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And she wasted no time getting me inside her, either. With one smooth motion, she sat right down on me, impaling herself expertly without fumbling.

Once she was settled, I told her, "And don't feel like you need to rush. I don't have anywhere to be until nine tomorrow morning." I knew there was no way we'd be able to fuck for nearly twelve hours, but the impetus to try was certainly there. I had no intention of going back to my room till I needed to change for the next day's seminar. I wasn't sure about Ellen, but I could hear the clock ticking in the back of my mind as I figured we had one more evening together before we'd have to go back where we came from. I wasn't sure I'd be able to get this woman out of my head. I'm not a one-night-stand kind of guy, so it was kind of remarkable I'd started this in the first place. We'd just have to see how it worked out.

Ellen grinned at the implication of what I'd said. She'd come on this training trip in the hope of having an adventure, and she was having one. That it was lasting through her entire stay was probably something she'd never imagined. I know I hadn't. I was just trying to be nice and save a stranger a long wait at a restaurant. I'd never guessed it'd turn out like this.

I was sure glad it had, though.

"You mean you want to fuck me all night long?" Ellen asked, rocking her hips slightly back and forth. It may have been my imagination, but it seemed like, with her pubic hair gone, that my cock went up into her just a little deeper.

I took her hips in my hands, loving the feel of her curves. "I sure want to try," I told her. I almost added a comment about how much time we had left, but decided against it. If it was in the back of my mind, Ellen had to be thinking about it, too. Besides, there was no need in adding that negative element to an evening that so far had been charged with such positive energy.

"Good. I feel the same way. I never want this to end." Ellen still hadn't started moving her body any more than necessary, but I felt a gentle grip and release on my cock as she sat on me.

"You think I do?" I asked. "If you think I predicted this is how my invitation the other night was going to turn out, you'd be wrong. To tell the truth, I never expected you to take me up on the offer in the first place."

"Would you like to know a secret? Up until I heard the words come out of my mouth, I had no intention of dining with you, either."

She rocked a little after that. "I'm glad I did, though."

I ran my hands up and down her sides, loving the soft, feminine curves they traversed. "I'm glad you did, too. Hell, I'm glad I came up with the nerve to ask in the first place."

"So am I," Ellen said quietly. I think she was thinking, like me, of what little time we had left.

I slid my hands up further then pulled her down on top of me. If I slipped out of her, that was okay. The mood had changed, anyway. The saying is: "Long distance relationships never work," and it'd be hard to set up a a much longer distance relationship than this one. Still, we had one more night together before it was over.

Ellen's soft, lovely body pressed against mine, and I just let her put her weight on me. I could take it, and besides, I wanted her as close as I could get her.

Somewhere along the line, we fell asleep. Ellen rolled off me and snuggled in close and I put an arm around her. It's how we found ourselves when we woke, with the light still shining on the nightstand and just a sliver of daylight showing through the split in the curtains.

It felt great to wake up with someone else for a change, especially someone as lovely as the person I woke with that morning. She looked utterly charming with her sleepy eyes and tousled hair. I probably looked about the same. I'm not much of a morning person, so I don't often feel too chipper first thing after waking up.

"How you doing?" I asked as I ran my fingers through Ellen's hair.

"Brilliant," she replied with great satisfaction in her voice. She then leaned toward me for a kiss, which I happily came over to receive.

We were in the midst of a truly satisfying good morning kiss when Ellen suddenly pulled away and sat up.

“"Bloody hell!" she exclaimed.

"What?" I propped myself up and tried to see what she was looking at.

"It's eight twenty-two. My next session begins at eight thirty!" She then leapt out of bed and started frantically throwing on clothes. I had a little over a half hour - and I'm a guy - so I wasn't too concerned with getting where I needed to be on time.

I got out of bed and stopped Ellen's mad dash. "You're going to be late. Won't be the first time, probably not the last, either. Slow down. You're gonna just make yourself nuts if you go on like this. You aren't going to miss that much."

