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We quickly ducked past the couple. As they entered the elevator and we hurried toward Ellen's room, I heard the lady start to say to her husband, "That reminds me of the time we..." before we were out of earshot.

Safely behind closed doors once more, Ellen and I looked at one another for a brief moment, then burst out laughing.

"You're a bad influence, you are," Ellen finally said.

"Me? I'm a pillar of virtue," I shot back, mock haughtiness in my voice.

Ellen sidled up to me and put her arms around my waist. "If you're a pillar of virtue, then we're all headed down the pipes."

"Well, I'm a pillar of something, I'm pretty sure," I put down the pizza box and rested my hands on Ellen's round ass cheeks.

"That, I'll give you," she laughed, then added, "Where would you care for this to go now?"

I answered, "I know where I want to take this, but at the moment, I'm still a little bogged down by dinner."

"Me, too. Any ideas for the moment, then?"

It only took a second for me to ask, "Did you bring a razor?"

Ellen looked slightly confused. "I have one in the bath. What did you... Oh!"

An evil smile crossed my features. "Yes, indeed. Why don't you go get it?" As Ellen passed by me, I picked up the pizza box and tucked it into the room's small refrigerator.

I then started divesting myself of the outfit I was wearing. There was little need for propriety, and I certainly wasn't intending to wear my jacket for shaving. Before long, I was nude, my hard-on standing straight out from my body.

Ellen came back from the bathroom with a razor, shaving cream and a towel. She'd filled the complimentary ice bucket with hot water and went back to get it after she'd laid everything else on the bed.

"Where would you like me?" she asked, still completely clothed.

"Well, first, let's get you into something more comfortable, eh?" I said, using the well-worn phrase.

Ellen reached for the zipper on her dress, but was unable to get hold of it. I laughed as I took the tongue between my fingers and started it slowly down. "What would you have done if I wasn't here?"

Without missing a beat, Ellen said simply, "I guess I'd have had to find a total stranger to help me."

I laughed even harder. For some reason, I had a hard time seeing Ellen stepping out into the hallway and asking a passerby, "Hello, could you unzip me, please?"

Nevertheless, it was a moot point, because I was there, and just itching to get her out of her dress, as good as she looked in it. Soon, it puddled around her feet, and she stepped out of it, wearing nothing but her shoes and bra. Holy fuck, she looked incredible! She then turned and offered her bra strap to me. "I may as well join you, don't you think?" I knew what she meant, and agreed wholeheartedly. I unhooked her and let her remove the final garment. She started to take off her shoes, but I stopped her.

"Leave them on, at least for now." I've never been sure about a couple things: why a woman looks so fucking incredible wearing nothing but a man's shirt and why women look so damn hot in sexy shoes and nothing else. As far as I knew, there was nothing to compare going the other direction. Then again, men tend to be more visual than women, so maybe that was the whole thing: gender perspective. Regardless, Ellen looked sexy as hell in the shoes she'd brought to wear with the dress, minus the dress. I loved that she was going with whatever I seemed to want. I couldn't remember the last time a woman had been so compliant with me. Again, I wondered if Ellen was so amenable when she was in her natural setting, but I didn't dwell on it.

After standing and admiring her nude-but-for-shoes form for a bit, I reached for the shaving implements. "You ready?"

She shifted her weight back and forth a little in uncertainty, then said, "Okay," and sat on the edge of the bed. While Ellen watched, I placed the ice bucket with the warm water on the floor and started shaking the shaving cream can.

Ellen still looked a little nervous about letting me take a razor to her most private parts, but she wasn't backing out. Before I laid her back on the bed, I leaned in and flicked my tongue over a taut nipple, making Ellen shiver. I then looked up at her from my kneeling position and gave her a nod to lay down.

With her back on the bed and her legs dangling over the edge, Ellen's pussy was on very obvious display. From my vantage point, about all I could see was her luscious, full-lipped slit, with her breasts a ways above. It was a hell of a fantastic landscape, and it'd even be better once I did what I intended to.

First, I dipped my hand in the water she'd brought out. It was cooling quickly, but it'd do just fine for what we were up to. I then rubbed my warm, wet hand over the hair between Ellen's legs. Once that was done, I sprayed some of the shaving soap in my hand, then spread it over the dark curls. I heard a quiet giggle as Ellen felt the luxurious foam cover her most private parts.

