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I pulled Ellen to me, my hard cock sliding up her belly due to the pre-cum that drooled from the tip. "Never before has a woman wanted such treatment from me. Never before had I even imagined treating a woman this way. You're sure you're okay with this, because I'd be perfectly happy with straight ahead sex, you know."

Ellen's hands roamed my back. "I'm more than okay with this. It's the first time I've felt I could tell another person this is what I want."

I wondered if there was something to the fact that I seemed a decent sort, as well as the fact that she'd likely never see me again after this. It was a pretty good bet that, just like me, Ellen hadn't expected "this" to turn out like it did. I was pretty sure we were glad it had, but for that one caveat...

"Lay on the bed and spread your legs," I ordered, to keep things moving. If we started talking it was likely we'd get around to the inevitable and the rest of the evening would be shot. I hoped I was wrong on that, but I didn't want to take the chance.

Obediently, Ellen took the couple steps to the bed and sat down, then laid back, pulling her legs up and out. A more wanton display I couldn't remember seeing for quite a long time. Ellen's pussy was wet, as I'd hoped, showing that indeed she was enjoying what we were doing.

"What an amazingly gorgeous sight," I said aloud, letting Ellen hear my truthful opinion. She didn't respond vocally, but I saw her legs spread a little wider.

I could smell her pussy from where I stood. The scent was stronger than previously, no doubt due to the reasons we'd teased about since morning. Ellen had to have noticed it in the restroom during the day, but she didn't attempt to alleviate it, so she either liked it, or she knew I wanted to find out what it smelled like and she didn't want to disappoint me. Or, maybe there was some reason I couldn't think of. No matter, it was the most heady fragrance I could remember my nose encountering, and it completely filled my brain.

"Oh my god," I moaned incredulously. and before Ellen's self-consciousness could kick in again I dove between her legs and eagerly lapped at the most amazing pussy I ever had the pleasure of eating.

Ellen's reaction was immediate. The intensity of my sensual attack on her cunt, coupled with relief that I didn't find the odor offensive, must have made her pussy extra sensitive.

I didn't care what the reason was. Yes, the smell was strong, but it was an aphrodisiac to me. If I hadn't already been horny, I sure would have been after getting a whiff of this.

Without mercy, I licked Ellen's pussy. I think she was either cumming or recovering and building toward the next climax for several minutes straight. And accompanying the fragrance filling my nose was the taste and texture of the fluids that flowed freely from her. I was in enough of a sexual daze that this was a more memorable meal than the one we'd actually gone out for, so it appeared my comment about Scottish pussy being what I wanted to eat was an accurate one.

Ellen came and came. Eventually she wearily pushed me off her so she could get her breath back. When I did finally pull away, she gasped, "I've never cum so much at one time. I don't think I can cum again, I'm so sensitive."

I laughed. "I take that as a challenge." However, I didn't go right back to eating her, especially when she let out a tired little whimper of protest. Instead, I crawled up beside her, urged her to her side and cupped a breast in my hand.

We spooned for a few minutes, and then I felt Ellen's hand on my still-stiff penis. She shifted around a bit, then I felt my cock head rest against a hot wetness, and I knew where it was and what she wanted.

I let her guide me more accurately to her ready hole, and when she took her hand away, I figured that meant I was in position. It took a little hip wiggling of my own, but before long, I felt my hard-on slide easily into Ellen's wet warmth.

Now that I was exactly where we both wanted to be, I cuddled back up against her and again placed my hands over her perfect breasts. The position limited my movement, but at the moment, heavy action wasn't what we were about. More than anything, I think we were just looking for the closeness, and the closer the better. Let's face it, can't get any closer to another person than when your bodies literally intersect.

After the intensity of some of the playing we'd done already, this slow and quiet was a nice change. I didn't want to fall asleep yet, that was for sure, but if I did, I couldn't think of a more pleasant way to do so, or with a better companion.

Slowly, I moved my hips, gently fucking the amazing pussy I'd gotten to know pretty well the last day or so, but longed to know better.

"Elton, I don't want to go home now," Ellen finally said. "I want to stay here with you."

After a long moment of silence, I said, "I know what you mean. It's going to be lonely without you."

