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Eventually, though, the throbbing of my cock began to lessen, until there were only small aftershocks left. I released Ellen's hair, my hand tracing down her back until it rested on the roundness of her ass. My face was covered with sweat, and I was happier than I'd been for a long time.

I flopped down on the bed beside Ellen, and she flipped over, onto her back beside me.

"I want you to do one more thing for me right now, okay?" she said.

"What's that?"

"I want to hear you tell me to clean you up. Can you do that?"

I expected her to go in to the bathroom, grab a washcloth and wipe me down, so I told her, "Ellen, I'm a mess. Please clean me up."

To my surprise, she grinned, then started down my body, until she came face-to-face with my pussy-and-cum coated cock. She looked at the swiftly shrinking member with wonder and lust, then leaned forward and started licking the combination of our fuck off me. It was the wildest - and most erotic - thing I could remember seeing. Ellen treated the stuff she lapped off my genitals like it was the finest dinner she'd ever have. She left no part of me un-licked, even delving down below my balls to see if there was anything between them and my butthole. I think if she'd have found anything lower, she'd even have licked my ass!

After several minutes of gentle, meticulous clean-up work, she came back up and snuggled against me.

"What about you?" I asked. I hoped she wasn't expecting me to do for her what she'd just done for me. I've tasted my cum - out of pure curiosity, mind you - but at that point, I wasn't sure I was ready to eat a whole load.

"Do you want me to clean up for you?" she asked.

This time, I only half expected her to wash up conventionally, given what I'd just witnessed.

"Uh... yes?" I replied, not sure what I was going to see next.

"Say it then. I like being told."

The little light was beginning to flicker. "Clean up my cum from your pussy. I won't fuck you again until every trace of me is gone from it."

There was a glimmer of utter glee in Ellen's eyes when I said that, and I watched her slip off the bed, clamp a hand to her crotch, squat down, catching what leaked from her hole, then bring her cum-covered hand to her lips. This was the raunchiest thing I had ever seen... and I loved it. I wasn't sure if this was a regular occurrence for this woman, or if it was simply a part of the adventure she was having, but I was utterly flabbergasted and aroused no end.

Again and again, she lowered her hand to her pussy and brought back a handful of our combined juices, licked her fingers clean, then went for more. After a while, her face was shiny with what she was doing, but by that time, it was starting to run out. The moment came when she was finding no more of me to squeeze out of her, so she stood up, hands behind her back and looked at me expectantly.

For a moment, I wasn't sure what she wanted, then I started piecing together what all had occurred since we started. "Um, good girl?" I said hesitantly. Did she really want me to tell her what to do? I'd just been looking for a nice fuck. Still, I had to admit, what she'd asked me to do was really nasty, and really erotic. And what she'd done to fulfill that order was even more so.

Ellen gave me a delighted grin, then bounded off to the bathroom, where I heard water running, and within a minute or so, she emerged again, the smile still on her face.

Once again, she cuddled up next to me, her face on my chest, her free hand resting on my stomach.

"Thank you, Elton," she started. "I've wanted so long for a man to fuck me mercilessly and tell me what to do. It's been a great fantasy of mine. I've never felt comfortable asking anyone back home, for fear they'll think me some kind of whore."

I didn't know if she expected a response of some sort to that, but I felt like I had to say something. "I don't think you're a whore. You're just a girl who has desires different from what a lot of people consider 'normal.' Trust me when I say, 'normal' is boring. I won't say I wasn't surprised at the way you wanted me to treat you, and at what you wanted me to tell you to do, but although I don't actually have a lot of experience with such things, I found it pretty sexy."

She looked up at me, a tinge of fear in her eyes. "You don't think I'm a freak for what I did?"

I placed my hand in her hair, but I didn't pull it this time. Instead, I just gently caressed it. "Have you spent much time online? Trust me, you're no freak. If this is what you like, it's what you like. Nobody's being hurt by it. The main thing is that you trust the person you're doing it with. And saying that, I think I have to thank you for trusting me - a guy you've only known for a couple days - with such a thing. I think I'd be very careful about who you reveal such desires to, though."

"I know," she replied. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome."

"What now?" Ellen asked.