I wished I had a camera to record this event, but I wasn't sure evidence was the best thing to have, as much fun as it'd have been. As full as her bush was, it took some time to clean things up entirely, but the toughest pubic hair is no match for modern razor technology, and it succumbed, albeit stubbornly.

When I finished with her mound and what I could reach with her legs dangling over the side of the bed, I urged her to lift her legs to give better access to the rest of her. She needed a little help, but shortly, Ellen's legs were spread wantonly, giving me perfect access to finish the job at hand, not to mention one hell of a sexy view.

I was careful with the razor around the sensitive lips of Ellen's pussy. A nick would certainly put a damper on the festivities, so I didn't go too fast or try to take too much at once.

After a while, I put the finishing touches on the work of art before me, trimming up the few strays around her butt, and with a wipe of the towel to remove any remaining soap, we were done.

Now, as I've stated: I'm a pussy hound from the word go, and clean-shaven or au naturel doesn't really matter to me. However, once in a while, I find it's fun to have a slit where nothing's left to the imagination. Before I helped Ellen back to a sitting position, I leaned forward and placed a kiss on her bare lips, thrilling in how soft they were. I then moved the water out of the way and stood, holding a hand out to help her sit up.

She was smiling, which was a good sign. "It feels strange," she said, spreading her legs and looking down at her newly-bare privates. "I don't remember the last time I was naked down here."

I started to clean up. "Well, let me tell you, I think it looks perfectly fabulous. I'll bet it'll be more sensitive this way. It'll be fun finding out, that's for sure."

When I picked up the ice bucket with the water in it, I showed Ellen how much hair was floating there. She laughed, "I certainly won't be using that ice bin for anything further."

Laughing with her, I took the bucket, emptied the contents into the commode, then rinsed it in the tub. After that, I put it outside the door where housekeeping could pick it up and hopefully wash it before putting it back into service. I hung the towel and put everything away. When I emerged from the bathroom, Ellen was standing in front of the full-length mirror, looking at her new self.

"I'm bare as a baby's bum now, aren't I?" she said, not taking her gaze from the mirror.

Walking over and wrapping my arms around her nude body, I told her, "I don't know about that, but it looks pretty damn good to me. Of course, I liked it awful well the other way, too."

Ellen smiled and leaned her head back on my shoulder. "It'll probably itch like mad when the hair starts coming back."

"Well, then, you'll just have to keep it shaved smooth, won't you?"

She didn't move as she laughed, "I suppose I will." Ellen then spun around in my embrace, her arms wrapping around me. "I'd like to give it a test run, if you don't mind."

I smiled, then leaned down to kiss her. "You read my mind."

Not letting Ellen sit or lay on the bed, I slowly began kissing my way down her body, making sure to pay particular attention to her aroused nipples. She purred as my lips briefly closed over each one, giving a gentle suck and flick of the tongue, before moving on. A giggle escaped her throat when I stuck my tongue in her bellybutton, but it transformed to a low moan when I left there, to start my way lower.

I spent extra time tracing with my lips and tongue the faintly evident line where her pubic hair used to be. From the sounds Ellen made, the skin was more sensitive without the hair in the way. Of course, if she liked this, she'd love when I got lower yet...

I took my time, slowly licking lower and lower, getting closer to her slit. The closer I came, the louder Ellen moaned. When I reached the crease of her pussy proper, she spread her legs to allow me access. Even from this vantage point, I could see her lips were swollen and open. The scent was unmistakeable and aroused me no end. My cock had been in a state of half-hardness the whole time I'd been shaving her, and was slowly waking up further, the closer I got to her pussy. Now, with the odor of Ellen's heated sex filling my head, I was fully stiff in no time.

While it isn't the ideal position to eat pussy - don't let the porn folks fool you, the angle's all wrong - I know from experience that there's a psychological thrill, seeing a person willing to go to their knees before you, with the intention of giving you pleasure with their mouth. I deliberately looked up Ellen's body into her down-turned eyes as I extended my tongue and placed it against her bare, swollen clit.

I almost immediately wrapped my arms around her thighs, because I could feel her body start to move as if her knees were buckling. Last thing I wanted right at that point was for Ellen to collapse. I held her up as I buried my face deeper into her newly-bare pussy. There was the slight taste of the shaving soap lingering on her skin, but the closer I got to her pussy hole, the wetter things got, and the more I tasted pussy, instead of shaving cream residue.