My hips continued a slow pace in and out of Ellen's body as we talked. There was little chance of orgasm at this tempo, but there was an incredible sense of satisfaction in it, hopefully one that would be a long term reminder of this whole adventure.

"Once I'm on the plane tomorrow, you'll just forget all about me," Ellen whispered, so low I almost couldn't hear.

"Never," I said firmly, truthfully. "You've left a mark on me that'll never be erased, no matter how much time goes by.

"If tomorrow truly is goodbye forever, I'll never forget you or the last few days, and especially the moment I saw you walk through the door of that restaurant."

"And among many other things," Ellen continued, "I'll never forget you asking if I cared to dine with you. You were a right gentleman about that, which I think is why I finally took you up on the offer. You've been a gentleman throughout this whole time, and I appreciate that. You've made me feel good about myself, which, I suppose, is why I'm here with you now."

I continued the slow intimacy, the easy pleasure suffusing my entire body. "Any man who hasn't made you feel good about yourself isn't worthy of you. I'm certainly not perfect, and I'm sure, given enough time, that I'd manage to do or say something that would embarrass and outrage you, but I'm only human. It wouldn't be intentional, and it wouldn't change what I truly think about you."

We laid there in silence for a few minutes, the pace of the evening having slowed almost to a stop. Still, I just moved my hips very gradually, maintaining at least a little of what we'd been doing earlier.

"What do you want to do?" I eventually whispered in Ellen's ear.

She didn't answer right away, but she checked the clock and found there was quite a lot of evening left.

"Would you mind if we stayed like this a while longer?" she said quietly.

"Not at all," I told her. "I'll stay with you like this until the very end if that's what you'd like to do." I removed my hand from her breast and caressed her face.

"Thank you," Ellen whispered.

The next several minutes were once again spent in silence, and while I didn't pull my cock out of her, I stopped moving and just enjoyed the feel of being held by Ellen while I held her.

I felt myself falling asleep when I was jolted by the sound of Ellen's voice.

"Elton, may I ask you a question, one that I've never asked anyone ever before?"

"Sure," I replied. Like I was going to tell her no?

Now that she'd gotten permission for her question, she seemed reluctant to ask it. I was ready to wait however long it took.

Finally, with a tiny, hesitant voice, she asked, "Would you fuck my ass?"

Whoa. After the interlude we'd just had, this seemed rather abrupt, but I imagined she was hearing the clock of our time together ticking away down to nothing, just as I was, and figured she'd better take advantage while she could.

My voice cracked like it hadn't for years when I finally managed, "Sure." My cock had been slowly softening as we laid together just enjoying each other's presence. It was certainly hard again now...

With reluctance, we fell apart on the bed, and I got up. "What will we use for lubrication?" There was no way I was going to attempt this dry. That'd be tragic for us both.

"I stopped at the druggist's across the street from where my training was held. It's in the bottom left drawer."

Going to the drawer in question, I found a small box of lube. Opening it revealed a round bottle. "This should work just fine," I said, like I knew what I was talking about.

"How should I be?" Ellen asked.

I took the cap off the bottle and removed the safety seal, then replaced the cap. "Uh, hands and knees, I guess." It made the most sense. I'd seen videos where folks had butt fucked in practically every position possible. Then again, the majority of those people were professionals, and most of the positions in those movies were primarily for the cameras, and not necessarily that great for the actual act of sex.

Popping the dispenser on the cap, I poured a liberal amount onto my cock and spread it around. Ducking into the bathroom, I grabbed a washcloth to wipe any excess off. Then I dripped some of the lube on Ellen's upturned butthole, spreading it and sticking a couple coated fingers inside to grease the pathway.

"You're going to have to relax," I warned her after feeling how tightly her butt gripped my fingers, "otherwise, we have two worst case scenarios. One, I won't be able to get in at all, or two, I'll get in, but it'll hurt so much you'll regret having asked and will never ask anyone ever again."

"I know," she agreed, "but I'm really nervous. No man has ever had his penis there."

I wondered why she'd requested I do this then, but also felt very honored that she trusted me enough to want to try.