Ellen had managed a bra and top and was running around the room bottomless. I took the panties she held and said, "You won't need these," tossing them behind me on the bed. Ellen's eyes were still a little crazed, but she was coming around to my way of thinking. She almost said something about the underwear, but stopped herself, finally saying, "Yes, Sir," to me again. Wow. I was beginning to like that. I bet myself that if I told her to skip her training and stay with me and fuck all day, she'd have done it. It was sure as hell what I'd have rather done.


I rummaged around in her drawer and pulled out a pair of jeans. "Put these on," I told her. I then went to the hanging stuff and chose a different top. There was nothing wrong with what she had on, but I had a feeling she'd like my telling her what to wear.

Ellen looked at me briefly for a moment, then silently pulled off the top she'd chosen and started to change into the one I offered. She then put on the jeans I'd picked out, and waited. It took a moment for me to realize what she was waiting for. I went to where she'd put the shoes she'd brought and looked them over. None of them did much for me, so I looked around for the ones she'd worn when we went out the night before. I couldn't remember Ellen taking them off, but it wasn't like I'd been concentrating on such things.

While Ellen got her shoes on, I looked at the clock and mentally said, "Fuck it." I began to get dressed in the same outfit I'd worn the day before. If anybody at the seminar noticed, they could make whatever assumption they wanted. If they came to the conclusion that I'd spent the night with a gorgeous woman and hadn't had time to change, then by god, they could help themselves to anything on the top shelf.

Ellen started out of the room after she had her shoes on, but I told her to wait. "I'm coming with you. We can share a ride to our respective conferences."

She glanced at the clock nervously. "Aren't you going to change? Shower even?"

I said simply, "You're not. If you can go without a shower, so can I. Besides, between our activities last night, no shower and no panties, I'm sure there'll be quite a fragrance when we meet again."

Ellen blushed. "I would imagine so. I hope you'll be able to stand it."

I laughed as I finished tying my last shoelace. "I just hope the people around you don't notice."

A horrified look flashed across Ellen's face.

Again I laughed. "Don't worry. It'll be fine." I then straightened. "You ready?"

We caught a cab. Ellen was about thirty minutes late for her training, I was about five for mine. At that point, I didn't really care anymore. The only thing I could think of was that the next day, Ellen and I would part, possibly forever. I got some shit from a couple of the guys I'd gotten to know at previous seminars, and I knew if I asked them for notes that they'd send me copies of what was talked about, because I sure as hell wasn't paying much attention. I was present, but that was all that could be said. During breaks, the other guys wanted details regarding what was going on between Ellen and me, but I've never been much into locker room talk. Especially not about this.

I managed to make it through the day, and the guys didn't even ask if I wanted to go for drinks with them after. I'm sure the vibe I was letting off said that I'd fallen big for this woman and was having a really bad time with the idea of us parting. The most I got were a few "Good lucks" and "Hang in theres" but nothing much more than that. The one plus was that I didn't have to catch a late plane out after the last session. If it had finished earlier in the afternoon, I'd probably have been expected to ship out same day, but fortunately it was a full day. So was Ellen's, so she got to wait until morning to leave, too.

I made it back to the hotel as quickly as I could. Ellen was waiting for me in the lobby again. She still looked spectacular, though I could tell she'd been brooding too. We slammed together like I was being greeted back from The War.

After a prolonged kiss, all we could say for a minute or so was, "Hi." There was no need to discuss how our days had gone. It was pretty obvious that all we could think about was each other and the fact that we'd soon be going our separate ways.

Finally we parted but didn't let the other go. Ellen then asked, "I know what I want to do, but would you care to eat before we begin?"

Ignoring the people around us, I caressed Ellen's face. "At the risk of sounding crude, especially given the present tone of the proceedings, I'd like to say 'Scottish pussy,' but it'd probably be a good idea to find something resembling real food."

Ellen perked up then. "Good. Let's go."

She took my hand and led me back out of the hotel where we again caught a cab. Ellen gave the cabbie an address and we started off. It didn't really take long to reach our destination: an Indian restaurant. Now, I love Indian food, but I gave Ellen a look when we arrived.

"If there's one thing we in the UK know, it's curry. I've been passing this place on the way back from my training the last three days and I wanted to try it."

"Absolutely," I agreed. "Let's go."