I laughed. "Well, it's still early. I think we could still grab something to eat, then come back for round two, if you're game."

Ellen smiled up at me. "I like that idea. Could we do room service? Or would you rather go out?"

The thought of staying in and eating dinner naked with this lovely lady sounded simply divine, but I felt like I needed to get up and get moving. The vigorous sex we'd just had, rather than draining me, had pepped me up. No doubt I'd crash at some point, but at the moment, I wanted to be seen with this woman.

"Let's head out," I told her. "While it means getting dressed again, I think I'd like to go out in public with you."

Ellen glowed with the implication. I was starting to wonder about what we were setting in motion, especially given we'd be parting ways in a couple days, but I also figured we might as well make as much of the time we had as we could.

"Is what I was wearing suitable?" she asked. Now she wanted me to pick out her wardrobe? Oh my.

Still, I wanted to play this game as well as I could. Ellen wanted a memorable trip, I'd do what I could to make it just that.

"Probably," I told her, "but let's go to your room and see what else you have."

We got dressed, and it was with some wistfulness that I watched Ellen cover that tremendous body once more. Still, she'd already admitted she wanted to do more of what we'd just done, so I wasn't too disappointed.

We made it to Ellen's room, and as I suspected, it was a lot more orderly than mine. She opened her drawers, indicated the clothes she had hanging, then stepped back for me to inspect what she'd brought with her.

I looked through her underwear and found little of great interest. It was a little disappointing. I'd hoped she'd have brought something interesting and risqué for her adventure. Still, she had a nice set of heels, and what I assumed was a hopeful dress for an exciting night on the town, as it was very short, very light, and would accentuate all her perfect curves to their utmost.

I picked out a bra that I thought would look good with the dress, tossed it on the bed, laid the dress down beside it, and the heels. I didn't want her to look like a hooker or anything. She was already afraid of being thought of as a whore and a freak. The dress was short, but tasteful, and with what I'd seen of her body, she would look truly spectacular. In fact, I'd be the underdressed one, with her in this.

She noticed I left off panties. I could see the apprehension in her eyes. "You wanted me to choose your outfit. In fact, I'd say: forget the panties the rest of the time you're here. Either that, or get some that are a lot sexier." It wasn't that I didn't think she looked good in the ones I'd already seen her in, I just thought she could do much better, as sexy a woman as she was.

I could tell she was disappointed I didn't like the panties she'd brought with her, but she nodded, then picked up the outfit and carried it into the bathroom and shut the door. This surprised me. I wasn't sure why she thought she had to dress behind closed doors now, with what we'd just done, but I wasn't going to argue.

While I waited, I sat on the edge of the bed and turned on the TV. Ellen seemed to take quite a while, but she did emerge after some time, and I have to admit, it was worth the wait.

She'd done her hair and put on a bit of makeup, but once again, she did not look like a slut or a hooker. In fact, she was a full-on knockout in the outfit.

"Oh my god," I gushed. "Ellen, you're gorgeous."

"Thank you," she replied, her face gently reddening. "I'm glad you like it."

"'Like it' barely begins to cover it. I feel like I should go back up and put my tie back on, at the very least."

"Please do," she agreed. "And do you have a jacket?"

"I did bring one for just such an occasion," I told her. "Hang on."

I dashed up to my room, ditched the jeans, put the slacks I'd worn during the day back on, tied the tie again and slipped on the sport jacket I'd hauled with me. For once, I was glad of the company's insistence on dressing up for these conferences. A quick brush through the hair, and I looked almost as good as Ellen did.

On a whim, I opened up the phone book and found the number to a restaurant I knew from a previous visit. Fortunately, since it was mid-week, it wasn't overly busy, and I was told there'd be a table waiting.

Back in Ellen's room, she looked me up and down with great appreciation. We might be the only couple in the place dressed up, but at least we'd be dressed up together.

I escorted my pretty lady to the lobby, noticing all the looks she got. The place I'd reserved for us wasn't far, so I intended to walk. Ellen received many looks from other people along the way, a point that she realized once we'd made it past the front desk of the hotel and heard a quiet wolf whistle from across the room. After that, she was embarrassed and proud at the same time to be thought of in such a fashion.