Wiping my hands on the washcloth, I climbed up on the bed behind Ellen. The view once again was spectacular, but I was now nervous, too, since I didn't want to hurt her, so I didn't quite appreciate the sight like I might have otherwise.

My nerves made me lose some of my erection, because when I started to rub myself up and down her ass crack to help find the right spot, it wasn't quite as accurate an aim as it could have been.

My first attempt was a failure, as I sort of expected. The target was way too high, so the angle was all off. I had Ellen lower her hips a bit then tried again.

And again.

Another reposition and another try.

Another failure.

Before long, we were laughing at what dismal luck we were having at this. At one point, Ellen turned her smiling face at me, assuring me without words that whatever happened was okay. She then turned over on her back and spread her legs like she had for her shave.

"Let's try this," she said with a grin in her voice as she positioned herself for another attempt.

We simply smiled at one another for a few seconds, then I shuffled up closer and took my place once again.

This time, I definitely felt the yielding spot when I got myself into the proper position. This was the place, but I knew better than to just shove home like I might if this had been her pussy. Placing my head right where it needed to be, I asked, "You ready?" and received a nod in return.

I began pushing forward. I tried to remember all the things I'd read online over the years on how to be successful at anal sex, but the main thing that remained in my brain was, "Take your time."

For maybe a minute, I just kept up a steady pressure against Ellen's butthole, carefully watching her for any indication that what I was doing was becoming painful.

It was maybe a minute, possibly more - it felt like hours - when my hips came in contact with the cheeks of Ellen's butt. I'd been so concerned with pacing and keeping watch for any indication of pain that I'd only barely noticed what it felt like as I went deeper into her lovely bottom. Now that I was there, though, I was able to concentrate on the point where our bodies came together. I couldn't say that it felt better than her pussy, but it did feel incredible.

Before I started moving my hips, I looked down on Ellen, her eyes were closed, her concentration no doubt on the same thing mine was.

"How are you, pretty lady?"

Her eyes slowly opened, a grin breaking out on her face. "Brilliant," she said finally. "I feel so full. I wasn't sure I could do this. Don't move yet, though, I'm still getting used to the feeling."

"It doesn't hurt?"

She shook her head. "No. Thank you for going slow.

"How is it for you?"

"Amazing," I admitted. "I won't be giving up pussy anytime soon, but this is fucking unbelievable."

Ellen's smile only got wider.

We stayed like this for a little while longer. It was fine with me. I had nowhere better to be. Ellen's butt gripped and released my shaft as I waited, and then she finally told me: "Okay. Go ahead, but take it slow, okay? It'll be better as I get more used to this."

I nodded, then began to carefully ease my way out of her butt, then back in. It didn't take long for me to work up a smooth rhythm, and a little after that, I was going at it like I'd been doing women's asses for years.

Ellen was loving it after a while, too, but when she reached for her clit, I pushed her hand away.

"If you want your clit rubbed, I'll do the rubbing, if you don't mind. You just concentrate on my cock in your tight ass."

"Yes, Sir," Ellen panted, a hint of a whimper in her voice.

"If you want something to do with your hands," I told her firmly. "Pinch your nipples as hard as you can."

Obediently and without a sound, Ellen's fingers went immediately to her luscious breasts and began working her nipples most brutally.

It only took a minute or so for us to be fucking as if I was in Ellen's pussy, instead of where I actually was.

The sheer knowledge of what we were doing was rocketing me toward climax faster than I could remember doing so. Like I said, It didn't really feel better, just different in a good way. I think the thing that was most arousing about the whole situation was the idea of the hole I was fucking and the fact that Ellen had chosen me to be her first.

As my breathing became heavier, Ellen read the signals just perfectly. She stopped working her stiff, standing nipples and just covered her full breasts with her hands as she started, "That's it, Sir, I want to feel your cock empty its load inside my slut ass. Cum for me. Give me something to remember while I'm on the airplane tomorrow. Trust me when I say I'll be feeling your cock in my ass for days to come."

I hoped to hold out a bit longer, primarily so I could hear what other nasty things Ellen managed to come up with. A woman talking dirty is one thing. A woman with a sexy accent talking dirty is something entirely different. Hearing Ellen's Scot's lilt saying all these things just pushed me right over the edge, and within moments, I was filling her ass with an enormous load.