After a few minutes like this, Ellen managed to find the wherewithal to pant, "Elton, I need to get off my feet." My neck was starting to ache, too, so laying her down or letting her get on all fours on the bed sounded like a great idea.

Carefully, I let go of Ellen's legs, then stood. She wavered a moment, but finally staggered toward the bed, where she nearly tumbled face down on the comforter.

Well, it certainly wasn't a graceful landing, but it alleviated the possibility of Ellen's toppling over and hurting herself, so I grabbed her hips and pulled them up, placing her pussy and ass on full display. She wearily got to her knees, her face still buried in the bed covers.

Now, while I'd enjoyed the view from every angle I'd seen so far, I really liked this one. Then again, as I've stated once or twice already, I just love pussy, and the view from behind is probably my favorite. Not only do you get the optimum view of the slit, but it's almost impossible not to have an uninhibited view of the asshole as well.

I stood and admired for awhile. Ellen was no doubt feeling extremely exposed in such a position, but she didn't make any effort to move. She was apparently giving me free rein to do what I wanted, and I'd read enough stories online to get a hint of what she might be anticipating.

My cock was now rock hard. Ellen's arousal was obvious from the sheen of juice that glistened around her lips. I probably could have just gotten in behind her and pushed all the way in, but I wanted to play. We weren't going to have much more time together, so it was probably going to be a good idea to get as much in as we could.

Reaching out toward Ellen's upturned, exposed ass, I gently ran a finger down one cheek and along the back of her thigh. I wasn't touching anything overtly sexual, but Ellen purred gently, then wiggled her bottom at me, inviting whatever I wished to do. Spreading my fingers this time, I tickled my way down the opposite cheek, eliciting another satisfied purr.

Having established at least a little interest in having her ass played with, I next centered my hand and made sure at least two fingers brushed her perfect asshole, before slipping to either side of her aroused pussy. I was rewarded with a hiss and a moan as I caressed her most sensitive areas.

I then just started running my fingers over her ass in no particular pattern, taking no care to avoid the particularly sensitive spots. No, I made sure my feather touches swept over Ellen's pussy and butthole as often as possible.

And then, after teasing her skin so much, I flattened one hand and slapped it against her ass.

The purrs and moans I'd been getting suddenly stopped. I laid no more swats to Ellen's lovely butt, waiting for some kind of reaction. I figured she was trying to work out in her mind whether she liked being spanked or not. Like me, I figured it'd been a long, long time since someone had spanked her, so it was taking some time deciding whether this was a turn-on or not.

I received my answer when I heard, "Again."

I hesitated a little, not exactly sure I'd heard, but it finally sank in, so I reached back and landed another swat to Ellen's pretty backside.

For a few seconds, I waited to find out if she actually wanted more, or just the one shot to her butt, until she said, in that erotic accent of hers, "What're you waiting for, man? Spank me!"

I had no idea how arousing a spanking could be. No one I'd been with before had wanted me to spank their ass, so I had no idea the affect it'd have on me. Before too long, Ellen's butt was a nice shade of pink, and I could feel the heat rising off her skin. Trouble was, what her ass must have been feeling, my hand was feeling, too. I wasn't going to be able to continue much longer, the way my hand was burning, but I didn't know whether that'd be a problem. Regardless, my cock was literally dripping at the treatment I was giving Ellen. Well, that and the moans and cries she was giving me were pretty fucking arousing, too.

Just as I was about to stop, I had an idea. Ellen's pussy glistened with her juices. Apparently, she really liked being spanked. Probably at least as much as my drooling cock said it liked her getting spanked, anyway. Instead of landing the next blow on Ellen's ass cheek, I moved my hand and brought it down against her wet cunt.

Then I waited again as Ellen's back arched and a huge gasp escaped her lips. It only took a couple seconds for her to groan out, "Fuck, yes," which was all the encouragement I needed.

I'd never given a pussy spanking before, for reasons similar to why I'd never spanked a woman's butt. Still, as much as we both seemed to like the butt spanking, we appeared to enjoy the pussy spanking more.