"See," I told her, "you're a hit."

She told me, once we were well on our way down the block, "I've never thought of myself as the type to turn men's heads."

I pointed out, "You're turning a few women's heads, too," a comment that brought another blush to her cheeks.

After not too long, we were at our destination: A nice Italian place, not too fancy, but with tremendous food.

The gentleman at the door gave Ellen the once-over very appreciatively, then gave me a wink of approval. I smiled back at him, saying, "I called about fifteen minutes ago for a reservation."

I wasn't the only guy in the place wearing a tie, but Ellen was definitely the center of attention. We were placed at a table near the back, away from the rest of the patrons. From here, we could almost pretend we had the place to ourselves.

The waiter came after a moment, and surreptitiously admired the lovely lady with me. He asked about drinks, and I ordered a bottle of wine. It wasn't that I was trying to get Ellen drunk - after all, we'd already promised we'd be having sex again - but I felt in a celebratory mood.

"What would you say if I told you I wanted you to flash the waiter when he came back?" I asked my lovely table companion.

She blushed bright red. "Oh no, I could never do something like that," she said, though I could tell the side of her that wanted to be told what to do was mulling it over.

I laughed. I wasn't going to make her do anything she didn't want to. Potentially getting her in trouble wasn't part of my plans.

"How does it feel to be out here in public, thousands of miles from home, wearing a skirt and no knickers?" I teased, using the Brit word for panties. All I received in response was a moan. She looked at me with growing lust. She was truly gorgeous when she was horny.

"If I told you to sit here and masturbate while we waited for the waiter to come back, would you do it?" I continued needling her. There was no way I was going to make her do these things. I had no desire to have anybody brought up on an indecent exposure or lewd and lascivious behavior charge, but it was fun as hell to keep poking at that submissive side she'd revealed to me earlier.

I could see wheels upon wheels turning in Ellen's mind. She squirmed in her seat. I assumed she was thinking about the things I was saying. She seemed to be getting really horny.

"When we get back, I want my dessert to be your pussy. How does that sound?" I wasn't letting up. I was moving a little fast, considering what little relationship we'd had before this evening, but it seemed oddly appropriate, considering.

Ellen looked to be on the verge of orgasm, just sitting there. I'd heard of women able to get themselves off just by rubbing their thighs together, but I wasn't sure if she was doing anything of that sort, or if her mind was just working overtime.

About this time, the wine came, and the waiter asked for our orders. To be perfectly honest, we'd done no looking at the menu whatsoever. I ordered a margherita pizza, thinking it'd be light enough to not weigh us down too much for later. I truly did want to try for a round two.

"So, how was training today?" I abruptly changed the subject.

For a moment, Ellen seemed not to have heard. Either that, or her brain was trying to process the complete change in direction from the suggestive comments I'd been making.

"Um, brilliant," she finally managed. "Much of what they're teaching us, I know already, but there are some good ideas being presented.

"Is yours still boring?"

I sighed. "'Fraid so. Oh well. I'll use it later.

"At least, I'll use what I learned other days. I couldn't concentrate today. I wonder why," I said, a knowing smile on my face.

Ellen blushed and smiled sheepishly at me.

"I was having a difficult time today, myself," she admitted. "It was even necessary to relieve myself in the ladies' this afternoon."

The thought of Ellen rubbing her clit in the restroom, with other people coming and going while she did so, was a turn-on.

"Really?" I said, flattered. "One thing I do envy you girls, and it's that whole multiple orgasm thing."

"It really is handy for when you can't get enough," she agreed with a chuckle.

Any number of sexual innuendos came to mind, but I figured I'd already pushed my luck quite a bit and so just smiled and poured Ellen a bit more wine.

We sat in silence a few minutes, meaningful glances and knowing smiles passing between us. I really was enjoying being with this woman, and to my delight, she appeared perfectly happy to be with me, too. It seemed appropriate to slide my hand over the table and cover hers gently. It was a small gesture, but Ellen looked up at me and smiled, turning her hand over, then curling her fingers around mine.

"This has been a far better trip than I'd expected," Ellen said after a while, in a voice so quiet I almost didn't hear her.