It actually seems ludicrous to even mention this meal, because I barely remember the food. My concentration was on the lady sitting at the table across from me. Ellen seemed a bit preoccupied, too, because while we didn't speak much, the looks we gave each other spoke volumes. We made our way back to the hotel, where I suggested we get ourselves packed for our returns home. This was the first real reminder that we'd be leaving one another soon. It did put a rather somber note to an already subdued evening.

Ellen accompanied me to my room, where I basically threw most of my stuff into a suitcase, figuring I'd deal with it when I got home. I hadn't brought a lot. I seldom do on these trips, so it didn't take a lot of time to get all my junk ready to go.

When I had everything gathered, I handed Ellen my laptop and suggested we head to her room.

I tossed my bags in a corner when we reached Ellen's room, then said, "You want some help?"

Ellen wouldn't look at me, but replied, "I suppose so."

Stepping up to her, I lifted her face so I could look into her pretty eyes. "I know how you feel. It seems like the night before an execution or something. It might sound kind of dumb, but I've really gotten attached to you in the last few days. I know that isn't a long time, and a lot of what we've been doing is having sex, but I can't help how I think I feel about you.

"I just don't know what to do about it."

"Me, either," Ellen admitted. "I mean, it's thousands of miles and a whole ocean."

"Y'know what?" I said, "let's try not to dwell on it right now and make the most of the time we have left, okay? As you can see, I'm not planning to go back to my room at all, and since my plane doesn't leave for a couple hours after yours, I'd love to see you off in the morning."

"Okay," she replied quietly. "I'd like that.

"However, maybe a shower would be the best idea right now. Remember, I didn't get to clean up after our play last evening. I'm probably pretty strong by now."

"How about this," I bargained, "let's wait and see. If I get down there and think the odor's too overpowering, then we can think about showering. How's that?"

Ellen seemed embarrassed that I'd want to smell her pussy after having sex about twenty-four hours earlier and not having cleaned up since. I didn't really care. I had an idea the affect it'd have on me, and I could hardly wait. Still, I knew how to get her in the mood to play...

"Get on your knees, girl," I ordered in a tone that brooked no resistance. "Get my cock out and put it in your mouth."

At hearing my command, Ellen smiled, then promptly obeyed. "Yes, Sir," she said submissively as she sank to her knees before me. I didn't help her get my pants open, preferring to let her do the work. Besides, she wasn't the only one who hadn't cleaned up after our fun last night. I could smell myself when I went to the bathroom all day, and I was pretty sure the guys at the urinals either side of me could smell it, too.

When Ellen finally got my pants open, that odor wafted up and out. Instead of making any kind of negative comment about the smell of my day old fuck covered cock, Ellen leaned forward, buried her face in my crotch and inhaled deeply.

It must have really turned her on, because when she finally backed away from her intense sampling of my musky genitals, she smiled up at me with a horny glint in her eye, then opened wide and plunged her head down onto my cock.

Now, I wasn't hard yet, so it was pretty simple for Ellen to take me completely into her mouth, till her nose bumped into my belly. While she waited for my cock to stiffen, she breathed in more of my crotch.

I started to get hard almost immediately. What man wouldn't, getting head from a good looking, enthusiastic fellatrix? Ellen just kept her face as close to my body as she could, until she could no longer take more down her throat as I grew. When she finally pulled herself off me, I was surprised at how big I was and how much Ellen had taken. That knowledge just got me hard the rest of the way.

"Good girl," I panted, and Ellen just beamed. "I take it you don't find the odor offensive?"

"Not at all," she replied, her hand caressing my hard-on and hanging balls. "It's fabulously arousing, if you hadn't noticed."

I laughed, the feeling of her hands on me as incredible as ever. "Yes, I had noticed. I have a feeling the reaction's going to be about the same when I smell you."

Even through her arousal, Ellen blushed. She was still self-conscious about that, but I wasn't worried. I had a feeling that I'd get just as turned on with her fragrance as she'd gotten with mine.

Ellen didn't answer me, but her sheepish grin told me she looked forward to my getting up close and personal with her pussy again, even with her concerns. Instead, she said, "Would you like more, Sir?"

I smiled down at her, petting her hair. "You bet."