Before too long, my hand was soaked and the room was filled with the scent of Ellen's aroused pussy. Her cunt and asshole were shining with wetness, and I think it might have added just a bit more sting to the carefully placed swats I landed on her slit.

Finally, I couldn't stand it any more. I was surprised Ellen had hung on so long. Whether or not she'd orgasmed, I wasn't sure, but she was really turned on, that was for damn certain.

Anyway, I stopped swatting Ellen's sopping pussy, got up behind her on the bed, placed my hands on her hips and pushed forward until I felt the wetness of her crotch in my pubic hair.

My hard-on splitting her aroused, abused cunt pushed Ellen over the edge. While I hadn't been sure if she'd orgasmed previously, there was no doubt this time. Her pussy clenched around my stiff cock and her hips quivered as she let out a shriek of pleasure. I was a little surprised we didn't get a phone call from the front desk with complaints about the noise, but either no one was around us, or they were too busy stroking or rubbing themselves to lodge a protest.

It didn't really matter, though, because I was exactly where I wanted to be right at that moment. Ellen's juices dripped down my balls, she was so wet. We'd be a mess when this was all over, but isn't that one of those things that makes sex fun? I was certainly having a ball, and I was pretty sure my Scottish partner had no complaints.

While I hated the thought of pulling out of Ellen's cunt, I had a feeling the submissive side she was letting out would like my next idea.

Though it took a lot of willpower, I slid my cock completely free of Ellen's amazing pussy, which elicited a not-unexpected yelp of protest. Nevertheless, I quickly shuffled my way to her face where I ordered, "Lick your cunt off my cock. And don't forget my balls, either."

Ellen looked up at me, then at my slippery cock, and without a word extended her tongue and began lapping up her pussy essence from me.

She purred as she cleaned herself off my genitals. I moaned at the sight, sound and feel of what she was doing to me. If this was what being a dominant could entail, I was all for it. However, I was pretty sure there'd be a drawback somewhere. It'd probably lay somewhere around that multiple orgasm comment I'd made earlier.

Ellen certainly didn't seem to mind the flavor of her pussy, the way she went at her ordered task. Watching, feeling, and knowing she was willingly doing this at my command was erotic as fuck. All this arousal was getting me to the point where I thought I'd be able to cum again, since I'd done so once already.

Nevertheless, everything Ellen was doing to me felt truly spectacular, and making the possibility of another cum load within the reach of possibility.

Eventually, Ellen's face shone with pussy juice and saliva. She appeared to be in heaven. She looked absolutely gorgeous to me, that was for sure.

"More?" I asked when she backed away from my hard-on and gazed up imploringly at me.

"Mm hmm," she replied, licking herself from her lips.

To be perfectly honest, the main thing I wanted was to get my cock back in her pussy again. Whether she cleaned me off or not, whether I came again or not, I just wanted to experience as much of Ellen's body as I possibly could.

For a moment, I considered slipping my cock into Ellen's gorgeous asshole, but I wasn't sure how she'd feel about that, submissive or not, so I figured I'd let her bring the subject up. As thick and flowing as her pussy juices were presently, they're still not the ideal lube for butt fucking, from what I've read. So, I certainly wasn't going to screw up everything that'd happened between us the past couple days over one hole, when there was still plenty of fun to be had with the two I'd experienced already.

And there were her spectacular tits, too. It'd been ages since I'd fucked a set of breasts like Ellen's, so I thought I should put that on the list for before we had to part ways.

As much as I liked fucking doggy style, I wanted to see Ellen's face, as well as getting to watch her beautiful, full, round breasts jiggle.

"I want you on top," I told her breathily. "I want to watch you as I fuck you."

"Yes, Sir," Ellen responded, a sound I'd never expected or even desired to hear from a woman's throat. From the twitch I felt in my already aroused nether regions, though, I liked it.

I waited for Ellen to move so I could stretch out on the bed, enjoying watching her extremely sexy, extremely horny body move to obey.

When I got in place, Ellen lifted a leg to straddle me, and I felt my cock twitch yet again when I saw and felt a drop of her arousal fall from her pussy to my skin.

I couldn't remember ever seeing a woman so aroused that her pussy literally dripped, so this was another one for the "firsts" catalog. It seemed I was having a lot of them with Ellen. Nevertheless, the main thing I wanted was to feel her warm, wet pussy clutching my hard cock again.