I smiled warmly at her. "I certainly wasn't figuring on anything like this. To tell the truth, I've never done anything remotely like it on any of the other trips I've taken. That probably sounds bad, and if so, I apologize. Still, I'm really glad the restaurant was busy the other night."

Ellen laughed a little. "You've said that in some form or other several times since I've met you."

Grinning back, I said, "I'll probably say it in a few more ways as time goes on. You'll just have to get used to it." I paused a moment, then added, "I just can't believe how lucky I got."

God, I was talking like some guy out of a cheesy romantic comedy. Funny how such situations happen in real life. Regardless, Ellen seemed to like hearing it, because her smile simply glowed.

About this time, the pizza arrived. The conversation dwindled as we ate, and while I was fairly hungry after my previous exertion, I knew better than to down more than a few slices.

By the time we were through, there was half a pizza left. We'd done a pretty good number on the wine, but it wasn't expensive, even though it was good, so I had no problem with leaving the partial bottle behind.

I hated to leave the pizza behind, though, and there was a small refrigerator in my room, so I had the leftovers boxed up. While I waited for the waiter to come back with my card and receipt, I scooted over closer to Ellen.

"You really do look beautiful," I told her.

She responded with a slight slur to her accent, which I simply found sexier yet. "Is that the wine speaking, or are you telling the truth?"

I rested my hand on her cheek. "Definitely the truth."

She turned her head and kissed my palm. "Well then, I must admit, you look quite handsome, as well."

"Thank you," I replied. By this time, the waiter had returned, so I signed the receipt, tucked my card away and asked, "So, my dear, are you ready to head out?"

Ellen said, "Let me stop in the loo for a moment first, then we can go."

I waited while Ellen excused herself, and couldn't help but watch as she threaded her way through the tables and other patrons on her way to the restroom. More than a couple people looked her over as she passed by, but if she was aware of the fact, she didn't let on. She really did look spectacular, and the dress she wore hugged her curves just enough to show off what she had, but not so tightly that it looked like she was selling something.

After a few minutes, she emerged from the back, and this time, there were enough people waiting for her return that she couldn't help but notice their anticipation and appreciation. For a moment, I saw her face start to redden and her gaze fall to the floor in embarrassment, but suddenly, she pulled her head high and a satisfied smile fixed itself to her lips. As she began the path back to me, she nodded greeting to several of the people who looked her way, and murmured hello to a couple in that sexy accent of hers.

In less than a minute, she stood back at the table before me. I wanted in the worst way to simply lay her back, right there in the restaurant, and just take her... but then we would end up in big trouble. Nope, me and my hard-on would just have to wait until we got back to the hotel.

I rose and gave Ellen my elbow, then picked up the leftovers, asking, "Shall we?"

As we stepped out of the restaurant back onto the sidewalk, Ellen commented, "I will say this: no knickers certainly makes using a public loo much quicker." I couldn't help but laugh at her observation.

I couldn't help but add, "And I'll bet those folks who were checking you out would have been even more interested to know what you weren't wearing under that sexy little dress of yours." Ellen shot me a smile, then looked to the ground, embarrassed once more.

I was having fun with this rather off-hand flattery. Ellen seemed very self-conscious, and unbelieving of what an attractive woman she was. Given that I found her quite fetching, I found her reaction to my suggestive compliments very charming.

We took our time getting back to the hotel. I certainly wasn't in any big hurry, even if I was horny as hell. Letting our dinner settle a bit before we tried doing anything else strenuous was a good idea, in my book. Besides, it was fun being out in public with such a good-looking woman.

Eventually, though, we arrived back at the hotel, and having at least a few manners, I held open the door for my lovely lady to enter.

We had the elevator to ourselves, and just as I was about to ask whose room we would be retiring to, Ellen hit the button for her floor. Now that we were in private, I turned to her and we kissed. I only had one hand to put around her, having the leftovers box in the other, but I pulled her in as tight as possible with the one I had available.

Shortly, the doors to the elevator opened, revealing an elderly couple. Instead of being embarrassed at having caught us snogging in the lift, they both gave us huge grins. If anyone was embarrassed in the least, it was Ellen and me. I wasn't sure about Ellen, but I felt like we'd just been caught feeling each other up in the hall closet by my parents.