She gave me a grin, then leaned forward, but instead of taking my cock again, she bent down, holding my erection out of the way, and closed her lips over my balls.

I won't say I've never had a woman take my testicles in her mouth, but I certainly hadn't had one who went at them with as much energy as Ellen did. And while she did an incredible job with her mouth, her hand slowly caressed up and down my hard-on.

My god, I loved what this woman did to me. She alternated from soft and easy on my balls, to pulling on them with as much suction as she could muster. At one point, she even managed to get both in her mouth at once! When she wasn't applying suction, her tongue was doing its thing, flickering all over them, then lapping up the sides, partway up my shaft before going back down again.

After unfortunately too short a time, my balls retracted up till they weren't quite as fun to play with. At least, that was my assumption, because Ellen left them and moved the hand that had been on my cock down to my balls, then she brought her mouth up once more to my hard-on. She didn't close her mouth over me right away, though. Instead, she continued like she had with my balls, just lapping and tonguing her way around until I was going completely bonkers. When she slipped her hand from my balls and started tickling my ass crack, I had to stop her. It wasn't because it didn't feel good or I thought having her play back there was gay, but because I thought with as intense a feeling as her finger playing with my ass was, I was afraid I'd cum and put myself out of action too quickly.

Ellen looked disappointed when I urged her off my cock and to her feet, but she obeyed and soon stood before me, patiently waiting for me to make my next move or request.

First, I got myself undressed, since Ellen had only been told to get my cock out and suck it, not to get me naked. Once I was unclothed, I reached out and began getting her out of what she wore.

Like I'd done, Ellen just let me strip her as naked as I wanted her. I knew there were no panties on her, I'd made sure of that, unless she'd gone out and bought some somewhere during the day, but I doubted it. Sure enough, when I opened her jeans, I was met only with the smooth curve of her tummy, right down to her clean shaven pussy. That she'd allowed me to do that still blew my mind.

It was necessary to get her out of her sexy shoes to remove the jeans, but that was okay. I didn't really need extra stimulation to be turned on by the sexy body before me.

Before too long, Ellen was just as naked as I was. As with the other times I'd seen her bare body, she looked spectacular. Ellen, as always, didn't seem overly confident of how she looked, judging from her posture, but I ignored that and simply began touching.

Ellen just stood and let me do what I wanted. Her eyes closed and a blissful look came over her face as I caressed her, paying particular attention to her lovely breasts before I started working my way lower.

When I slapped her nipples, her eyes flew open and a gasp escaped her lips, but she gave no further reaction. I started using both hands then, slapping just her nipples, then progressing to her whole breast. Ellen simply stood and took it, an occasional grunt or moan the only sound she made, her only movement a slight gyration of the hips with a knotting of the brow as she worked to assimilate the intense sensation she was receiving.

Then, without a warning, I stopped, leaned over and took one of her nipples between my lips and flicked my tongue over the tip.

Ellen gasped at the change in tactic, and I smiled to myself as I switched back and forth from one nipple to the other.

"I want to fuck these before this is done," I told her before I resumed sucking and licking her beautiful tit.

"Yes, Sir," Ellen panted. "Please, Sir."

"Please, what?" I lifted my lips from her long enough to say, then moved a hand to her smooth pussy, sliding a finger through her slit.

"Ahh, God," she groaned. "Please, whatever you want. Fuck me, cum on me, fuck my tits, my cunt, my arse. I don't fucking care. Use me, please."

My cock throbbed when I heard Ellen beg like that. In that one desperate statement, I was given permission to do anything I liked sexually to this lovely Scottish girl. After a plea like that, it really made me regret we'd be heading in opposite directions in roughly twelve more hours.

Ellen's pussy was sopping. I continued sucking her nipples and slipped two fingers inside her while I did so. I paid close attention to her rising orgasm, and just as she appeared to be closing in on her peak, I stopped everything.

Hell, I think she almost came from the fact that I stopped, because she whimpered a small protest, but a moment later, she looked on the verge of orgasm. When she finally opened her eyes... my God, was she horny. She just stared at me for several seconds, her breath ragged. When she finally found a voice, she gasped, "Never before has a man treated me so. Good god, how I love it."