Ellen kept up a steady stream of talk that just got raunchier the longer she went on, dwindling down as my orgasm slowed and then subsided.

I was beat, but Ellen asked, fueled with the energy of bubbling hormones:

"That was incredible, but could I ask you to clean up quickly, then put that in my cunt so I can get off, too?"

As tired as I was, there was no way I was going to consciously disappoint this woman, so I said, "Sure," with as much energy as I could muster and headed for the bathroom to clean up as fast as I could, before my spent cock went completely soft.

When I was squeaky clean, I went back in where Ellen waited, her hands kneading and caressing her beautiful breasts, her legs still spread wantonly. From the way her pussy glistened, I could tell she was really horny. It was a good thing, too, because my hard-on was shrinking pretty damn fast.

Before I could get any softer than I already was, I positioned myself between Ellen's legs and lined myself up. Because of my not-so-hard condition, even as wet as she was, it wasn't that easy getting inside her. Still, I managed, and I pumped my hips a few times and felt my cock swell up a little from the feel of her fantastic pussy.

When Ellen didn't start rubbing her clit once I was in place, but just lay there, manipulating her tits, I didn't understand at first. Finally, I remembered what I'd told her earlier, and since I hadn't changed my order, Ellen was still taking me at my word that I was going to be the one who played with her clit. Now, while I could have told her to take her hands off her breasts and rub herself to orgasm, I remembered my remaining time to play with her body was limited, and becoming moreso with every tick of the clock.

The anticipation on Ellen's face was erotic as hell. She wanted to feel my hands on her, as well as my cock in her, and I wasn't going to fail her in this.

When my thumb touched her swollen clit, Ellen let out a gasp and pinched her nipples a little harder. Her reaction went straight to my cock, as I felt it stiffen just a bit more. I circled Ellen's sensitive clit firmly, occasionally moving my hips up and back, adding to the intensity. With everything we'd already done, Ellen's orgasm wasn't too far in the future.

If I could have made my brain kick in, I'd have tried talking dirty to her like she had me, but as it was, I was doing good to hold on long enough to coordinate rubbing with the occasional fucking motion.

Fortunately it wasn't necessary to dredge up a lot of brain power, because Ellen's orgasm swept over her pretty quickly. As her hips pulsed and her pussy clenched on my cock, a wild, unseeing look glazed her eyes and a deep, throaty moan welled up from inside her. The sight, sound and feel of her climax etched itself onto my weary mind, and for the moment, I was full awake.

When Ellen came down off her orgasmic high, I smiled down on her as she smiled weakly up at me. With a tired laugh, I crashed down on the bed beside my lovely companion. For a brief moment, we cuddled together, then Ellen got a naughty glint in her eye and moved down my body, finally taking my pussy-covered cock in her mouth. The position she'd put herself in left us in a sideways sixty-nine, so I urged her legs open and rested my head on her thigh while I slowly teased her wet pussy with my tongue. There was no urgency to cum, this was just the intimacy of feeling the other's most senstitive, most private bits, tasting the flavor of our togetherness.

As ever, Ellen's mouth and tongue felt amazing on my cock and balls and from the sounds she made, she enjoyed the feel of my mouth on her pussy, too. After a few minutes, we rolled apart, and Ellen repositioned herself once more beside me, resting her head on my chest, her arm stretched out over my stomach. I curled my own arm over her, and let her snuggle against me as tightly as she could.

For a very long time, neither of us said a word. Instead, we simply laid there, listening to the other breathe.

"I'm going to miss you," I said after a while.

"And I, you," she replied quietly, wriggling in just a fraction closer.

Glancing at the clock, I realized the evening was almost over. I couldn't help the smile that came to my face when I thought of how I'd spent it, and with whom.

"It's getting late," I mumbled idly. It didn't really matter. All either of us would be doing the next day is sitting on planes or in airports. It wasn't like we needed to stay awake for anything. All we had to do for sure was get to our gates on time.

"I don't care," Ellen responded. "I never want this evening to end."

I didn't really have a return to that, aside from the obvious, so I just tightened my hold around her and kissed her hair.

Finally, I mumbled, "Me, either, baby. Me either."