulsing again and again, emptying my seed into Ellen's soaking wet pussy. It was hot, primal, and I felt my very being getting transferred to this woman's body. It was the most intense thing I think I'd ever felt.